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  • JMIR Aging: 2023, vol: 6, issue:
  • 1)- Gaya Bin Noon, Thokozani Hanjahanja-Phiri, Harishree Dave, Laura Fadrique, Jennifer Teague, Plinio P Morita. Exploring the Role of Active Assisted Living in the Continuum of Care for Older Adults: Thematic Analysis. JMIR aging. 2023, 6: e40606
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  • 2)- Ryan M Kelly, Yushan Xing, Steven Baker, Jenny Waycott. Video Calls as a Replacement for Family Visits During Lockdowns in Aged Care: Interview Study With Family Members. JMIR aging. 2023, 6: e40953
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  • 3)- Jeremy Dale, Veronica Nanton, Theresa Day, Patricia Apenteng, Celia Janine Bernstein, Gillian Grason Smith, Peter Strong, Rob Procter. Uptake and Use of Care Companion, a Web-Based Information Resource for Supporting Informal Carers of Older People: Mixed Methods Study. JMIR aging. 2023, 6: e41185
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  • 4)- Jun Hyuk Koo, You Hyun Park, Dae Ryong Kang. Factors Predicting Older People's Acceptance of a Personalized Health Care Service App and the Effect of Chronic Disease: Cross-Sectional Questionnaire Study. JMIR aging. 2023, 6: e41429
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  • 5)- Emily Schramm, Christopher C Yang, Chia-Hsuan Chang, Kristine Mulhorn, Shushi Yoshinaga, Jina Huh-Yoo. Examining Public Awareness of Ageist Terms on Twitter: Content Analysis. JMIR aging. 2023, 6: e41448
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  • 6)- Yuxin Liu, Antonia Arnaert, Daniel da Costa, Pia Sumbly, Zoumanan Debe, Sylvain Charbonneau. Experiences of Patients With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Using the Apple Watch Series 6 Versus the Traditional Finger Pulse Oximeter for Home SpO2 Self-Monitoring: Qualitative Study Part 2. JMIR aging. 2023, 6: e41539
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  • 7)- Antonia Arnaert, Pia Sumbly, Daniel da Costa, Yuxin Liu, Zoumanan Debe, Sylvain Charbonneau. Acceptance of the Apple Watch Series 6 for Telemonitoring of Older Adults With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Qualitative Descriptive Study Part 1. JMIR aging. 2023, 6: e41549
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  • 8)- Katarzyna Stawarz, Ian Ju Liang, Lyndsay Alexander, Angela Carlin, Anjana Wijekoon, Max J Western. Exploring the Potential of Technology to Promote Exercise Snacking for Older Adults Who Are Prefrail in the Home Setting: User-Centered Design Study. JMIR aging. 2023, 6: e41810
    Cited : 4
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  • 9)- Sahar Tahir, Bessam Abdulrazak, Dany Baillargeon, Catherine Girard, Véronique Provencher. Adapting Transportation Planning e-Tools to Older Adults' Needs: Scoping Review. JMIR aging. 2023, 6: e41938
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  • 10)- Joyce Siette, Laura Dodds, Fariba Sharifi, Amy Nguyen, Melissa Baysari, Karla Seaman, Magdalena Raban, Nasir Wabe, Johanna Westbrook. Usability and Acceptability of Clinical Dashboards in Aged Care: Systematic Review. JMIR aging. 2023, 6: e42274
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  • 11)- Eunkyung Han, Hadi Kharrazi, Leiyu Shi. Identifying Predictors of Nursing Home Admission by Using Electronic Health Records and Administrative Data: Scoping Review. JMIR aging. 2023, 6: e42437
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  • 12)- Kristina Shiroma, Tara Zimmerman, Bo Xie, Kenneth R Fleischmann, Kate Rich, Min Kyung Lee, Nitin Verma, Chenyan Jia. Older Adults' Trust and Distrust in COVID-19 Public Health Information: Qualitative Critical Incident Study. JMIR aging. 2023, 6: e42517
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  • 13)- Patricia Rodrigues Braz, Tiago Ricardo Moreira, Andréia Queiroz Ribeiro, Luciane Ribeiro de Faria, Fabio da Costa Carbogim, Vilanice Alves de Araújo Püschel, Jack Roberto Silva Fhon, Eduarda Rezende Freitas, Ione Carvalho Pinto, Fabiana Costa Machado Zacharias, Gylce Eloisa Cabreira Panitz Cruz, Richardson Miranda Machado, Rosimere Ferreira Santana, Priscilla Alfradique de Souza, Graziele Ribeiro Bitencourt, Alexandre Favero Bulgarelli, Ricardo Bezerra Cavalcante. COVID-19 Infodemic and Impacts on the Mental Health of Older People: Cross-sectional Multicenter Survey Study. JMIR aging. 2023, 6: e42707
