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  • Clinical Neurophysiology Practice: 2023, vol: 8, issue:
  • 1)- Margitta Seeck, Hatice Tankisi. Clinical neurophysiological tests as objective measures for acute and long-term COVID-19. Clinical neurophysiology practice. 2023, 8: 1-2
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  • 2)- Øystein Dunker, Marie U Lie, Aristomo Andries, Kristian Bernhard Nilsen, Petter Omland, Andrew Reiner, Martijn R Tannemaat, Robert H Reijntjes, Joe F Jabre. The future is data-driven: A call to clinical neurophysiology laboratories to standardize your NCS data. Clinical neurophysiology practice. 2023, 8: 111-112
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  • 3)- Luciana Pelosi. Nerve ultrasound - A screening tool for diabetic neuropathy. Clinical neurophysiology practice. 2023, 8: 113-114
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  • 4)- Marianna Tóth, Annamária Szőke, Zsuzsanna Arányi. Nerve ultrasonographic findings in diabetes mellitus are determined by anatomical location and type of diabetes. Clinical neurophysiology practice. 2023, 8: 115-122
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  • 5)- Christine Heuer, Leah Disse, Debora Ledergerber, Ilijas Jelcic, Lukas L Imbach. EEG-Delta brushes in DPPX encephalitis - Welcome to the club. Clinical neurophysiology practice. 2023, 8: 12-15
    Cited : 2
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  • 6)- Leandra A A Ros, Boudewijn T H M Sleutjes, Diederik J L Stikvoort García, H Stephan Goedee, Fay-Lynn Asselman, Leonard H van den Berg, W Ludo van der Pol, Renske I Wadman. Feasibility and tolerability of multimodal peripheral electrophysiological techniques in a cohort of patients with spinal muscular atrophy. Clinical neurophysiology practice. 2023, 8: 123-131
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  • 7)- Tomoo Mano, Naohiko Iguchi, Naoki Iwasa, Shigekazu Fujimura, Tsunenori Takatani, Kazuma Sugie. Challenges in evaluating forearm muscle activity based on the compound muscle action potential of the flexors of the whole forearm. Clinical neurophysiology practice. 2023, 8: 132-136
    Cited : 1
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  • 8)- Setsu Nakatani-Enomoto, Ritstuko Hanajima, Masashi Hamada, Hideyuki Matsumoto, Yasuo Terao, Stefan Jun Groiss, Takenobu Murakami, Mitsunari Abe, Hiroyuki Enomoto, Kensuke Kawai, Rumiko Kan, Shin-Ichi Niwa, Hirooki Yabe, Yoshikazu Ugawa. Quadripulse transcranial magnetic stimulation inducing long-term depression in healthy subjects may increase seizure risk in some patients with intractable epilepsy. Clinical neurophysiology practice. 2023, 8: 137-142
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  • 9)- Mario Manto, Mariano Serrao, Stefano Filippo Castiglia, Dagmar Timmann, Elinor Tzvi-Minker, Ming-Kai Pan, Sheng-Han Kuo, Yoshikazu Ugawa. Neurophysiology of cerebellar ataxias and gait disorders. Clinical neurophysiology practice. 2023, 8: 143-160
    Cited : 4
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  • 10)- Ravjot S Rehsi, Karishma R Ramdeo, Stevie D Foglia, Claudia V Turco, Faith C Adams, Stephen L Toepp, Aimee J Nelson. Investigating the intra-session reliability of short and long latency afferent inhibition. Clinical neurophysiology practice. 2023, 8: 16-23
    Cited : 2
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  • 11)- Ali Elahi, Tiffany Frechette. Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation for early-onset Alzheimer's disease - A case report. Clinical neurophysiology practice. 2023, 8: 161-163
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  • 12)- Nshimiyimana Jules Fidele. Additional overnight video EEG for the diagnosis of epilepsy: Experiences from Western Kenya. Clinical neurophysiology practice. 2023, 8: 164-168
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  • 13)- Anna Rostedt Punga, Mohammad Alimohammadi, Maarika Liik. Keeping up appearances: Don't frown upon the effects of botulinum toxin injections in facial muscles. Clinical neurophysiology practice. 2023, 8: 169-173
    Cited : 3
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  • 14)- Hacer Erdem Tilki. Some reasons for frowning upon the effects of botulinum toxin injections in facial muscles. Clinical neurophysiology practice. 2023, 8: 174-176
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  • 15)- Jaden D Barfuss, Fábio A Nascimento, Erik Duhaime, Srishti Kapur, Ioannis Karakis, Marcus Ng, Aline Herlopian, Alice Lam, Douglas Maus, Jonathan J Halford, Sydney Cash, M Brandon Westover, Jin Jing. On-demand EEG education through competition - A novel, app-based approach to learning to identify interictal epileptiform discharges. Clinical neurophysiology practice. 2023, 8: 177-186
    Cited : 1
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  • 16)- Judy Zheng, Zachary Storad, Mustafa Al-Chalabi, Khaled Gharaibeh, Sidra Saleem, Ajaz Sheikh, Naeem Mahfooz. Lance-Adams Syndrome: Case series and literature review. Clinical neurophysiology practice. 2023, 8: 187-193
    Cited : 0
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  • 17)- Zi-Jian Feng, Qiu-Ying Song, Yu Han, Zi-Yu Wei, Cong Fu, Yu-Feng Zang. Short-term effect of coil handle orientations on fMRI-guided rTMS on insomnia: A case report. Clinical neurophysiology practice. 2023, 8: 194-196
