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  • JMIR Pediatrics and Parenting: 2023, vol: 6, issue:
  • 1)- Yalinie Kulandaivelu, Jill Hamilton, Ananya Banerjee, Anatoliy Gruzd, Barkha Patel, Jennifer Stinson. Social Media Interventions for Nutrition Education Among Adolescents: Scoping Review. JMIR pediatrics and parenting. 2023, 6: e36132
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  • 2)- Valerian Mwenda, Ireen Makena, Vincent Ogweno, James Obonyo, Vincent Were. The Effectiveness of Interactive Text Messaging and Structured Psychosocial Support Groups on Developmental Milestones of Children From Adolescent Pregnancies in Kenya: Quasi-Experimental Study. JMIR pediatrics and parenting. 2023, 6: e37359
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  • 3)- Truong An Bui, Cory Scott Rosenfelt, Kerri Hope Whitlock, Mickael Leclercq, Savannah Weber, Arnaud Droit, Sandra A Wiebe, Jacqueline Pei, Francois V Bolduc. Long-term Memory Testing in Children With Typical Development and Neurodevelopmental Disorders: Remote Web-based Image Task Feasibility Study. JMIR pediatrics and parenting. 2023, 6: e39720
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  • 4)- Reem El Sherif, Pierre Pluye, Virginie Paquet, Fidelia Ibekwe, Roland Grad. How People Use Web-Based Parenting Information to Support Others in Their Social Circle: Qualitative Descriptive Study. JMIR pediatrics and parenting. 2023, 6: e40043
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  • 5)- Antonia O'Connor, Andrew Tai, Malcolm Brinn, Amy Nguyen Thuc Hien Hoang, Daniele Cataldi, Kristin Carson-Chahhoud. Co-design of an Augmented Reality Asthma Inhaler Educational Intervention for Children: Development and Usability Study. JMIR pediatrics and parenting. 2023, 6: e40219
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  • 6)- Hanne Jensen Haricharan, Damian Hacking, Yan Kwan Lau, Marion Heap. Improving Knowledge About Pregnancy for Deaf South African Women of Reproductive Age Through a Text Messaging-Based Information Campaign: Mixed Methods Study. JMIR pediatrics and parenting. 2023, 6: e40561
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  • 7)- Katherine Babayan, Krista Keilty, Jessica Esufali, Francisco J Grajales Iii, . An After-Hours Virtual Care Service for Children With Medical Complexity and New Medical Technology: Mixed Methods Feasibility Study. JMIR pediatrics and parenting. 2023, 6: e41393
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  • 8)- Summer Joy Weber, Shelagh A Mulvaney, Anthony Faiola, Madeline Brown, Tatsuki Koyama, Lili Sun, Susanna Lynn Goggans, Pamela Carmen Hull. Commercially Available Mobile Apps With Family Behavioral Goal Setting and Tracking for Parents: Review and Quality Evaluation. JMIR pediatrics and parenting. 2023, 6: e41779
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  • 9)- Kaja Darien, Susan Lee, Kayla Knowles, Sarah Wood, Miriam D Langer, Nellie Lazar, Nadia Dowshen. Health Information From Web Search Engines and Virtual Assistants About Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis for HIV Prevention in Adolescents and Young Adults: Content Analysis. JMIR pediatrics and parenting. 2023, 6: e41806
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  • 10)- Joanne R Beames, Aliza Werner-Seidler, Michael Hodgins, Lyndsay Brown, Hiroko Fujimoto, Alexandra Bartholomew, Kate Maston, Kit Huckvale, Isabel Zbukvic, Michelle Torok, Helen Christensen, Philip J Batterham, Alison L Calear, Raghu Lingam, Katherine M Boydell. Implementing a Digital Depression Prevention Program in Australian Secondary Schools: Cross-Sectional Qualitative Study. JMIR pediatrics and parenting. 2023, 6: e42349
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  • 11)- Ainslie Claire Shouldice, Madison Beatty, Sherri Adams, Blossom Dharmaraj, Clara Moore, Jennifer Nan Stinson, Arti Desai, Leah Bartlett, Erin Culbert, Eyal Cohen, Julia Orkin. Caregivers' Experiences With a Web- and Mobile-Based Platform for Children With Medical Complexity and the Role of a Live Platform Coach: Thematic Analysis. JMIR pediatrics and parenting. 2023, 6: e43214
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  • 12)- Kexin Li, Katherine I Magnuson, Grace Beuley, Logan Davis, Stacy R Ryan-Pettes. Features, Design, and Adherence to Evidence-Based Behavioral Parenting Principles in Commercial mHealth Parenting Apps: Systematic Review. JMIR pediatrics and parenting. 2023, 6: e43626
