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  • mSystems: 2023, vol: , issue:
  • 1)- Qi Zheng, Liguan Li, Xiaole Yin, You Che, Tong Zhang. Is ICE hot? A genomic comparative study reveals integrative and conjugative elements as "hot" vectors for the dissemination of antibiotic resistance genes. mSystems. 2023, 8 (6): e0017823
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  • 2)- Qijun Wu, Yingying Lei, Ya Zuo, Ji Zhang, Fenglin Guo, Weize Xu, Tanghui Xie, Dang Wang, Guiqing Peng, Xiangru Wang, Huanchun Chen, Zhenfang Fu, Gang Cao, Jinxia Dai. Interactome between ASFV and host immune pathway proteins. mSystems. 2023, 8 (6): e0047123
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  • 3)- Ying Tian, Ran Gao, Yumei Wang, Yimin Zhou, Shanshan Xu, Yuqing Duan, Wenyi Lv, Shuya Wang, Mengxue Hou, Yuqing Chen, Fangqiang Li, Wei Gao, Linlin Zhang, Jian-Xin Zhou. Economic impact of metagenomic next-generation sequencing versus traditional bacterial culture for postoperative central nervous system infections using a decision analysis mode: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. mSystems. 2023, 8 (6): e0058123
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  • 4)- Sandra Godinho Silva, Masun Nabhan Homsi, Tina Keller-Costa, Ulisses Rocha, Rodrigo Costa. Natural product biosynthetic potential reflects macroevolutionary diversification within a widely distributed bacterial taxon. mSystems. 2023, 8 (6): e0064323
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  • 5)- Samuel L Neff, Thomas H Hampton, Katja Koeppen, Sharanya Sarkar, Casey J Latario, Benjamin D Ross, Bruce A Stanton. Rocket-miR, a translational launchpad for miRNA-based antimicrobial drug development. mSystems. 2023, 8 (6): e0065323
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  • 6)- Francesca Petriglieri, Zivile Kondrotaite, Caitlin Singleton, Marta Nierychlo, Morten K D Dueholm, Per H Nielsen. A comprehensive overview of the Chloroflexota community in wastewater treatment plants worldwide. mSystems. 2023, 8 (6): e0066723
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  • 7)- Lola Holcomb, Johanna M Holman, Molly Hurd, Brigitte Lavoie, Louisa Colucci, Benjamin Hunt, Timothy Hunt, Marissa Kinney, Jahnavi Pathak, Gary M Mawe, Peter L Moses, Emma Perry, Allesandra Stratigakis, Tao Zhang, Grace Chen, Suzanne L Ishaq, Yanyan Li. Early life exposure to broccoli sprouts confers stronger protection against enterocolitis development in an immunological mouse model of inflammatory bowel disease. mSystems. 2023, 8 (6): e0068823
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  • 8)- Kailun Zhang, Robert F Potter, Jamie Marino, Carol E Muenks, Matthew G Lammers, Jennifer Dien Bard, Tanis C Dingle, Romney Humphries, Lars F Westblade, Carey-Ann D Burnham, Gautam Dantas. Comparative genomics reveals the correlations of stress response genes and bacteriophages in developing antibiotic resistance of . mSystems. 2023, 8 (6): e0069723
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  • 9)- Manuel S Godoy, Santiago R de Miguel, M Auxiliadora Prieto. A singular PpaA/AerR-like protein in rules beyond the boundaries of photosynthesis in response to the intracellular redox state. mSystems. 2023, 8 (6): e0070223
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  • 10)- Dianita S Saputri, Hendra S Ismanto, Dendi K Nugraha, Zichang Xu, Yasuhiko Horiguchi, Shuhei Sakakibara, Daron M Standley. Deciphering the antigen specificities of antibodies by clustering their complementarity determining region sequences. mSystems. 2023, 8 (6): e0072223
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  • 11)- Lisa N Kinch, R Dustin Schaeffer, Jing Zhang, Qian Cong, Kim Orth, Nick Grishin. Insights into virulence: structure classification of the RIMD mobilome. mSystems. 2023, 8 (6): e0079623
