2)- Jessica Koski, Mary Lou Kelley, Shevaun Nadin, Maxine Crow, Holly Prince, Elaine C Wiersma, Christopher J Mushquash. An Analysis of Journey Mapping to Create a Palliative Care Pathway in a Canadian First Nations Community: Implications for Service Integration and Policy Development.Palliative care. 2017, 10: 1178224217719441
3)- Eva Bergsträsser, Eva Cignacco, Patricia Luck. Health care Professionals' Experiences and Needs When Delivering End-of-Life Care to Children: A Qualitative Study.Palliative care. 2017, 10: 1178224217724770
5)- Lyle S Walton, Gregory D Shumer, Björg Thorsteinsdottir, Theodore Suh, Keith M Swetz. Palliation Versus Dialysis for End-Stage Renal Disease in the Oldest Old: What are the Considerations?Palliative care. 2017, 10: 1178224217735083