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Current Research in Structural Biology

Published By Elsevier

  • Current Research in Structural Biology: 2022, vol: 4, issue:
  • 1)- Einat Chetrit, Sabita Sharma, Uri Maayan, Maya Georgia Pelah, Ziv Klausner, Ionel Popa, Ronen Berkovich. Nonexponential kinetics captured in sequential unfolding of polyproteins over a range of loads. Current research in structural biology. 2022, 4: 106-117
    Cited : 2
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  • 2)- Emil Spreitzer, T Reid Alderson, Benjamin Bourgeois, Loretta Eggenreich, Hermann Habacher, Greta Brahmersdorfer, Iva Pritišanac, Pedro A Sánchez-Murcia, Tobias Madl. FOXO transcription factors differ in their dynamics and intra/intermolecular interactions. Current research in structural biology. 2022, 4: 118-133
    Cited : 10
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  • 3)- Vasam Manjveekar Prabantu, Vasundhara Gadiyaram, Saraswathi Vishveshwara, Narayanaswamy Srinivasan. Understanding structural variability in proteins using protein structural networks. Current research in structural biology. 2022, 4: 134-145
    Cited : 7
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  • 4)- Anh Tran, Troy A Kervin, Michael Overduin. Multifaceted membrane binding head of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein. Current research in structural biology. 2022, 4: 146-157
    Cited : 7
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  • 5)- Koki Kataoka, Shota Suzuki, Takeshi Tenno, Natsuko Goda, Emi Hibino, Atsunori Oshima, Hidekazu Hiroaki. A cryptic phosphate-binding pocket on the SPFH domain of human stomatin that regulates a novel fibril-like self-assembly. Current research in structural biology. 2022, 4: 158-166
    Cited : 1
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  • 6)- Daniele Raimondi, Francesco Codicè, Gabriele Orlando, Joost Schymkowitz, Frederic Rousseau, Yves Moreau. HPMPdb: A machine learning-ready database of protein molecular phenotypes associated to human missense variants. Current research in structural biology. 2022, 4: 167-174
    Cited : 1
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  • 7)- Killivalavan Asaithambi, Iman Biswas, Kaza Suguna. Structural and functional insights into the DNA damage-inducible protein 1 (Ddi1) from protozoa. Current research in structural biology. 2022, 4: 175-191
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  • 8)- Zhixiang Wu, Zhongjie Han, Wenxue Zhou, Xiaohan Sun, Lei Chen, Shuang Yang, Jianping Hu, Chunhua Li. Insight into the nucleoside transport and inhibition of human ENT1. Current research in structural biology. 2022, 4: 192-205
    Cited : 2
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  • 9)- Viet-Khoa Tran-Nguyen, Saw Simeon, Muhammad Junaid, Pedro J Ballester. Structure-based virtual screening for PDL1 dimerizers: Evaluating generic scoring functions. Current research in structural biology. 2022, 4: 206-210
    Cited : 8
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  • 10)- Federica Centorrino, Blaž Andlovic, Peter Cossar, Luc Brunsveld, Christian Ottmann. Fragment-based exploration of the 14-3-3/Amot-p130 interface. Current research in structural biology. 2022, 4: 21-28
    Cited : 8
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  • 11)- Izaak N Beck, David M Picton, Tim R Blower. Crystal structure of the BREX phage defence protein BrxA. Current research in structural biology. 2022, 4: 211-219
    Cited : 7
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  • 12)- Jacob C Miner, Paul W Fenimore, William M Fischer, Benjamin H McMahon, Karissa Y Sanbonmatsu, Chang-Shung Tung. Integrative structural studies of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein during the fusion process (2022). Current research in structural biology. 2022, 4: 220-230
    Cited : 1
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  • 13)- Anne Baumann, Andrew R Denninger, Marek Domin, Bruno Demé, Daniel A Kirschner. Metabolically-incorporated deuterium in myelin localized by neutron diffraction and identified by mass spectrometry. Current research in structural biology. 2022, 4: 231-245
    Cited : 1
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  • 14)- Arianna Esposito Verza, Riccardo Miggiano, Fabrizio Lombardo, Carmine Fiorillo, Bruno Arcà, Beatrice Purghé, Erika Del Grosso, Ubaldina Galli, Menico Rizzi, Franca Rossi. Biochemical and structural analysis of a cytosolic sulfotransferase of the malaria vector overexpressed in the reproductive tissues. Current research in structural biology. 2022, 4: 246-255
    Cited : 1
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  • 15)- Jennifer C Van Wyk, B Trevor Sewell, Michael J Danson, Tsepo L Tsekoa, Muhammed F Sayed, Don A Cowan. Engineering enhanced thermostability into the nitrile hydratase. Current research in structural biology. 2022, 4: 256-270
    Cited : 0
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  • 16)- Malancha Karmakar, Vittoria Cicaloni, Carlos H M Rodrigues, Ottavia Spiga, Annalisa Santucci, David B Ascher. HGDiscovery: An online tool providing functional and phenotypic information on novel variants of homogentisate 1,2- dioxigenase. Current research in structural biology. 2022, 4: 271-277
    Cited : 6