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  • 18)- Alioth Guerrero-Aranda, Francisco J Taveras-Almonte, Fridha V Villalpando-Vargas, Karla López-Jiménez, Gloria M Sandoval-Sánchez, Julio Montes-Brown. Impact of ambulatory EEG in the management of patients with epilepsy in resource-limited Latin American populations. Clinical neurophysiology practice. 2023, 8: 197-202
    Cited : 2
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  • 19)- Fatima Usman, Simon Marchant, Luke Baxter, Hamisu M Salihu, Muktar H Aliyu, Eleri Adams, Caroline Hartley. The effect of acute respiratory events and respiratory stimulants on EEG-recorded brain activity in neonates: A systematic review. Clinical neurophysiology practice. 2023, 8: 203-225
    Cited : 3
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  • 20)- Cheng-Yin Tan, Mingsheng Liu, Nortina Shahrizaila. Nerve ultrasound: Unravelling the different patterns of nerve enlargement in CIDP subtypes. Clinical neurophysiology practice. 2023, 8: 226-227
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  • 21)- Masaaki Yoshikawa, Kenji Sekiguchi, Hirotomo Suehiro, Shunsuke Watanabe, Yoshikatsu Noda, Hideo Hara, Riki Matsumoto. Nerve enlargement differs among chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy subtypes and multifocal motor neuropathy. Clinical neurophysiology practice. 2023, 8: 228-234
    Cited : 1
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  • 22)- A Sandberg. Motor unit properties do not correlate between MUNIX and needle EMG in remote polio in the biceps brachii muscle. Clinical neurophysiology practice. 2023, 8: 24-31
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  • 23)- M Ayman Haykal, Daniel L Menkes. The clinical neurophysiology of COVID-19-direct infection, long-term sequelae and para-immunization responses: A literature review. Clinical neurophysiology practice. 2023, 8: 3-11
    Cited : 6
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  • 24)- Stefano Gallotto, Margitta Seeck. EEG biomarker candidates for the identification of epilepsy. Clinical neurophysiology practice. 2023, 8: 32-41
    Cited : 16
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  • 25)- Karine J Abou Khaled, Mei Bou Nasif, Claudia Freiji, Lawrence J Hirsch, Michael W K Fong. Rapid response EEG with needle electrodes in an intensive care unit with limited resources. Clinical neurophysiology practice. 2023, 8: 44-48
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  • 26)- Kiyoshi Matsukura, Keiichi Hokkoku, Taiji Mukai, Chizuko Oishi, Takamichi Kanbayashi, Toshiyuki Takahashi, Masahiro Sonoo. Tibial nerve SEPs in diagnosing lumbar spinal stenosis: The utility of segmental evaluation using P15 and N21. Clinical neurophysiology practice. 2023, 8: 49-57
    Cited : 1
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  • 27)- Michael Günther, Leonie Schuster, Christian Boßelmann, Holger Lerche, Ulf Ziemann, Katharina Feil, Justus Marquetand. Sponge EEG is equivalent regarding signal quality, but faster than routine EEG. Clinical neurophysiology practice. 2023, 8: 58-64
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  • 28)- Hanna-Reetta Lajunen, Marja Laasonen, Pekka Lahti-Nuuttila, Miika Leminen, Sini Smolander, Sari Kunnari, Eva Arkkila, Leena Lauronen. Is epileptiform activity related to developmental language disorder? Findings from the HelSLI study. Clinical neurophysiology practice. 2023, 8: 65-70
    Cited : 1
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  • 29)- Hossein Pia, Zahra Nochi, Alexander Gramm Kristensen, Bernhard Pelz, Marcus Goetz, Jan-Niclas Hoeink, Anthony James Blockeel, André Mouraux, Andrea Truini, Nanna Brix Finnerup, Keith Geoffrey Phillips, Rolf-Detlef Treede, Hatice Tankisi. The test-retest reliability of large and small fiber nerve excitability testing with threshold tracking. Clinical neurophysiology practice. 2023, 8: 71-78
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  • 30)- H Stephan Goedee. Sonomorphology of median nerve in relation to function: Important lessons from carpal tunnel but still complex. Clinical neurophysiology practice. 2023, 8: 79-80
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  • 31)- Henri Grönfors, Sari-Leena Himanen, Lauri Martikkala, Mika Kallio, Katri Mäkelä. Median nerve ultrasound cross sectional area and wrist-to-forearm ratio in relation to carpal tunnel syndrome related axonal damage and patient age. Clinical neurophysiology practice. 2023, 8: 81-87
    Cited : 2
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  • 32)- M N van Stigt, E A Groenendijk, H A Marquering, J M Coutinho, W V Potters. High performance clean versus artifact dry electrode EEG data classification using Convolutional Neural Network transfer learning. Clinical neurophysiology practice. 2023, 8: 88-91
    Cited : 3
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  • 33)- Arena Wada, Yudai Uchida, Keiichi Hokkoku, Amuro Kondo, Yuki Fujii, Takashi Chiba, Takuji Matsuo, Hiroshi Tsukamoto, Yuki Hatanaka, Shunsuke Kobayashi, Masahiro Sonoo. Utility of nerve ultrasound in the management of primary neurolymphomatosis: Case report and review of the literature. Clinical neurophysiology practice. 2023, 8: 92-96
    Cited : 3
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  • 34)- Wala' Mahmoud, Morten Haugland, Ander Ramos-Murguialday, Hans Hultborn, Ulf Ziemann. Measuring resistance to externally induced movement of the wrist joint in chronic stroke patients using an objective hand-held dynamometer. Clinical neurophysiology practice. 2023, 8: 97-110
    Cited : 3
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