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  • 12)- Meihong Zhang, Depeng Li, Xinyue Yang, Fuxiao Wei, Qiu Wen, Yuqing Feng, Xiaolu Jin, Dan Liu, Yuming Guo, Yongfei Hu. Integrated multi-omics reveals the roles of cecal microbiota and its derived bacterial consortium in promoting chicken growth. mSystems. 2023, 8 (6): e0084423
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  • 13)- Carmen Molina-Pardines, Jose M Haro-Moreno, Mario López-Pérez. Phosphate-related genomic islands as drivers of environmental adaptation in the streamlined marine alphaproteobacterial HIMB59. mSystems. 2023, 8 (6): e0089823
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  • 14)- Dongyan Zhang, Haifeng Ji, Sixin Wang, Yajuan Liu, Meixia Chen, Hui Liu. -driven feed fermentation regulates microbiota metabolism and reduces odor emission from the feces of pigs. mSystems. 2023, 8 (6): e0098823
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  • 15)- Hao-Yu Lo, Konstantin Wink, Henrike Nitz, Matthias Kästner, Detlev Belder, Jochen A Müller, Anne-Kristin Kaster. scMAR-Seq: a novel workflow for targeted single-cell genomics of microorganisms using radioactive labeling. mSystems. 2023, 8 (6): e0099823
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  • 16)- Yujia Qin, Liyou Wu, Qiuting Zhang, Chongqin Wen, Joy D Van Nostrand, Daliang Ning, Lutgarde Raskin, Ameet Pinto, Jizhong Zhou. Effects of error, chimera, bias, and GC content on the accuracy of amplicon sequencing. mSystems. 2023, 8 (6): e0102523
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  • 17)- Pengfei She, Yifan Yang, Linhui Li, Yimin Li, Shasha Liu, Zehao Li, Linying Zhou, Yong Wu. Repurposing of the antimalarial agent tafenoquine to combat MRSA. mSystems. 2023, 8 (6): e0102623
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  • 18)- Xinli Sun, Jiyu Xie, Daoyue Zheng, Riyan Xia, Wei Wang, Weibing Xun, Qiwei Huang, Ruifu Zhang, Ákos T Kovács, Zhihui Xu, Qirong Shen. Metabolic interactions affect the biomass of synthetic bacterial biofilm communities. mSystems. 2023, 8 (6): e0104523
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  • 19)- Helen Park, Marcin P Joachimiak, Sean P Jungbluth, Ziming Yang, William J Riehl, R Shane Canon, Adam P Arkin, Paramvir S Dehal. A bacterial sensor taxonomy across earth ecosystems for machine learning applications. mSystems. 2023, : e0002623
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  • 20)- Salvatore Galgano, Helen Kettle, Andrew Free, Jos G M Houdijk. Estimating the contribution of the porcine fecal core microbiota to metabolite production via mathematical modeling and fermentation. mSystems. 2023, : e0036623
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  • 21)- Sophia H Nozick, Egon A Ozer, Rachel Medernach, Travis J Kochan, Rebecca Kumar, Jori O Mills, Richard G Wunderlink, Chao Qi, Alan R Hauser. Phenotypes of a hypermutator lineage that emerged during prolonged mechanical ventilation in a patient without cystic fibrosis. mSystems. 2023, : e0048423
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  • 22)- Quigly Dragotakes, Arturo Casadevall. Estimating the size of fields in biomedical sciences. mSystems. 2023, : e0065223
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  • 23)- Christopher H Arehart, John D Sterrett, Rosanna L Garris, Ruth E Quispe-Pilco, Christopher R Gignoux, Luke M Evans, Maggie A Stanislawski. Poly-omic risk scores predict inflammatory bowel disease diagnosis. mSystems. 2023, : e0067723
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  • 24)- Jared B Ellenbogen, Mikayla A Borton, Bridget B McGivern, Dylan R Cronin, David W Hoyt, Viviana Freire-Zapata, Carmody K McCalley, Ruth K Varner, Patrick M Crill, Richard A Wehr, Jeffrey P Chanton, Ben J Woodcroft, Malak M Tfaily, Gene W Tyson, Virginia I Rich, Kelly C Wrighton. Methylotrophy in the Mire: direct and indirect routes for methane production in thawing permafrost. mSystems. 2023, : e0069823
