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Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience

Published By Elsevier

  • Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience: 2023, vol: 64, issue:
  • 1)- Brendan D Ostlund, Brittany R Alperin, Trafton Drew, Sarah L Karalunas. Corrigendum to "Behavioral and cognitive correlates of the aperiodic (1/f-like) exponent of the EEG power spectrum in adolescents with and without ADHD" [Dev. Cogn. Neurosci. 48C (2021) 100931]. Developmental cognitive neuroscience. 2023, 64: 101273
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  • 2)- Melis Çetinçelik, Caroline F Rowland, Tineke M Snijders. Ten-month-old infants' neural tracking of naturalistic speech is not facilitated by the speaker's eye gaze. Developmental cognitive neuroscience. 2023, 64: 101297
    Cited : 2
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  • 3)- Catalina Suarez-Rivera, Nicole Pinheiro-Mehta, Catherine S Tamis-LeMonda. Within arms reach: Physical proximity shapes mother-infant language exchanges in real-time. Developmental cognitive neuroscience. 2023, 64: 101298
    Cited : 3
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  • 4)- Jessica Bradshaw, Xiaoxue Fu, Julia Yurkovic-Harding, Drew Abney. Infant embodied attention in context: Feasibility of home-based head-mounted eye tracking in early infancy. Developmental cognitive neuroscience. 2023, 64: 101299
    Cited : 1
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  • 5)- Holly Sullivan-Toole, Katie R Jobson, Linda J Hoffman, Lindsey C Stewart, Ingrid R Olson, Thomas M Olino. Adolescents at risk for depression show increased white matter microstructure with age across diffuse areas of the brain. Developmental cognitive neuroscience. 2023, 64: 101307
    Cited : 1
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  • 6)- Andrea Díaz-Barriga Yáñez, Léa Longo, Hanna Chesnokova, Céline Poletti, Catherine Thevenot, Jérôme Prado. Neural evidence for procedural automatization during cognitive development: Intraparietal response to changes in very-small addition problem-size increases with age. Developmental cognitive neuroscience. 2023, 64: 101310
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  • 7)- Monica Luciana, Deanna Barch, Megan M Herting. Adolescent brain cognitive development study: Longitudinal methods, developmental findings, and associations with environmental risk factors. Developmental cognitive neuroscience. 2023, 64: 101311
    Cited : 3
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  • 8)- Qin Yin, Elizabeth L Johnson, Noa Ofen. Neurophysiological mechanisms of cognition in the developing brain: Insights from intracranial EEG studies. Developmental cognitive neuroscience. 2023, 64: 101312
    Cited : 1
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  • 9)- Trinh Nguyen, Susanne Reisner, Anja Lueger, Samuel V Wass, Stefanie Hoehl, Gabriela Markova. Sing to me, baby: Infants show neural tracking and rhythmic movements to live and dynamic maternal singing. Developmental cognitive neuroscience. 2023, 64: 101313
    Cited : 3
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  • 10)- Yoonmi Hong, Emil Cornea, Jessica B Girault, Maria Bagonis, Mark Foster, Sun Hyung Kim, Juan Carlos Prieto, Haitao Chen, Wei Gao, Martin A Styner, John H Gilmore. Structural and functional connectome relationships in early childhood. Developmental cognitive neuroscience. 2023, 64: 101314
    Cited : 2
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  • 11)- Moritz Köster, Alicja Brzozowska, Anna Bánki, Markus Tünte, Emma Kate Ward, Stefanie Hoehl. Rhythmic visual stimulation as a window into early brain development: A systematic review. Developmental cognitive neuroscience. 2023, 64: 101315
    Cited : 3
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  • 12)- Cleanthis Michael, Scott Tillem, Chandra S Sripada, S Alexandra Burt, Kelly L Klump, Luke W Hyde. Neighborhood poverty during childhood prospectively predicts adolescent functional brain network architecture. Developmental cognitive neuroscience. 2023, 64: 101316
    Cited : 4
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  • 13)- Katharina S Rufener, Tino Zaehle, Kerstin Krauel. Combined multi-session transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS) and language skills training improves individual gamma band activity and literacy skills in developmental dyslexia. Developmental cognitive neuroscience. 2023, 64: 101317
    Cited : 2
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  • 14)- Jacey Anderson, Vince D Calhoun, Godfrey D Pearlson, Keith A Hawkins, Michael C Stevens. Age-related, multivariate associations between white matter microstructure and behavioral performance in three executive function domains. Developmental cognitive neuroscience. 2023, 64: 101318
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  • 15)- Amanda Peters, Selin Zeytinoglu, Esther M Leerkes, Elif Isbell. Component-specific developmental trajectories of ERP indices of cognitive control in early childhood. Developmental cognitive neuroscience. 2023, 64: 101319
    Cited : 1
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  • 16)- Leehyun Yoon, Kate E Keenan, Alison E Hipwell, Erika E Forbes, Amanda E Guyer. Hooked on a thought: Associations between rumination and neural responses to social rejection in adolescent girls. Developmental cognitive neuroscience. 2023, 64: 101320
    Cited : 1
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  • 17)- Mattia I Gerin, Essi Viding, Ryan J Herringa, Justin D Russell, Eamon J McCrory. A systematic review of childhood maltreatment and resting state functional connectivity. Developmental cognitive neuroscience. 2023, 64: 101322
    Cited : 1
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  • 18)- Vladislav Ayzenberg, Michael C Granovetter, Sophia Robert, Christina Patterson, Marlene Behrmann. Differential functional reorganization of ventral and dorsal visual pathways following childhood hemispherectomy. Developmental cognitive neuroscience. 2023, 64: 101323
    Cited : 3
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  • 19)- Plamina Dimanova, Réka Borbás, Nora Maria Raschle. From mother to child: How intergenerational transfer is reflected in similarity of corticolimbic brain structure and mental health. Developmental cognitive neuroscience. 2023, 64: 101324
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  • 20)- Lauren M Smith, Julia Yurkovic-Harding, Leslie J Carver. Multimodal pathways to joint attention in infants with a familial history of autism. Developmental cognitive neuroscience. 2023, 64: 101325
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  • 21)- Lanxin Ji, Youngwoo Bryan Yoon, Cassandra L Hendrix, Ellyn C Kennelly, Amyn Majbri, Tanya Bhatia, Alexis Taylor, Moriah E Thomason. Developmental coupling of brain iron and intrinsic activity in infants during the first 150 days. Developmental cognitive neuroscience. 2023, 64: 101326
    Cited : 0
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