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  • 14)- Laurence M Solberg, Laurie J Duckworth, Elizabeth M Dunn, Theresa Dickinson, Tanja Magoc, Urszula A Snigurska, Sarah E Ser, Brian Celso, Meghan Bailey, Courtney Bowen, Nila Radhakrishnan, Chirag R Patel, Robert Lucero, Ragnhildur I Bjarnadottir. Use of a Data Repository to Identify Delirium as a Presenting Symptom of COVID-19 Infection in Hospitalized Adults: Cross-Sectional Cohort Pilot Study. JMIR aging. 2023, 6: e43185
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  • 15)- Sean Bernstein, Sarah Gilson, Mengqi Zhu, Aviva G Nathan, Michael Cui, Valerie G Press, Sachin Shah, Parmida Zarei, Neda Laiteerapong, Elbert S Huang. Diabetes Life Expectancy Prediction Model Inputs and Results From Patient Surveys Compared With Electronic Health Record Abstraction: Survey Study. JMIR aging. 2023, 6: e44037
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  • 16)- Iris Maes, Lieze Mertens, Louise Poppe, Tomas Vetrovsky, Geert Crombez, Femke De Backere, Ruben Brondeel, Delfien Van Dyck. Within-Person Associations of Accelerometer-Assessed Physical Activity With Time-Varying Determinants in Older Adults: Time-Based Ecological Momentary Assessment Study. JMIR aging. 2023, 6: e44425
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  • 17)- Abir Ghorayeb, Rob Comber, Rachael Gooberman-Hill. Development of a Smart Home Interface With Older Adults: Multi-Method Co-Design Study. JMIR aging. 2023, 6: e44439
    Cited : 4
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  • 18)- Beth Fields, McKenzie Fitzpatrick, Lauryn Kinney, Jenny Lee, Bryce Sprecher, Ross Tredinnick, Kevin Ponto, Jung-Hye Shin. Evaluating the Acceptability and Appropriateness of the Augmented Reality Home Assessment Tool (ARHAT): Qualitative Descriptive Study. JMIR aging. 2023, 6: e44525
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  • 19)- Tanja Schroeder, Laura Dodds, Andrew Georgiou, Heiko Gewald, Joyce Siette. Older Adults and New Technology: Mapping Review of the Factors Associated With Older Adults' Intention to Adopt Digital Technologies. JMIR aging. 2023, 6: e44564
    Cited : 28
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  • 20)- Maryum Zaidi, Priscilla Gazarian, Heather Mattie, Lisa Kennedy Sheldon, C Ann Gakumo. Examining the Impact of Selected Sociodemographic Factors and Cancer-Related Fatalistic Beliefs on Patient Engagement via Health Information Technology Among Older Adults: Cross-Sectional Analysis. JMIR aging. 2023, 6: e44777
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  • 21)- Kübra Beliz Budak, Franziska Laporte Uribe, Franka Meiland, Simone Anna Felding, Sonja Teupen, Johannes Michael Bergmann, Rene Mueller-Widmer, Martina Roes. Implementing Active Assisted Living Technology in the Long-term Care of People Living With Dementia to Address Loneliness: European Survey. JMIR aging. 2023, 6: e45231
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  • 22)- Natasha Randall, Waki Kamino, Swapna Joshi, Wei-Chu Chen, Long-Jing Hsu, Katherine M Tsui, Selma Šabanović. Understanding the Connection Among Ikigai, Well-Being, and Home Robot Acceptance in Japanese Older Adults: Mixed Methods Study. JMIR aging. 2023, 6: e45442
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  • 23)- Timothy J Judson, Meera Subash, James D Harrison, Jan Yeager, Aimée M Williams, Carrie K Grouse, Maria Byron. Patient Perceptions of e-Visits: Qualitative Study of Older Adults to Inform Health System Implementation. JMIR aging. 2023, 6: e45641
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  • 24)- Maria Matsangidou, Theodoros Solomou, Fotos Frangoudes, Ersi Papayianni, Constantinos S Pattichis. Offering Outworld Experiences to In-Patients With Dementia Through Virtual Reality: Mixed Methods Study. JMIR aging. 2023, 6: e45799