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  • 25)- Rinat Arbel-Goren, Bareket Dassa, Anna Zhitnitsky, Ana Valladares, Antonia Herrero, Enrique Flores, Joel Stavans. Spatio-temporal coherence of circadian clocks and temporal control of differentiation in filaments. mSystems. 2023, : e0070023
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  • 26)- Alejandro Rubio, Maria de Toro, Antonio J Pérez-Pulido. The most exposed regions of SARS-CoV-2 structural proteins are subject to strong positive selection and gene overlap may locally modify this behavior. mSystems. 2023, : e0071323
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  • 27)- Dušan Veličković, Kevin J Zemaitis, Arunima Bhattacharjee, Christopher R Anderton. Mass spectrometry imaging of natural carbonyl products directly from agar-based microbial interactions using 4-APEBA derivatization. mSystems. 2023, : e0080323
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  • 28)- Tao Zhang, Yingyu Mu, Yunlong Gao, Yijun Tang, Shengyong Mao, Jinxin Liu. Fecal microbial gene transfer contributes to the high-grain diet-induced augmentation of aminoglycoside resistance in dairy cattle. mSystems. 2023, : e0081023
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  • 29)- Qinghe Zhu, Shanshan Qi, Donghua Guo, Chunqiu Li, Mingjun Su, Jianfa Wang, Zijian Li, Dan Yang, Haibo Sun, Xiaoran Wang, Meijiao Wang, Haoyang Wu, Shiping Yu, Wenfei Bai, Yongchen Zhang, Xu Yang, Limin Jiang, Jiaying Liu, Yingying Zhao, Xiaoxu Xing, Da Shi, Li Feng, Dongbo Sun. A survey of fecal virome and bacterial community of the diarrhea-affected cattle in northeast China reveals novel disease-associated ecological risk factors. mSystems. 2023, : e0084223
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  • 30)- In-Young Chung, Shin-Yae Choi, Hee-Won Bae, You-Hee Cho. A TetR family regulator of an RND efflux system that directs artemisinin resistance in . mSystems. 2023, : e0085123
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  • 31)- Seyoung Ko, Jaehyung Kim, Jaewon Lim, Sang-Mok Lee, Joon Young Park, Jihoon Woo, Zoe K Scott-Nevros, Jong R Kim, Hyunjin Yoon, Donghyuk Kim. Blanket antimicrobial resistance gene database with structural information, BOARDS, provides insights on historical landscape of resistance prevalence and effects of mutations in enzyme structure. mSystems. 2023, : e0094323
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  • 32)- Annelise L Goldman, Emily M Fulk, Lily M Momper, Clinton Heider, John Mulligan, Magdalena Osburn, Caroline A Masiello, Jonathan J Silberg. Microbial sensor variation across biogeochemical conditions in the terrestrial deep subsurface. mSystems. 2023, : e0096623
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  • 33)- Maytham Hussein, Zetao Sun, Jane Hawkey, Rafah Allobawi, Louise M Judd, Vincenzo Carbone, Rajnikant Sharma, Varsha Thombare, Mark Baker, Gauri G Rao, Jian Li, Kathryn E Holt, Tony Velkov. High-level nitrofurantoin resistance in a clinical isolate of a comparative genomics and metabolomics analysis. mSystems. 2023, : e0097223
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  • 34)- Sen Ma, Sai Shi, Binghong Xu, Meijun Liu, Lei Xie, Yang Su, Jiachen Li, Qinqin Liang, Sheng Ye, Yaxin Wang. Host serine protease ACOT2 assists DENV proliferation by hydrolyzing viral polyproteins. mSystems. 2023, : e0097323
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  • 35)- Dawei Wang, Yu Feng, Min Yang, Haihui Sun, Qingchen Zhang, Rongrong Wang, Shuqing Tong, Rui Su, Yan Jin, Yunshan Wang, Zhiming Lu, Lihui Han, Yundong Sun. Variations in the oral microbiome and metabolome of methamphetamine users. mSystems. 2023, : e0099123
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  • 36)- Miao Zhao, Chenping Lei, Kewei Zhou, Yan Huang, Chen Fu, Shiping Yang, Ziding Zhang. POOE: predicting oomycete effectors based on a pre-trained large protein language model. mSystems. 2023, : e0100423
