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Advances in Medicine

Published By Hindawi Limited

SUBJECTS : Medicin

  • Advances in Medicine: 2018, vol: 2018, issue:
  • 1)- Bartłomiej Matejko, Aneta Kukułka, Beata Kieć-Wilk, Agnieszka Stąpór, Tomasz Klupa, Maciej T Malecki. Basal Insulin Dose in Adults with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus on Insulin Pumps in Real-Life Clinical Practice: A Single-Center Experience. Advances in medicine. 2018, 2018: 1473160
    Cited : 9
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  • 2)- I Benahmed, A El Kasimi, H Laachach, N Ismaili, N Elouafi. Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection (SCAD): A Series of 7 Cases, Experience of the University Hospital Center Mohammed VI, Oujda, Morocco. Advances in medicine. 2018, 2018: 1964394
    Cited : 0
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  • 3)- Moti Tolera, Degu Abate, Merga Dheresa, Dadi Marami. Bacterial Nosocomial Infections and Antimicrobial Susceptibility Pattern among Patients Admitted at Hiwot Fana Specialized University Hospital, Eastern Ethiopia. Advances in medicine. 2018, 2018: 2127814
    Cited : 32
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  • 4)- Selamawit Tulu, Tarekegne Tadesse, Addisu Alemayehu Gube. Assessment of Antibiotic Utilization Pattern in Treatment of Acute Diarrhoea Diseases in Bishoftu General Hospital, Oromia Ethiopia. Advances in medicine. 2018, 2018: 2376825
    Cited : 8
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  • 5)- Dimitra Charatsi, Ourania Koukoura, Irontianta Gkorezi Ntavela, Foteini Chintziou, Georgia Gkorila, Manthos Tsagkoulis, Themistoklis Mikos, George Pistofidis, Jiannis Hajiioannou, Alexandros Daponte. Gastrointestinal and Urinary Tract Endometriosis: A Review on the Commonest Locations of Extrapelvic Endometriosis. Advances in medicine. 2018, 2018: 3461209
    Cited : 52
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  • 6)- Carlo Ghezzi, Camilla Donghi, Luca Ferrantino, Elena Varoni, Giovanni Lodi. Ultrasonic Surgical Aspirator to Treat Deep Infrabony Defects: A New Flapless Minimally Invasive Approach. Advances in medicine. 2018, 2018: 3612359
    Cited : 0
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  • 7)- Rainer A Jordan, Adrian Lucaciu, Katharina Schaper, Hans-Peter Jöhren, Stefan Zimmer. Effectiveness of Systematic Periodontal Treatment in Male HIV-Infected Patients after 9 Years: A Case Series. Advances in medicine. 2018, 2018: 4135607
    Cited : 1
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  • 8)- Abdellatif Daoudi, Fatiha Benaoui, Nadia El Idrissi Slitine, Nabila Soraa, Fadl Mrabih Rabou Maoulainine. An Outbreak of in a Moroccan Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Advances in medicine. 2018, 2018: 4867134
    Cited : 8
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  • 9)- Mariam John Munyogwa, Abdalla Hussein Mtumwa. The Prevalence of Abdominal Obesity and Its Correlates among the Adults in Dodoma Region, Tanzania: A Community-Based Cross-Sectional Study. Advances in medicine. 2018, 2018: 6123156
    Cited : 18
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  • 10)- Emmanuel Ademola Anigilaje, Sunday Adedeji Aderibigbe. Mortality in a Cohort of HIV-Infected Children: A 12-Month Outcome of Antiretroviral Therapy in Makurdi, Nigeria. Advances in medicine. 2018, 2018: 6409134
    Cited : 14
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  • 11)- Farid Saei Hamedani, Monica Garcia-Buitrago. Pyloric Gland Adenoma of Gallbladder: A Review of Diagnosis and Management. Advances in medicine. 2018, 2018: 7539694
    Cited : 6
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  • 12)- Rohan Bhimani, Fardeen Bhimani, Preeti Singh. Relation between Level of Serum Transferrin and Postoperative Wound Drainage in Closed Long Bone Fractures. Advances in medicine. 2018, 2018: 8612828
    Cited : 3
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  • 13)- A Keykhosravi, M Neamatshahi, R Mahmoodi, E Navipour. Radiation Effects of Mobile Phones and Tablets on the Skin: A Systematic Review. Advances in medicine. 2018, 2018: 9242718
    Cited : 13
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