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  • JMIR Infodemiology: 2023, vol: , issue:
  • 1)- Harshita Chopra, Aniket Vashishtha, Ridam Pal, , Ananya Tyagi, Tavpritesh Sethi. Mining Trends of COVID-19 Vaccine Beliefs on Twitter With Lexical Embeddings: Longitudinal Observational Study. JMIR infodemiology. 2023, 3: e34315
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  • 2)- Samaneh Omranian, Maryam Zolnoori, Ming Huang, Celeste Campos-Castillo, Susan McRoy. Predicting Patient Satisfaction With Medications for Treating Opioid Use Disorder: Case Study Applying Natural Language Processing to Reviews of Methadone and Buprenorphine/Naloxone on Health-Related Social Media. JMIR infodemiology. 2023, 3: e37207
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  • 3)- Melissa C Eaton, Yasmine C Probst, Marc A Smith. Characterizing the Discourse of Popular Diets to Describe Information Dispersal and Identify Leading Voices, Interaction, and Themes of Mental Health: Social Network Analysis. JMIR infodemiology. 2023, 3: e38245
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  • 4)- Anjana E Sharma, Kiran Khosla, Kameswari Potharaju, Arnab Mukherjea, Urmimala Sarkar. COVID-19-Associated Misinformation Across the South Asian Diaspora: Qualitative Study of WhatsApp Messages. JMIR infodemiology. 2023, 3: e38607
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  • 5)- Haley Stone, David Heslop, Samsung Lim, Ines Sarmiento, Mohana Kunasekaran, C Raina MacIntyre. Open-Source Intelligence for Detection of Radiological Events and Syndromes Following the Invasion of Ukraine in 2022: Observational Study. JMIR infodemiology. 2023, 3: e39895
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  • 6)- Memphis Long, Laura E Forbes, Petros Papagerakis, Jessica R L Lieffers. YouTube Videos on Nutrition and Dental Caries: Content Analysis. JMIR infodemiology. 2023, 3: e40003
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  • 7)- Catherine Pollack, Diane Gilbert-Diamond, Tracy Onega, Soroush Vosoughi, A James O'Malley, Jennifer A Emond. Obesity-Related Discourse on Facebook and Instagram Throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic: Comparative Longitudinal Evaluation. JMIR infodemiology. 2023, 3: e40005
    Cited : 2
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  • 8)- Natalie A Squires, Elizabeth Soyemi, Lynn M Yee, Eleanor M Birch, Nevert Badreldin. Content Quality of YouTube Videos About Pain Management After Cesarean Birth: Content Analysis. JMIR infodemiology. 2023, 3: e40802
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  • 9)- Zihe Zheng, Zidian Xie, Maciej Goniewicz, Irfan Rahman, Dongmei Li. Potential Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Public Perception of Water Pipes on Reddit: Observational Study. JMIR infodemiology. 2023, 3: e40913
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  • 10)- Husayn Marani, Melodie Yunju Song, Margaret Jamieson, Monika Roerig, Sara Allin. Public Officials' Engagement on Social Media During the Rollout of the COVID-19 Vaccine: Content Analysis of Tweets. JMIR infodemiology. 2023, 3: e41582
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  • 11)- Claire Harter, Marina Ness, Aleah Goldin, Christine Lee, Christine Merenda, Anne Riberdy, Anindita Saha, Richardae Araojo, Michelle Tarver. Exploring Chronic Pain and Pain Management Perspectives: Qualitative Pilot Analysis of Web-Based Health Community Posts. JMIR infodemiology. 2023, 3: e41672
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  • 12)- Carole Faviez, Manissa Talmatkadi, Pierre Foulquié, Adel Mebarki, Stéphane Schück, Anita Burgun, Xiaoyi Chen. Assessment of the Early Detection of Anosmia and Ageusia Symptoms in COVID-19 on Twitter: Retrospective Study. JMIR infodemiology. 2023, 3: e41863
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  • 13)- Dhiraj Murthy, Juhan Lee, Hassan Dashtian, Grace Kong. Influence of User Profile Attributes on e-Cigarette-Related Searches on YouTube: Machine Learning Clustering and Classification. JMIR infodemiology. 2023, 3: e42218
    Cited : 4
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  • 14)- Isha Nair, Sophia P Patel, Ashley Bolen, Samantha Roger, Kayla Bucci, Laura Schwab-Reese, Andrea L DeMaria. Reproductive Health Experiences Shared on TikTok by Young People: Content Analysis. JMIR infodemiology. 2023, 3: e42810
    Cited : 3
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  • 15)- Pritam Dasgupta, Janaki Amin, Cecile Paris, C Raina MacIntyre. News Coverage of Face Masks in Australia During the Early COVID-19 Pandemic: Topic Modeling Study. JMIR infodemiology. 2023, 3: e43011
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  • 16)- Marco Zenone, Jeremy Snyder, Jean-Christophe Bélisle-Pipon, Timothy Caulfield, May van Schalkwyk, Nason Maani. Advertising Alternative Cancer Treatments and Approaches on Meta Social Media Platforms: Content Analysis. JMIR infodemiology. 2023, 3: e43548
    Cited : 3
