Current Research in Toxicology: 2023, vol: 4, issue:
1)- Martin Gerhards, Alexander Böhme, Kristin Schubert, Bernhard Kodritsch, Nadin Ulrich. DNA adducts as link between and carcinogenicity - A case study with benzo[]pyrene.Current research in toxicology. 2023, 4: 100097
2)- Boma F Eddie-Amadi, Anthonet N Ezejiofor, Chinna N Orish, Orish E Orisakwe. Zn and Se abrogate heavy metal mixture induced ovarian and thyroid oxido-inflammatory effects mediated by activation of NRF2-HMOX-1 in female albino rats.Current research in toxicology. 2023, 4: 100098
3)- Daniel L Villeneuve, Michelle Le, Monique Hazemi, Adam Biales, David C Bencic, Kendra Bush, Robert Flick, John Martinson, Mackenzie Morshead, Kelvin Santana Rodriguez, Kelsey Vitense, Kevin Flynn. Pilot testing and optimization of a larval fathead minnow high throughput transcriptomics assay.Current research in toxicology. 2023, 4: 100099
6)- Masato Ooka, Shu Yang, Li Zhang, Kota Kojima, Ruili Huang, Kouji Hirota, Shunichi Takeda, Menghang Xia. Lestaurtinib induces DNA damage that is related to estrogen receptor activation.Current research in toxicology. 2023, 4: 100102
7)- Débora Odília Duarte Leite, Cicera Janaíne Camilo, José Walber Gonçalves Castro, Alexandro Rodrigues Dantas, Fabíola Fernandes Galvão Rodrigues, Pablo Antonio Maia de Farias, Edlane Martins de Andrade, Henrique Douglas Melo Coutinho, José Galberto Martins da Costa. Influence of methanolic extracts from seeds and pulp of L. on osmotic and morphological fragility in human erythrocytes.Current research in toxicology. 2023, 4: 100103
8)- Vagner Pereira da Silva, Lavínia de Carvalho Brito, André Mesquita Marques, Flávia da Cunha Camillo, Maria Raquel Figueiredo. Bioactive limonoids from seeds oil and the sustainable use of its by-products.Current research in toxicology. 2023, 4: 100104
9)- Julie M Hasken, Anna-Susan Marais, Marlene M de Vries, Wendy O Kalberg, David Buckley, Charles D H Parry, Soraya Seedat, Philip A May. Assessing the sensitivity and specificity of phosphatidylethanol (PEth) cutoffs to identify alcohol exposed pregnancies.Current research in toxicology. 2023, 4: 100105
10)- Tawhida Islam, Iffat Ara, Tariqul Islam, Pankaj Kumar Sah, Ray Silva de Almeida, Edinardo Fagner Ferreira Matias, Cícero Lucas Gomes Ramalho, Henrique Douglas M Coutinho, Muhammad Torequl Islam. Ethnobotanical uses and phytochemical, biological, and toxicological profiles of L.: A review.Current research in toxicology. 2023, 4: 100106
11)- Grace V Aquino, Amjad Dabi, Gabriel J Odom, Ramon Lavado, Kaitlin Nunn, Kathryn Thomas, Bennett Schackmuth, Nazeel Shariff, Manogna Jarajapu, Morgan Pluto, Sara R Miller, Leah Eller, Justin Pressley, Rishi R Patel, Jeffrey Black, Erica D Bruce. Evaluating the effect of acute diesel exhaust particle exposure on P-glycoprotein efflux transporter in the blood-brain barrier co-cultured with microglia.Current research in toxicology. 2023, 4: 100107