2)- Steven Ruggles. Race, class, and marriage: Components of race differences in men's first marriage rates, United States, 1960-2019.Demographic research. 2022, 46: 1163-1186
3)- Courtney E Boen, Nick Graetz, Hannah Olson, Zohra Ansari-Thomas, Laurin Bixby, Rebecca Anna Schut, Hedwig Lee. Early life patterns of criminal legal system involvement: Inequalities by race/ethnicity, gender, and parental education.Demographic research. 2022, 46: 131-146
4)- Sarah A Reynolds. Household transitions between ages 5 and 15 and educational outcomes: Fathers and grandparents in Peru.Demographic research. 2022, 46: 397-440
5)- Brian L Rostron, Brittny C Davis Lynn, Cindy M Chang, Chunfeng Ren, Esther Salazar, Bridget K Ambrose. The contribution of smoking-attributable mortality to differences in mortality and life expectancy among US African-American and white adults, 2000-2019.Demographic research. 2022, 46: 905-918