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  • 13)- Sarah Jane Perkes, Belinda Huntriss, Noelene Skinner, Bernise Leece, Rosie Dobson, Joerg Mattes, Kerry Hall, Billie Bonevski. Evaluation of an mHealth Intervention (Growin' Up Healthy Jarjums) Designed With and for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mothers: Engagement and Acceptability Study. JMIR pediatrics and parenting. 2023, 6: e43673
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  • 14)- Sharon Haramati, Anastasia Firsow, Daniela Abigail Navarro, Ravid Shechter. Novel At-Home Mother's Milk Conductivity Sensing Technology as an Identification System of Delay in Milk Secretory Activation Progress and Early Breastfeeding Problems: Feasibility Assessment. JMIR pediatrics and parenting. 2023, 6: e43837
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  • 15)- Selenne Alatorre, Aviva G Schwarz, Kelsey A Egan, Amanda R Feldman, Marielis Rosa, Monica L Wang. Exploring Social Media Preferences for Healthy Weight Management Interventions Among Adolescents of Color: Mixed Methods Study. JMIR pediatrics and parenting. 2023, 6: e43961
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  • 16)- Kathryn V Blake, Holly Antal, H Timothy Bunnell, Jiaxian He, Robert Henderson, Janet T Holbrook, Suzanne M McCahan, Chris Pennington, Linda Rogers, David Shade, Elizabeth A Sugar, Alexandra Taylor, Robert A Wise, Tim Wysocki. Comprehension by Caregivers and Adolescents of Clinical Trial Information Delivered via Multimedia Video Versus Conventional Practice: Nonrandomized Controlled Trial. JMIR pediatrics and parenting. 2023, 6: e44252
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  • 17)- Alexis Dunn Amore, Abby Britt, Santiago J Arconada Alvarez, Morgan N Greenleaf. A Web-Based Intervention to Address Risk Factors for Maternal Morbidity and Mortality (MAMA LOVE): Development and Evaluation Study. JMIR pediatrics and parenting. 2023, 6: e44615
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  • 18)- Lukas Kötting, Christina Derksen, Franziska Maria Keller, Sonia Lippke. Comparing the Effectiveness of a Web-Based Application With a Digital Live Seminar to Improve Safe Communication for Pregnant Women: 3-Group Partially Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR pediatrics and parenting. 2023, 6: e44701
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  • 19)- Kiana W Yau, Tricia S Tang, Matthias Görges, Susan Pinkney, Shazhan Amed. Using Human-Centered Design and Cocreation to Create the Live 5-2-1-0 Mobile App to Promote Healthy Behaviors in Children: App Design and Development. JMIR pediatrics and parenting. 2023, 6: e44792
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  • 20)- David J Blok, Bojan Simoski, Thabo J van Woudenberg, Moniek Buijzen. The Usefulness of Web-Based Communication Data for Social Network Health Interventions: Agent-Based Modeling Study. JMIR pediatrics and parenting. 2023, 6: e44849
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  • 21)- Stephanie R Lebby, Sangeetha Shyam, Amutha Ramadas, Andrew R Bohm, Julia C Hill, Karen L Fortuna, Stephanie R Zoltick. Prospective Association Between Video and Computer Game Use During Adolescence and Incidence of Metabolic Health Risks: Secondary Data Analysis. JMIR pediatrics and parenting. 2023, 6: e44920
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  • 22)- Alyssa Clare Milton, Zelalem Mengesha, Kristin Ballesteros, Tom McClean, Saskia Hartog, Lucie Bray-Rudkin, Cathy Ngo, Ian Hickie. Supporting Children's Social Connection and Well-Being in School-Age Care: Mixed Methods Evaluation of the Connect, Promote, and Protect Program. JMIR pediatrics and parenting. 2023, 6: e44928
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  • 23)- Fallon Cluxton-Keller, Ardis Olson. A Family-Based Collaborative Care Model for Treatment of Depressive and Anxiety Symptoms in Perinatal Women: Results From a Pilot Study. JMIR pediatrics and parenting. 2023, 6: e45616
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  • 24)- Adam K Lewkowitz, Lily Rubin-Miller, Hannah R Jahnke, Melissa A Clark, Caron Zlotnick, Emily S Miller, Natalie Henrich. Demographic and Support Interest Differences Among Nonbirthing Parents Using a Digital Health Platform With Parenthood-Related Anxiety: Cross-Sectional Study. JMIR pediatrics and parenting. 2023, 6: e46152
