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  • JMIR Cardio: 2023, vol: , issue:
  • 1)- Abby Katherine Hellem, Candace Whitfield, Amanda Casetti, Maria Cielito Robles, Mackenzie Dinh, William Meurer, Lesli Skolarus. Engagement in Self-measured Blood Pressure Monitoring Among Medically Underresourced Participants (the Reach Out Trial): Digital Framework Qualitative Study. JMIR cardio. 2023, 7: e38900
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  • 2)- Victoria Riley, Christopher Gidlow, Sophia Fedorowicz, Catherine Lagord, Katherine Thompson, Joshua Woolner, Rosie Taylor, Jade Clark, Andrew Lloyd-Harris. The Impact and Perception of England's Web-Based Heart Age Test of Cardiovascular Disease Risk: Mixed Methods Study. JMIR cardio. 2023, 7: e39097
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  • 3)- David Dorr, Chris D'Autremont, Joshua E Richardson, Michelle Bobo, Christopher Terndrup, M J Dunne, Anthony Cheng, Robert Rope. Patient-Facing Clinical Decision Support for High Blood Pressure Control: Patient Survey. JMIR cardio. 2023, 7: e39490
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  • 4)- Oonagh M Giggins, Julie Doyle, Suzanne Smith, Grainne Vavasour, Orla Moran, Shane Gavin, Nisanth Sojan, Gordon Boyle. Remotely Delivered Cardiac Rehabilitation Exercise for Coronary Heart Disease: Nonrandomized Feasibility Study. JMIR cardio. 2023, 7: e40283
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  • 5)- Jason Hearn, Jef Van den Eynde, Bhargava Chinni, Ari Cedars, Danielle Gottlieb Sen, Shelby Kutty, Cedric Manlhiot. Data Quality Degradation on Prediction Models Generated From Continuous Activity and Heart Rate Monitoring: Exploratory Analysis Using Simulation. JMIR cardio. 2023, 7: e40524
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  • 6)- Neal Yuan, Adam Oesterle, Patrick Botting, Sumeet Chugh, Christine Albert, Joseph Ebinger, David Ouyang. High-Throughput Assessment of Real-World Medication Effects on QT Interval Prolongation: Observational Study. JMIR cardio. 2023, 7: e41055
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  • 7)- Maaike Brons, Iris Ten Klooster, Lisette van Gemert-Pijnen, Tiny Jaarsma, Folkert W Asselbergs, Marish I F J Oerlemans, Stefan Koudstaal, Frans H Rutten. Patterns in the Use of Heart Failure Telemonitoring: Post Hoc Analysis of the e-Vita Heart Failure Trial. JMIR cardio. 2023, 7: e41248
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  • 8)- Kathy L Rush, Lindsay Burton, Peter Loewen, Ryan Wilson, Sarah Singh, Lana Moroz, Jason G Andrade. Patients' Experiences With the Fit of Virtual Atrial Fibrillation Care During the Pandemic: Qualitative Descriptive Study. JMIR cardio. 2023, 7: e41548
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  • 9)- Dong Han, Eric Y Ding, Chaeho Cho, Haewook Jung, Emily L Dickson, Fahimeh Mohagheghian, Andrew G Peitzsch, Danielle DiMezza, Khanh-Van Tran, David D McManus, Ki H Chon. A Smartwatch System for Continuous Monitoring of Atrial Fibrillation in Older Adults After Stroke or Transient Ischemic Attack: Application Design Study. JMIR cardio. 2023, 7: e41691
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  • 10)- Justin Wu, Jenna Napoleone, Sarah Linke, Madison Noble, Michael Turken, Michael Rakotz, Kate Kirley, Jennie Folk Akers, Jessie Juusola, Carolyn Bradner Jasik. Long-Term Results of a Digital Hypertension Self-Management Program: Retrospective Cohort Study. JMIR cardio. 2023, 7: e43489
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  • 11)- Britt E Bente, Jobke Wentzel, Celina Schepers, Linda D Breeman, Veronica R Janssen, Marcel E Pieterse, Andrea W M Evers, Lisette van Gemert-Pijnen. Implementation and User Evaluation of an eHealth Technology Platform Supporting Patients With Cardiovascular Disease in Managing Their Health After a Cardiac Event: Mixed Methods Study. JMIR cardio. 2023, 7: e43781