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  • 25)- Christina S McCrae, Ashley F Curtis, Melanie A Stearns, Neetu Nair, Mojgan Golzy, Joel I Shenker, David Q Beversdorf, Amelia Cottle, Meredeth A Rowe. Development and Initial Evaluation of Web-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia in Rural Family Caregivers of People With Dementia (NiteCAPP): Mixed Methods Study. JMIR aging. 2023, 6: e45859
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  • 26)- Marijn Muurling, Wan-Tai M Au-Yeung, Zachary Beattie, Chao-Yi Wu, Hiroko Dodge, Nathaniel K Rodrigues, Sarah Gothard, Lisa C Silbert, Lisa L Barnes, Joel S Steele, Jeffrey Kaye. Differences in Life Space Activity Patterns Between Older Adults With Mild Cognitive Impairment Living Alone or as a Couple: Cohort Study Using Passive Activity Sensing. JMIR aging. 2023, 6: e45876
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  • 27)- Prabitha Urwyler, Rajnish Kumar Gupta, Michael Falkner, Joel Niklaus, René Martin Müri, Tobias Nef. Tablet-Based Puzzle Game Intervention for Cognitive Function and Well-Being in Healthy Adults: Pilot Feasibility Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR aging. 2023, 6: e46177
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  • 28)- Ian Kwok, Emily Gardiner Lattie, Dershung Yang, Amanda Summers, Veronika Grote, Paul Cotten, Judith Tedlie Moskowitz. Acceptability and Feasibility of a Socially Enhanced, Self-Guided, Positive Emotion Regulation Intervention for Caregivers of Individuals With Dementia: Pilot Intervention Study. JMIR aging. 2023, 6: e46269
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  • 29)- Jelena Krafft, Bettina Barisch-Fritz, Janina Krell-Roesch, Sandra Trautwein, Andrea Scharpf, Alexander Woll. A Tablet-Based App to Support Nursing Home Staff in Delivering an Individualized Cognitive and Physical Exercise Program for Individuals With Dementia: Mixed Methods Usability Study. JMIR aging. 2023, 6: e46480
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  • 30)- Phillip Hamrick, Victoria Sanborn, Rachel Ostrand, John Gunstad. Lexical Speech Features of Spontaneous Speech in Older Persons With and Without Cognitive Impairment: Reliability Analysis. JMIR aging. 2023, 6: e46483
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  • 31)- Melissa J Böttinger, Elena Litz, Katharina Gordt-Oesterwind, Carl-Philipp Jansen, Nicole Memmer, Christian Mychajliw, Leon Radeck, Jürgen M Bauer, Clemens Becker. Co-Creating a Digital Life-Integrated Self-Assessment for Older Adults: User Experience Study. JMIR aging. 2023, 6: e46738
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  • 32)- Idrissa Beogo, Drissa Sia, Stephanie Collin, Andi Phaelle Gedeon, Michaël-Christopher Louismé, Jean Ramdé, Marie-Pierre Gagnon, Eric Tchouaket Nguemeleu. Strengthening Social Capital to Address Isolation and Loneliness in Long-Term Care Facilities During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Systematic Review of Research on Information and Communication Technologies. JMIR aging. 2023, 6: e46753
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  • 33)- Qingling Yang, Huilin Cheng, Jing Qin, Alice Yuen Loke, Fei Wan Ngai, Ka Chun Chong, Dexing Zhang, Yang Gao, Harry Haoxiang Wang, Zhaomin Liu, Chun Hao, Yao Jie Xie. A Machine Learning-Based Preclinical Osteoporosis Screening Tool (POST): Model Development and Validation Study. JMIR aging. 2023, 6: e46791
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  • 34)- Marcia Shade, Mariya Kovaleva, Kimberly Harp, Aqueasha Martin-Hammond. Older Adults' Pain Outcomes After mHealth Interventions: Scoping Review. JMIR aging. 2023, 6: e46976
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  • 35)- Ying Yu, Lily Xiao, Shahid Ullah, Claudia Meyer, Jing Wang, Anne Margriet Pot, Fathimath Shifaza. The Experiences of Informal Caregivers of People With Dementia in Web-Based Psychoeducation Programs: Systematic Review and Metasynthesis. JMIR aging. 2023, 6: e47152
    Cited : 7
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  • 36)- Qiping Fan, Logan DuBose, Marcia G Ory, Shinduk Lee, Minh-Nguyet Hoang, Jeswin Vennatt, Chung Lin Kew, David Doyle, Tokunbo Falohun. Financial, Legal, and Functional Challenges of Providing Care for People Living With Dementia and Needs for a Digital Platform: Interview Study Among Family Caregivers. JMIR aging. 2023, 6: e47577
    Cited : 6