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  • 17)- T Sonia Boender, Paula Helene Schneider, Claudia Houareau, Silvan Wehrli, Tina D Purnat, Atsuyoshi Ishizumi, Elisabeth Wilhelm, Christopher Voegeli, Lothar H Wieler, Christina Leuker. Establishing Infodemic Management in Germany: A Framework for Social Listening and Integrated Analysis to Report Infodemic Insights at the National Public Health Institute. JMIR infodemiology. 2023, 3: e43646
    Cited : 6
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  • 18)- Miguel Angel Alvarez-Mon, Victor Pereira-Sanchez, Elizabeth R Hooker, Facundo Sanchez, Melchor Alvarez-Mon, Alan R Teo. Content and User Engagement of Health-Related Behavior Tweets Posted by Mass Media Outlets From Spain and the United States Early in the COVID-19 Pandemic: Observational Infodemiology Study. JMIR infodemiology. 2023, 3: e43685
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  • 19)- Abeed Sarker, Sahithi Lakamana, Ruqi Liao, Aamir Abbas, Yuan-Chi Yang, Mohammed Al-Garadi. The Early Detection of Fraudulent COVID-19 Products From Twitter Chatter: Data Set and Baseline Approach Using Anomaly Detection. JMIR infodemiology. 2023, 3: e43694
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  • 20)- Nekabari Sigalo, Vanessa Frias-Martinez. Using COVID-19 Vaccine Attitudes Found in Tweets to Predict Vaccine Perceptions in Traditional Surveys: Infodemiology Study. JMIR infodemiology. 2023, 3: e43700
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  • 21)- Nekabari Sigalo, Naman Awasthi, Saad Mohammad Abrar, Vanessa Frias-Martinez. Using COVID-19 Vaccine Attitudes on Twitter to Improve Vaccine Uptake Forecast Models in the United States: Infodemiology Study of Tweets. JMIR infodemiology. 2023, 3: e43703
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  • 22)- Jordan P Cuff, Shrinivas Nivrutti Dighe, Sophie E Watson, Rafael A Badell-Grau, Andrew J Weightman, Davey L Jones, Peter Kille. Monitoring SARS-CoV-2 Using Infoveillance, National Reporting Data, and Wastewater in Wales, United Kingdom: Mixed Methods Study. JMIR infodemiology. 2023, 3: e43891
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  • 23)- Jacopo Lenti, Yelena Mejova, Kyriaki Kalimeri, André Panisson, Daniela Paolotti, Michele Tizzani, Michele Starnini. Global Misinformation Spillovers in the Vaccination Debate Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Multilingual Twitter Study. JMIR infodemiology. 2023, 3: e44714
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  • 24)- Dobin Yim, Jiban Khuntia, Elliot King, Matthew Treskon, Panagis Galiatsatos. Expert Credibility and Sentiment in Infodemiology of Hydroxychloroquine's Efficacy on Cable News Programs: Empirical Analysis. JMIR infodemiology. 2023, 3: e45392
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  • 25)- Becky K White, Arnault Gombert, Tim Nguyen, Brian Yau, Atsuyoshi Ishizumi, Laura Kirchner, Alicia León, Harry Wilson, Giovanna Jaramillo-Gutierrez, Jesus Cerquides, Marcelo D'Agostino, Cristiana Salvi, Ravi Shankar Sreenath, Kimberly Rambaud, Dalia Samhouri, Sylvie Briand, Tina D Purnat. Using Machine Learning Technology (Early Artificial Intelligence-Supported Response With Social Listening Platform) to Enhance Digital Social Understanding for the COVID-19 Infodemic: Development and Implementation Study. JMIR infodemiology. 2023, 3: e47317
    Cited : 4
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  • 26)- Alexis M Koskan, Shalini Sivanandam, Kristy Roschke, Jonathan Irby, Deborah L Helitzer, Bradley Doebbeling. Sharing Reliable COVID-19 Information and Countering Misinformation: In-Depth Interviews With Information Advocates. JMIR infodemiology. 2023, 3: e47677
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  • 27)- Andrew Lustig, Gavin Brookes. Corpus-Based Discourse Analysis of a Reddit Community of Users of Crystal Methamphetamine: Mixed Methods Study. JMIR infodemiology. 2023, 3: e48189
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  • 28)- Funmi Adebesin, Hanlie Smuts, Tendani Mawela, George Maramba, Marie Hattingh. The Role of Social Media in Health Misinformation and Disinformation During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Bibliometric Analysis. JMIR infodemiology. 2023, 3: e48620
    Cited : 9
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  • 29)- David Scales, Lindsay Hurth, Wenna Xi, Sara Gorman, Malavika Radhakrishnan, Savannah Windham, Azubuike Akunne, Julia Florman, Lindsey Leininger, Jack Gorman. Addressing Antivaccine Sentiment on Public Social Media Forums Through Web-Based Conversations Based on Motivational Interviewing Techniques: Observational Study. JMIR infodemiology. 2023, 3: e50138
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  • 30)- Kazuho Taguchi, Precious Matsoso, Roland Driece, Tovar da Silva Nunes, Ahmed Soliman, Viroj Tangcharoensathien. Effective Infodemic Management: A Substantive Article of the Pandemic Accord. JMIR infodemiology. 2023, 3: e51760
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  • 31)- Ryuichiro Ueda, Feng Han, Hongjian Zhang, Tomohiro Aoki, Katsuhiko Ogasawara. Sentiment Analysis of Japanese Twitter Users: Verification in the Early Stages of COVID-19 Infection Spread. JMIR infodemiology. 2023, :
    Cited : 2
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