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Emerging Themes in Epidemiology

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  • Emerging Themes in Epidemiology: 2018, vol: 15, issue:
  • 1)- C Mary Schooling, Heidi E Jones. Clarifying questions about "risk factors": predictors versus explanation. Emerging themes in epidemiology. 2018, 15: 10
    Cited : 52
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  • 2)- Stephen Nash, Victoria Tittle, Andrew Abaasa, Richard E Sanya, Gershim Asiki, Christian Holm Hansen, Heiner Grosskurth, Saidi Kapiga, Chris Grundy, . The validity of an area-based method to estimate the size of hard-to-reach populations using satellite images: the example of fishing populations of Lake Victoria. Emerging themes in epidemiology. 2018, 15: 11
    Cited : 4
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  • 3)- Laura A Schieve, Shericka Harris, Matthew J Maenner, Aimee Alexander, Nicole F Dowling. Assessment of demographic and perinatal predictors of non-response and impact of non-response on measures of association in a population-based case control study: findings from the Georgia Study to Explore Early Development. Emerging themes in epidemiology. 2018, 15: 12
    Cited : 10
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  • 4)- Kate Sabot, Tanya Marchant, Neil Spicer, Della Berhanu, Meenakshi Gautham, Nasir Umar, Joanna Schellenberg. Contextual factors in maternal and newborn health evaluation: a protocol applied in Nigeria, India and Ethiopia. Emerging themes in epidemiology. 2018, 15: 2
    Cited : 4
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  • 5)- Nandita Perumal, Daniel E Roth, Johnna Perdrizet, Aluísio J D Barros, Iná S Santos, Alicia Matijasevich, Diego G Bassani. Effect of correcting for gestational age at birth on population prevalence of early childhood undernutrition. Emerging themes in epidemiology. 2018, 15: 3
    Cited : 11
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  • 6)- Matthew R Grigsby, Junrui Di, Andrew Leroux, Vadim Zipunnikov, Luo Xiao, Ciprian Crainiceanu, William Checkley. Novel metrics for growth model selection. Emerging themes in epidemiology. 2018, 15: 4
    Cited : 3
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  • 7)- Robert W Eyre, Thomas House, F Xavier Gómez-Olivé, Frances E Griffiths. Modelling fertility in rural South Africa with combined nonlinear parametric and semi-parametric methods. Emerging themes in epidemiology. 2018, 15: 5
    Cited : 1
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  • 8)- Miguel Marino, Marcello Pagano. Role of survey response rates on valid inference: an application to HIV prevalence estimates. Emerging themes in epidemiology. 2018, 15: 6
    Cited : 2
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  • 9)- Marissa Becker, Sharmistha Mishra, Sevgi Aral, Parinita Bhattacharjee, Rob Lorway, Kalada Green, John Anthony, Shajy Isac, Faran Emmanuel, Helgar Musyoki, Lisa Lazarus, Laura H Thompson, Eve Cheuk, James F Blanchard. The contributions and future direction of Program Science in HIV/STI prevention. Emerging themes in epidemiology. 2018, 15: 7
    Cited : 19
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  • 10)- Emmanuel Grellety, Michael H Golden. Change in quality of malnutrition surveys between 1986 and 2015. Emerging themes in epidemiology. 2018, 15: 8
    Cited : 12
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  • 11)- Lawrence M Paul. Cannons and sparrows: an exact maximum likelihood non-parametric test for meta-analysis of k 2 × 2 tables. Emerging themes in epidemiology. 2018, 15: 9
    Cited : 2
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