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  • 12)- Samia Kazi, Chloe Truesdale, Pauline Ryan, Glen Wiesner, Garry Jennings, Clara Chow. Initial Implementation of the My Heart, My Life Program by the National Heart Foundation of Australia: Pilot Mixed Methods Evaluation Study. JMIR cardio. 2023, 7: e43889
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  • 13)- Tomomi Shibuta, Kayo Waki, Kana Miyake, Ayumi Igarashi, Noriko Yamamoto-Mitani, Akiko Sankoda, Yoshinori Takeuchi, Masahiko Sumitani, Toshimasa Yamauchi, Masaomi Nangaku, Kazuhiko Ohe. Preliminary Efficacy, Feasibility, and Perceived Usefulness of a Smartphone-Based Self-Management System With Personalized Goal Setting and Feedback to Increase Step Count Among Workers With High Blood Pressure: Before-and-After Study. JMIR cardio. 2023, 7: e43940
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  • 14)- Alejandra Zepeda-Echavarria, Rutger R van de Leur, Meike van Sleuwen, Rutger J Hassink, Thierry X Wildbergh, Pieter A Doevendans, Joris Jaspers, René van Es. Electrocardiogram Devices for Home Use: Technological and Clinical Scoping Review. JMIR cardio. 2023, 7: e44003
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  • 15)- Margarita Calvo-López, Raquel Arranz Tolós, Josefa Marin Expósito, Domenico Gruosso, Rut Andrea, Mercè Roque, Carles Falces, Gemma Yago, Judith Saura Araguas, Nuria Pastor, Marta Sitges, Maria Sanz-de la Garza. Cardio4Health Study, a Cardiac Telerehabilitation Pilot Program Aimed at Patients After an Ischemic Event: Cross-sectional Study. JMIR cardio. 2023, 7: e44179
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  • 16)- Janah May Oclaman, Michelle L Murray, Donald J Grandis, Alexis L Beatty. The Association Between Mobile App Use and Change in Functional Capacity Among Cardiac Rehabilitation Participants: Cohort Study. JMIR cardio. 2023, 7: e44433
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  • 17)- Vy Ho, Cati Brown Johnson, Ilies Ghanzouri, Saeed Amal, Steven Asch, Elsie Ross. Physician- and Patient-Elicited Barriers and Facilitators to Implementation of a Machine Learning-Based Screening Tool for Peripheral Arterial Disease: Preimplementation Study With Physician and Patient Stakeholders. JMIR cardio. 2023, 7: e44732
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  • 18)- Jiesuck Park, Yeonyee Yoon, Youngjin Cho, Joonghee Kim. Feasibility of Artificial Intelligence-Based Electrocardiography Analysis for the Prediction of Obstructive Coronary Artery Disease in Patients With Stable Angina: Validation Study. JMIR cardio. 2023, 7: e44791
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  • 19)- Christopher Stremmel, Rüdiger Breitschwerdt. Digital Transformation in the Diagnostics and Therapy of Cardiovascular Diseases: Comprehensive Literature Review. JMIR cardio. 2023, 7: e44983
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  • 20)- Eric Y Ding, Khanh-Van Tran, Darleen Lessard, Ziyue Wang, Dong Han, Fahimeh Mohagheghian, Edith Mensah Otabil, Kamran Noorishirazi, Jordy Mehawej, Andreas Filippaios, Syed Naeem, Matthew F Gottbrecht, Timothy P Fitzgibbons, Jane S Saczynski, Bruce Barton, Ki Chon, David D McManus. Accuracy, Usability, and Adherence of Smartwatches for Atrial Fibrillation Detection in Older Adults After Stroke: Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR cardio. 2023, 7: e45137
    Cited : 2
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  • 21)- Ruben S Zoodsma, Rian Bosch, Thomas Alderliesten, Casper W Bollen, Teus H Kappen, Erik Koomen, Arno Siebes, Joppe Nijman. Continuous Data-Driven Monitoring in Critical Congenital Heart Disease: Clinical Deterioration Model Development. JMIR cardio. 2023, 7: e45190
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  • 22)- Yuji Nishizaki, Haruo Kuroki, So Ishii, Shigeyuki Ohtsu, Chizuru Watanabe, Hiroto Nishizawa, Masashi Nagao, Masanori Nojima, Ryo Watanabe, Daisuke Sato, Kensuke Sato, Yumi Kawata, Hiroo Wada, Goichiro Toyoda, Katsumi Ohbayashi. Determining Optimal Intervals for In-Person Visits During Video-Based Telemedicine Among Patients With Hypertension: Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR cardio. 2023, 7: e45230