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  • 37)- Zhuangzhuang Miao, Lin Chen, Yong Zhang, Jiachao Zhang, Heping Zhang. subsp. Probio-M8 alleviates abnormal behavior and regulates gut microbiota in a mouse model suffering from autism. mSystems. 2023, : e0101323
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  • 38)- Amalia Bogri, Emilie Egholm Bruun Jensen, Asbjørn Vedel Borchert, Christian Brinch, Saria Otani, Frank M Aarestrup. Transmission of antimicrobial resistance in the gut microbiome of gregarious cockroaches: the importance of interaction between antibiotic exposed and non-exposed populations. mSystems. 2023, : e0101823
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  • 39)- Andrew J Hoisington, Kelly A Stearns-Yoder, Christopher E Stamper, Ryan Holliday, Diana P Brostow, Molly E Penzenik, Jeri E Forster, Teodor T Postolache, Christopher A Lowry, Lisa A Brenner. Association of homelessness and diet on the gut microbiome: a United States-Veteran Microbiome Project (US-VMP) study. mSystems. 2023, : e0102123
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  • 40)- Shilong Lei, Xiangtao Wang, Jie Wang, Lu Zhang, Lirong Liao, Guobin Liu, Guoliang Wang, Zilin Song, Chao Zhang. Effect of aridity on the β-diversity of alpine soil potential diazotrophs: insights into community assembly and co-occurrence patterns. mSystems. 2023, : e0104223
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  • 41)- Cristina Sebastià, Josep M Folch, Maria Ballester, Jordi Estellé, Magí Passols, María Muñoz, Juan M García-Casco, Ana I Fernández, Anna Castelló, Armand Sánchez, Daniel Crespo-Piazuelo. Interrelation between gut microbiota, SCFA, and fatty acid composition in pigs. mSystems. 2023, : e0104923
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  • 42)- Pablo Villarreal, Samuel O'Donnell, Nicolas Agier, Felipe Muñoz-Guzman, Jose Benavides-Parra, Kami Urbina, Tomas A Peña, Mark Solomon, Roberto F Nespolo, Gilles Fischer, Cristian Varela, Francisco A Cubillos. Domestication signatures in the non-conventional yeast . mSystems. 2023, : e0105823
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  • 43)- Maosheng Zhong, Yongqi Li, Ludan Deng, Jiasong Fang, Xi Yu. Insight into the adaptation mechanisms of high hydrostatic pressure in physiology and metabolism of hadal fungi from the deepest ocean sediment. mSystems. 2023, : e0108523
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  • 44)- Ozlem Buyuktanir Yaş, Adam S Coleman, Rachel M Lipman, Kavita Sharma, Sajith Raghunandanan, Fuad Alanazi, Vipin S Rana, Chrysoula Kitsou, Xiuli Yang, Utpal Pal. A systemic approach to identify non-abundant immunogenic proteins in Lyme disease pathogens. mSystems. 2023, : e0108723
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  • 45)- Jennifer H B Shuman, Aung Soe Lin, Mandy D Westland, Kaeli N Bryant, M Blanca Piazuelo, Michelle L Reyzer, Audra M Judd, W Hayes McDonald, Mark S McClain, Kevin L Schey, Holly M S Algood, Timothy L Cover. Remodeling of the gastric environment in -induced atrophic gastritis. mSystems. 2023, : e0109823
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  • 46)- Hui-Lin Ye, Meng-Fan Zhi, Bo-Yan Chen, Wen-Zhen Lin, Yu-Lin Li, Shi-Jia Huang, Lu-Jun Zhou, Shuo Xu, Jun Zhang, Wu-Chang Zhang, Qiang Feng, Sheng-Zhong Duan. Alterations of oral and gut viromes in hypertension and/or periodontitis. mSystems. 2023, : e0116923
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  • 47)- Jan D Brüwer, Luis H Orellana, Chandni Sidhu, Helena C L Klip, Cédric L Meunier, Maarten Boersma, Karen H Wiltshire, Rudolf Amann, Bernhard M Fuchs. Erratum for Brüwer et al., " cell division and mortality rates of SAR11, SAR86, , and during phytoplankton blooms reveal differences in population controls". mSystems. 2023, : e0119623
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