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  • EuPA Open Proteomics: 2016, vol: 10, issue:
  • 1)- Séverine Clavier, Françoise Illien, Sandrine Sagan, Gérard Bolbach, Emmanuelle Sachon. Proteomic comparison of the EWS-FLI1 expressing cells EF with NIH-3T3 and actin remodeling effect of (R/W) cell-penetrating peptide. EuPA open proteomics. 2016, 10: 1-8
    Cited : 4
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  • 2)- L Staunton, C Tonry, R Lis, S Finn, J O Leary, M Loda, M Bowden, S R Pennington. Profiling the tumor microenvironment proteome in prostate cancer using laser capture microdissection coupled to LC⿿MS⿿A technical report. EuPA open proteomics. 2016, 10: 19-23
    Cited : 12
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  • 3)- Mauro Fasano, Tiziana Alberio, Mohan Babu, Emma Lundberg, Andrea Urbani. Towards a functional definition of the mitochondrial human proteome. EuPA open proteomics. 2016, 10: 24-27
    Cited : 7
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  • 4)- Simona Nonnis, Elisa Maffioli, Lucia Zanotti, Fabiana Santagata, Armando Negri, Antonella Viola, Stephen Elliman, Gabriella Tedeschi. Effect of fetal bovine serum in culture media on MS analysis of mesenchymal stromal cells secretome. EuPA open proteomics. 2016, 10: 28-30
    Cited : 25
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  • 5)- Daniele Vergara, Pasquale Simeone, Julien Franck, Marco Trerotola, Anna Giudetti, Loredana Capobianco, Andrea Tinelli, Claudia Bellomo, Isabelle Fournier, Antonio Gaballo, Saverio Alberti, Michel Salzet, Michele Maffia. Translating epithelial mesenchymal transition markers into the clinic: Novel insights from proteomics. EuPA open proteomics. 2016, 10: 31-41
    Cited : 45
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  • 6)- Laura Giusti, Federica Ciregia, Alessandra Bonotti, Ylenia Da Valle, Elena Donadio, Claudia Boldrini, Rudy Foddis, Gino Giannaccini, Maria R Mazzoni, Pier Aldo Canessa, Alfonso Cristaudo, Antonio Lucacchini. Comparative proteomic analysis of malignant pleural mesothelioma: Focusing on the biphasic subtype. EuPA open proteomics. 2016, 10: 42-49
    Cited : 4
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  • 7)- Antonio Gonzalez-Bulnes, Susana Astiz, Marta Vazquez-Gomez, Consolación Garcia-Contreras. Developmental origins of metabolic disorders: The need for biomarker candidates and therapeutic targets from adequate preclinical models. EuPA open proteomics. 2016, 10: 50-55
    Cited : 6
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  • 8)- Tove Alm, Emma Lundberg, Mathias Uhlén. Introducing the Affinity Binder Knockdown Initiative⿿A public⿿private partnership for validation of affinity reagents. EuPA open proteomics. 2016, 10: 56-58
    Cited : 1
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  • 9)- Vathsala P G, Krishna Murthy P. The identification of FERM domain protein in serum infected with . EuPA open proteomics. 2016, 10: 59-62
    Cited : 0
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  • 10)- Jelena Mihailovic, Aleksandra Inic-Kanada, Katarina Smiljanic, Elisabeth Stein, Talin Barisani-Asenbauer, Tanja Cirkovic Velickovic. Lysine acetylation of major atis antigens. EuPA open proteomics. 2016, 10: 63-69
    Cited : 2
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  • 11)- Tue Bjerg Bennike, Kenneth Kastaniegaard, Simona Padurariu, Michael Gaihede, Svend Birkelund, Vibeke Andersen, Allan Stensballe. Comparing the proteome of snap frozen, RNAlater preserved, and formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded human tissue samples. EuPA open proteomics. 2016, 10: 9-18
    Cited : 43
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