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  • 23)- In Tae Moon, Sun-Hwa Kim, Jung Yeon Chin, Sung Hun Park, Chang-Hwan Yoon, Tae-Jin Youn, In-Ho Chae, Si-Hyuck Kang. Accuracy of Artificial Intelligence-Based Automated Quantitative Coronary Angiography Compared to Intravascular Ultrasound: Retrospective Cohort Study. JMIR cardio. 2023, 7: e45299
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  • 24)- Michael O Killian, Shubo Tian, Aiwen Xing, Dana Hughes, Dipankar Gupta, Xiaoyu Wang, Zhe He. Prediction of Outcomes After Heart Transplantation in Pediatric Patients Using National Registry Data: Evaluation of Machine Learning Approaches. JMIR cardio. 2023, 7: e45352
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  • 25)- Sameer Zaman, Yorissa Padayachee, Moulesh Shah, Jack Samways, Alice Auton, Nicholas M Quaife, Mark Sweeney, James P Howard, Indira Tenorio, Patrik Bachtiger, Tahereh Kamalati, Punam A Pabari, Nick W F Linton, Jamil Mayet, Nicholas S Peters, Carys Barton, Graham D Cole, Carla M Plymen. Smartphone-Based Remote Monitoring in Heart Failure With Reduced Ejection Fraction: Retrospective Cohort Study of Secondary Care Use and Costs. JMIR cardio. 2023, 7: e45611
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  • 26)- Mitchell Nicmanis, Anna Chur-Hansen, Karen Linehan. The Information Needs and Experiences of People Living With Cardiac Implantable Electronic Devices: Qualitative Content Analysis of Reddit Posts. JMIR cardio. 2023, 7: e46296
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  • 27)- Avinash Pandey, Marie Michelle D'Souza, Amritanshu Shekhar Pandey, Hassan Mir. A Web-Based Application for Risk Stratification and Optimization in Patients With Cardiovascular Disease: Pilot Study. JMIR cardio. 2023, 7: e46533
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  • 28)- Lee Anne Siegmund, James F Bena, Shannon L Morrison. Cardiac Rehabilitation Facebook Intervention: Feasibility Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR cardio. 2023, 7: e46828
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  • 29)- Lindsay Dryden, Jacquelin Song, Teresa J Valenzano, Zhen Yang, Meggie Debnath, Rebecca Lin, Jane Topolovec-Vranic, Muhammad Mamdani, Tony Antoniou. Evaluation of Machine Learning Approaches for Predicting Warfarin Discharge Dose in Cardiac Surgery Patients: Retrospective Algorithm Development and Validation Study. JMIR cardio. 2023, 7: e47262
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  • 30)- Julie K Simonson, Misty Anderson, Cate Polacek, Erika Klump, Saira N Haque. Characterizing Real-World Implementation of Consumer Wearables for the Detection of Undiagnosed Atrial Fibrillation in Clinical Practice: Targeted Literature Review. JMIR cardio. 2023, 7: e47292
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  • 31)- Sermkiat Lolak, John Attia, Gareth J McKay, Ammarin Thakkinstian. Comparing Explainable Machine Learning Approaches With Traditional Statistical Methods for Evaluating Stroke Risk Models: Retrospective Cohort Study. JMIR cardio. 2023, 7: e47736
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  • 32)- Jocelyn Carter, Natalia Swack, Eric Isselbacher, Karen Donelan, Anne N Thorndike. Feasibility and Acceptability of a Combined Digital Platform and Community Health Worker Intervention for Patients With Heart Failure: Single-Arm Pilot Study. JMIR cardio. 2023, 7: e47818
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  • 33)- Kristina Klier, Yash J Patel, Timo Schinköthe, Nadia Harbeck, Annette Schmidt. Corrected QT Interval (QTc) Diagnostic App for the Oncological Routine: Development Study. JMIR cardio. 2023, 7: e48096