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  • 25)- Landry Goodgame Huffman, Darian Lawrence-Sidebottom, Jennifer Huberty, Monika Roots, Kurt Roots, Amit Parikh, Rachael Guerra, Jaclyn Weiser. Using Digital Measurement-Based Care for the Treatment of Anxiety and Depression in Children and Adolescents: Observational Retrospective Analysis of Bend Health Data. JMIR pediatrics and parenting. 2023, 6: e46154
    Cited : 14
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  • 26)- Alyssa Cohen, Anne Bendelow, Tracie Smith, Colleen Cicchetti, Matthew M Davis, Marie Heffernan. Parental Attitudes on Social Media Monitoring for Youth: Cross-Sectional Survey Study. JMIR pediatrics and parenting. 2023, 6: e46365
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  • 27)- Fatema S Abdulhussein, Susan Pinkney, Matthias Görges, Tibor van Rooij, Shazhan Amed. Designing a Collaborative Patient-Centered Digital Health Platform for Pediatric Diabetes Care in British Columbia: Formative Needs Assessment by Caregivers of Children and Youths Living With Type 1 Diabetes and Health Care Providers. JMIR pediatrics and parenting. 2023, 6: e46432
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  • 28)- Elissa R Weitzman, Machiko Minegishi, Rachele Cox, Lauren E Wisk. Associations Between Patient-Reported Outcome Measures of Physical and Psychological Functioning and Willingness to Share Social Media Data for Research Among Adolescents With a Chronic Rheumatic Disease: Cross-Sectional Survey. JMIR pediatrics and parenting. 2023, 6: e46555
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  • 29)- Michael D Wood, Nicholas C West, Christina Fokkens, Ying Chen, Kent C Loftsgard, Krystal Cardinal, Simon D Whyte, Elodie Portales-Casamar, Matthias Görges. An Individualized Postoperative Pain Risk Communication Tool for Use in Pediatric Surgery: Co-Design and Usability Evaluation. JMIR pediatrics and parenting. 2023, 6: e46785
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  • 30)- Lisbeth Valla, Silje Marie Haga, Susan Garthus-Niegel, Filip Drozd. Dropout or Drop-In Experiences in an Internet-Delivered Intervention to Prevent Depression and Enhance Subjective Well-Being During the Perinatal Period: Qualitative Study. JMIR pediatrics and parenting. 2023, 6: e46982
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  • 31)- Katarzyna Kostyrka-Allchorne, Petrina Chu, Claire Ballard, Nancy Lean, Blandine French, Ellen Hedstrom, Sarah Byford, Samuele Cortese, David Daley, Johnny Downs, Cristine Glazebrook, Kimberley Goldsmith, Charlotte L Hall, Hanna Kovshoff, Jana Kreppner, Kapil Sayal, James Shearer, Emily Simonoff, Margaret Thompson, Edmund J S Sonuga-Barke. Remote Recruitment Strategy and Structured E-Parenting Support (STEPS) App: Feasibility and Usability Study. JMIR pediatrics and parenting. 2023, 6: e47035
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  • 32)- Lauren LeStourgeon, Erin Bergner, Karishma Datye, Randi Streisand, Sarah Jaser. Evaluation of Study Engagement With an mHealth Intervention (THR1VE) to Treat Diabetes Distress in Teens With Type 1 Diabetes: Randomized Clinical Trial. JMIR pediatrics and parenting. 2023, 6: e47089
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  • 33)- Lihong Ou, Angela Chia-Chen Chen, Ashish Amresh. The Effectiveness of mHealth Interventions Targeting Parents and Youth in Human Papillomavirus Vaccination: Systematic Review. JMIR pediatrics and parenting. 2023, 6: e47334
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  • 34)- Silva Kuschke, Sheila Moodie, Keshinisuthan Kirubalingam, Robin O'Hagan, Danielle Glista. Parents' Perceptions of the Factors Influencing the Uptake of Remote Pediatric Hearing Aid Support: Development of a Conceptual Framework. JMIR pediatrics and parenting. 2023, 6: e47358
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  • 35)- Alexandra A Legge, Jennifer L Middleton, Shelley Reid, Adrienne Gordon. Implementation of a Web Camera System in an Australian Neonatal Intensive Care Unit: Pre- and Postevaluation of the Parent and Staff Experience. JMIR pediatrics and parenting. 2023, 6: e47552