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  • 17)- Alexander Krah, Gerhard Grüber, Peter J Bond. Binding properties of the anti-TB drugs bedaquiline and TBAJ-876 to a mycobacterial F-ATP synthase. Current research in structural biology. 2022, 4: 278-284
    Cited : 9
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  • 18)- Diego S Vazquez, Pamela L Toledo, Alejo R Gianotti, Mario R Ermácora. Protein conformation and biomolecular condensates. Current research in structural biology. 2022, 4: 285-307
    Cited : 17
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  • 19)- Nitin Sharma, Kundlik Gadhave, Prateek Kumar, Rajanish Giri. Transactivation domain of Adenovirus Early Region 1A (E1A): Investigating folding dynamics and aggregation. Current research in structural biology. 2022, 4: 29-40
    Cited : 1
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  • 20)- Nathan Gamble, Eleanor Elise Paul, Bibin Anand, Assen Marintchev. Regulation of the interactions between human eIF5 and eIF1A by the CK2 kinase. Current research in structural biology. 2022, 4: 308-319
    Cited : 1
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  • 21)- Seyad Shefrin, Anissa Nofita Sari, Vipul Kumar, Huayue Zhang, Hazna Noor Meidinna, Sunil C Kaul, Renu Wadhwa, Durai Sundar. Comparative computational and experimental analyses of some natural small molecules to restore transcriptional activation function of p53 in cancer cells harbouring wild type and p53 mutant. Current research in structural biology. 2022, 4: 320-331
    Cited : 4
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  • 22)- Koen Wentinck, Christos Gogou, Dimphna H Meijer. Putting on molecular weight: Enabling cryo-EM structure determination of sub-100-kDa proteins. Current research in structural biology. 2022, 4: 332-337
    Cited : 18
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  • 23)- Maxim N Brodmerkel, Emiliano De Santis, Charlotte Uetrecht, Carl Caleman, Erik G Marklund. Stability and conformational memory of electrosprayed and rehydrated bacteriophage MS2 virus coat proteins. Current research in structural biology. 2022, 4: 338-348
    Cited : 6
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  • 24)- Ibrahim Yagiz Akbayrak, Sule Irem Caglayan, Lukasz Kurgan, Vladimir N Uversky, Orkid Coskuner-Weber. Insights into the structural properties of SARS-CoV-2 main protease. Current research in structural biology. 2022, 4: 349-355
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  • 25)- Payam Arghavani, Mitra Pirhaghi, Faezeh Moosavi-Movahedi, Fatemeh Mamashli, Elnaz Hosseini, Ali Akbar Moosavi-Movahedi. Amyloid management by chaperones: The mystery underlying protein oligomers' dual functions. Current research in structural biology. 2022, 4: 356-364
    Cited : 10
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  • 26)- Kunchur Guruprasad. Mutations in human SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins, potential drug binding and epitope sites for COVID-19 therapeutics development. Current research in structural biology. 2022, 4: 41-50
    Cited : 26
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  • 27)- Alexander J D Snow, Mahima Sharma, James P Lingford, Yunyang Zhang, Janice W-Y Mui, Ruwan Epa, Ethan D Goddard-Borger, Spencer J Williams, Gideon J Davies. The sulfoquinovosyl glycerol binding protein SmoF binds and accommodates plant sulfolipids. Current research in structural biology. 2022, 4: 51-58
    Cited : 2
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  • 28)- Dagnija Tupiņa, Alexander Krah, Jan K Marzinek, Lorena Zuzic, Adam A Moverley, Chrystala Constantinidou, Peter J Bond. Bridging the N-terminal and middle domains in FliG of the flagellar rotor. Current research in structural biology. 2022, 4: 59-67
    Cited : 2
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  • 29)- Ghoncheh Mashayekhi, John Vant, Abhigna Polavarapu, Abbas Ourmazd, Abhishek Singharoy. Energy landscape of the SARS-CoV-2 reveals extensive conformational heterogeneity. Current research in structural biology. 2022, 4: 68-77
    Cited : 8
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  • 30)- Ramachandira Prabu, Amaresh Mohanty, Susmida Seni Balakrishnan, G Jayalakshmi, Kothandapani Sundar. Molecular docking and simulation of IcaC protein as O-succinyltransferase function in biofilm formation. Current research in structural biology. 2022, 4: 78-86
    Cited : 3
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  • 31)- Karin Fritz-Wolf, Jochen Bathke, Stefan Rahlfs, Katja Becker. Crystal structure of plasmoredoxin, a redox-active protein unique for malaria parasites. Current research in structural biology. 2022, 4: 87-95
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  • 32)- Jinyu Liu, Michael Kothe, Jianxin Zhang, Eliud Oloo, Svetlana Stegalkina, Sophia T Mundle, Lu Li, Jinrong Zhang, Leah E Cole, Lucianna Barone, Hans-Peter Biemann, Harry Kleanthous, Natalie G Anosova, Stephen F Anderson. Novel structural insights for a pair of monoclonal antibodies recognizing non-overlapping epitopes of the glucosyltransferase domain of toxin B. Current research in structural biology. 2022, 4: 96-105
    Cited : 1
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  • 33)- Tom L Blundell, Peter E Wright. Structural biology - Painting the mechanistic landscape of biomolecules. Current research in structural biology. 2022, 4: iv
    Cited : 1
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