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  • 34)- Marius Nakrys, Sarunas Valinskas, Kasparas Aleknavicius, Justinas Jonusas. Pilot Investigation of Blood Pressure Control Using a Mobile App (Cardi.Health): Retrospective Chart Review Study. JMIR cardio. 2023, 7: e48454
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  • 35)- Salam Bani Hani, Muayyad Ahmad. Effective Prediction of Mortality by Heart Disease Among Women in Jordan Using the Chi-Squared Automatic Interaction Detection Model: Retrospective Validation Study. JMIR cardio. 2023, 7: e48795
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  • 36)- Satish Misra, Karen Niazi, Kamala Swayampakala, Amanda Blackmon, Melissa Lang, Elizabeth Davenport, Sherry Saxonhouse, John Fedor, Brian Powell, Joseph Thompson, John Holshouser, Rohit Mehta. Outcomes of a Remote Cardiac Rehabilitation Program for Patients Undergoing Atrial Fibrillation Ablation: Pilot Study. JMIR cardio. 2023, 7: e49345
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  • 37)- Melissa Louise Pelly, Farhad Fatehi, Danny Liew, Antonio Verdejo-Garcia. Digital Health Secondary Prevention Using Co-Design Procedures: Focus Group Study With Health Care Providers and Patients With Myocardial Infarction. JMIR cardio. 2023, 7: e49892
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  • 38)- Kristina Klier, Lucas Koch, Lisa Graf, Timo Schinköthe, Annette Schmidt. Diagnostic Accuracy of Single-Lead Electrocardiograms Using the Kardia Mobile App and the Apple Watch 4: Validation Study. JMIR cardio. 2023, 7: e50701
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  • 39)- Fabian Starnecker, Lara Marie Reimer, Leon Nissen, Marko Jovanović, Maximilian Kapsecker, Susanne Rospleszcz, Moritz von Scheidt, Johannes Krefting, Nils Krüger, Benedikt Perl, Jens Wiehler, Ruoyu Sun, Stephan Jonas, Heribert Schunkert. Guideline-Based Cardiovascular Risk Assessment Delivered by an mHealth App: Development Study. JMIR cardio. 2023, 7: e50813
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  • 40)- Sanket S Dhruva, Merritt H Raitt, Scott Munson, Hans J Moore, Pamela Steele, Lindsey Rosman, Mary A Whooley. Barriers and Facilitators Associated With Remote Monitoring Adherence Among Veterans With Pacemakers and Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillators: Qualitative Cross-Sectional Study. JMIR cardio. 2023, 7: e50973
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  • 41)- Julian Einhorn, Andrew R Murphy, Shari S Rogal, Brian Suffoletto, Taya Irizarry, Bruce L Rollman, Daniel E Forman, Matthew F Muldoon. Automated Messaging Program to Facilitate Systematic Home Blood Pressure Monitoring: Qualitative Analysis of Provider Interviews. JMIR cardio. 2023, 7: e51316
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  • 42)- Enrico de Koning, Yvette van der Haas, Saguna Saguna, Esmee Stoop, Jan Bosch, Saskia Beeres, Martin Schalij, Mark Boogers. AI Algorithm to Predict Acute Coronary Syndrome in Prehospital Cardiac Care: Retrospective Cohort Study. JMIR cardio. 2023, 7: e51375
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  • 43)- Akshaya Srikanth Bhagavathula, Wafa Ali Aldhaleei, Tesfay Mehari Atey, Solomon Assefa, Wubshet Tesfaye. Efficacy of eHealth Technologies on Medication Adherence in Patients With Acute Coronary Syndrome: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. JMIR cardio. 2023, 7: e52697
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  • 44)- Sigridur Björnsdottir, Hildigunnur Ulfsdottir, Elias Freyr Gudmundsson, Kolbrun Sveinsdottir, Ari Isberg, Bartosz Dobies, Gudlaug E A Magnusdottir, Thrudur Gunnarsdottir, Tekla Karlsdottir, Gudlaug Bjornsdottir, Sigurdur Sigurdsson, Saemundur Oddsson, Vilmundur Gudnason. User Engagement, Acceptability and Clinical Markers in a Digital Health Program for Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD): A feasibility study. JMIR cardio. 2023, :
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