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  • 37)- Xiaoling Xiang, Jay Kayser, Samson Ash, Chuxuan Zheng, Yihang Sun, Addie Weaver, Ruth Dunkle, James A Blackburn, Alex Halavanau, Jia Xue, Joseph A Himle. Web-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Depression Among Homebound Older Adults: Development and Usability Study. JMIR aging. 2023, 6: e47691
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  • 38)- Eric Balki, Niall Hayes, Carol Holland. The Indirect Impact of Educational Attainment as a Distal Resource for Older Adults on Loneliness, Social Isolation, Psychological Resilience, and Technology Use During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Cross-Sectional Quantitative Study. JMIR aging. 2023, 6: e47729
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  • 39)- Yun Jiang, Jinjiao Wang. Technological Innovations and Data-Driven Support for Older Adults. JMIR aging. 2023, 6: e48547
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  • 40)- Ching-Ju Chiu, Yi-Hsuan Lo, Jed Montayre, Hammoda Abu-Odah, Mei-Lan Chen, Ivy Yan Zhao. Identifying Preferred Appearance and Functional Requirements of Aged Care Robots Among Older Chinese Immigrants: Cross-Sectional Study. JMIR aging. 2023, 6: e48646
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  • 41)- Malin Holmqvist, Linda Johansson, Bertil Lindenfalk, Johan Thor, Axel Ros. Older Persons' and Health Care Professionals' Design Choices When Co-Designing a Medication Plan Aiming to Promote Patient Safety: Case Study. JMIR aging. 2023, 6: e49154
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  • 42)- Nikita Sharma, Louise M A Braakman-Jansen, Harri Oinas-Kukkonen, Jan Hendrik Croockewit, Jewc van Gemert-Pijnen. Exploring the Needs and Requirements of Informal Caregivers of Older Adults With Cognitive Impairment From Sensor-Based Care Solutions: Multimethod Study. JMIR aging. 2023, 6: e49319
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  • 43)- Roslyn Aclan, Stacey George, Kate Laver. A Digital Tool for the Self-Assessment of Homes to Increase Age-Friendliness: Validity Study. JMIR aging. 2023, 6: e49500
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  • 44)- Nahime Al Abiad, Kimberley S van Schooten, Valerie Renaudin, Kim Delbaere, Thomas Robert. Association of Prospective Falls in Older People With Ubiquitous Step-Based Fall Risk Parameters Calculated From Ambulatory Inertial Signals: Secondary Data Analysis. JMIR aging. 2023, 6: e49587
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  • 45)- Fang Gui, Jiaoyun Yang, Qilin Wu, Yang Liu, Jia Zhou, Ning An. Enhancing Caregiver Empowerment Through the Story Mosaic System: Human-Centered Design Approach for Visualizing Older Adult Life Stories. JMIR aging. 2023, 6: e50037
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  • 46)- Cherisse L Seaton, Kathy L Rush, Eric Ping Hung Li, Mohammad Khalad Hasan, Linda Fawcus. Gluu Essentials Digital Skills Training for Middle-Aged and Older Adults That Makes Skills Stick: Results of a Pre-Post Intervention Study. JMIR aging. 2023, 6: e50345
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  • 47)- Sadaf Faisal, Devine Samoth, Yusra Aslam, Hawa Patel, SooMin Park, Bincy Baby, Tejal Patel. Key Features of Smart Medication Adherence Products: Updated Scoping Review. JMIR aging. 2023, 6: e50990
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  • 48)- Kathleen Fear, Conrad Gleber. Shaping the Future of Older Adult Care: ChatGPT, Advanced AI, and the Transformation of Clinical Practice. JMIR aging. 2023, 6: e51776
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  • 49)- Ethan E Abbott, Wonsuk Oh, Yang Dai, Cole Feuer, Lili Chan, Brendan G Carr, Girish N Nadkarni. Joint Modeling of Social Determinants and Clinical Factors to Define Subphenotypes in Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Survival: Cluster Analysis. JMIR aging. 2023, 6: e51844
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  • 50)- Eunkyung Han, Hadi Kharrazi, Leiyu Shi. Correction: Identifying Predictors of Nursing Home Admission by Using Electronic Health Records and Administrative Data: Scoping Review. JMIR aging. 2023, 6: e54952
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