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  • 36)- Charlotte Castor, Rose-Marie Lindkvist, Inger Kristensson Hallström, Robert Holmberg. Health Care Professionals' Experiences and Views of eHealth in Pediatric Care: Qualitative Interview Study Applying a Theoretical Framework for Implementation. JMIR pediatrics and parenting. 2023, 6: e47663
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  • 37)- Tiana McMann, Christine Wenzel, Nicolette Le, Zhuoran Li, Qing Xu, Raphael E Cuomo, Tim Mackey. Detection and Characterization of Web-Based Pediatric COVID-19 Vaccine Discussions and Racial and Ethnic Minority Topics: Retrospective Analysis of Twitter Data. JMIR pediatrics and parenting. 2023, 6: e48004
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  • 38)- Erika Frey, Catriona Bonfiglioli, Jane Frawley. Parents' Use of Social Media for Health Information Before and After a Consultation With Health Care Professionals: Australian Cross-Sectional Study. JMIR pediatrics and parenting. 2023, 6: e48012
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  • 39)- Umaporn Yam-Ubon, Therdpong Thongseiratch. Using a Design Thinking Approach to Develop a Social Media-Based Parenting Program for Parents of Children With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Mixed Methods Study. JMIR pediatrics and parenting. 2023, 6: e48201
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  • 40)- Kristin Kan, Lu Morales, Avani Shah, Emily Simmons, Leonardo Barrera, Liana Massey, Greta List, Ruchi S Gupta. Digital Technology Characteristics and Literacy Among Families With Children With Asthma: Cross-Sectional Study. JMIR pediatrics and parenting. 2023, 6: e48822
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  • 41)- Thomas Annesi, Caren Steinway, Toyosi Oluwole, Steffi Shilly, Dava Szalda, Regina Myers, Jack Chen, Sophia Jan. Quality of Web-Based Sickle Cell Disease Resources for Health Care Transition: Website Content Analysis. JMIR pediatrics and parenting. 2023, 6: e48924
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  • 42)- Danica Facca, Jodi Hall, Bradley Hiebert, Lorie Donelle. Understanding the Tensions of "Good Motherhood" Through Women's Digital Technology Use: Descriptive Qualitative Study. JMIR pediatrics and parenting. 2023, 6: e48934
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  • 43)- Glen Meng, Maliha Jan Ali, Sze Man Tse. Caregivers' Perceptions, Needs, and Data Sharing Concerns in mHealth Research on Pediatric Asthma: Cross-Sectional Survey Study. JMIR pediatrics and parenting. 2023, 6: e49521
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  • 44)- Michael Nissen, Carlos A Perez, Katharina M Jaeger, Hannah Bleher, Madeleine Flaucher, Hanna Huebner, Nina Danzberger, Adriana Titzmann, Constanza A Pontones, Peter A Fasching, Matthias W Beckmann, Bjoern M Eskofier, Heike Leutheuser. Usability and Perception of a Wearable-Integrated Digital Maternity Record App in Germany: User Study. JMIR pediatrics and parenting. 2023, 6: e50765
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  • 45)- Samaa Al Anazi, Eman Bajamal, Neama Hantira, Ola Esheaba. Exploring Parental Experiences With School-Aged Children Receiving Web-Based Learning: Cross-Sectional Study. JMIR pediatrics and parenting. 2023, 6: e50892
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  • 46)- Katie Garner, Hiran Thabrew, David Lim, Paul Hofman, Craig Jefferies, Anna Serlachius. Exploring the Usability and Acceptability of a Well-Being App for Adolescents Living With Type 1 Diabetes: Qualitative Study. JMIR pediatrics and parenting. 2023, 6: e52364
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  • 47)- Michael Wood, Kavi Gandhi, Andrea Chapman, Peter Skippen, Gordon Krahn, Matthias Görges, S Evelyn Stewart. Pediatric Delirium Educational Tool Development With Intensive Care Unit Clinicians and Caregivers in Canada: Focus Group Study. JMIR pediatrics and parenting. 2023, 6: e53120
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  • 48)- Donna Balsam, Dawn T Bounds, Amir M Rahmani, Adeline Nyamathi. Evaluating the Impact of an App-Delivered Mindfulness Meditation Program to Reduce Stress and Anxiety During Pregnancy: Pilot Longitudinal Study. JMIR pediatrics and parenting. 2023, 6: e53933
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