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Brain Stimulation

Published By Elsevier

  • Brain Stimulation: 2023, vol: , issue:
  • 1)- Yuchao Wang, Isha Vora, Baothy P Huynh, Matthew Picard-Fraser, Mohammad Daneshzand, Aapo Nummenmaa, Teresa J Kimberley. Coils are not created equal: Effects on TMS thresholding. Brain stimulation. 2023, 17 (1): 1-3
    Cited : 4
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  • 2)- Iiris Atti, Paolo Belardinelli, Risto J Ilmoniemi, Johanna Metsomaa. Measuring the accuracy of ICA-based artifact removal from TMS-evoked potentials. Brain stimulation. 2023, 17 (1): 10-18
    Cited : 5
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  • 3)- Xin-Hui Xie, Shu-Xian Xu, Lihua Yao, Mian-Mian Chen, Honghan Zhang, Chao Wang, Corina Nagy, Zhongchun Liu. Altered in vivo early neurogenesis traits in patients with depression: Evidence from neuron-derived extracellular vesicles and electroconvulsive therapy. Brain stimulation. 2023, 17 (1): 19-28
    Cited : 5
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  • 4)- Joline M Fan, Bianca De, Adam C Frank, Genevieve Basich-Pease, Tenzin Norbu, Melanie A Morrison, Paul Larson, Philip A Starr, Andrew D Krystal, A Moses Lee. Intracranial beta activity is a biomarker of circadian and stimulation-induced arousal in obsessive compulsive disorder. Brain stimulation. 2023, 17 (1): 29-31
    Cited : 1
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  • 5)- Miriam C Klein-Flügge, Elsa F Fouragnan, Eleanor Martin. The importance of acoustic output measurement and monitoring for the replicability of transcranial ultrasonic stimulation studies. Brain stimulation. 2023, 17 (1): 32-34
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  • 6)- C M Deveney, J R Surya, J M Haroon, K D Mahdavi, K R Hoffman, K C Enemuo, K G Jordan, S A Becerra, T Kuhn, A Bystristky, S E Jordan. Transcranial focused ultrasound for the treatment of tremor: A preliminary case series. Brain stimulation. 2023, 17 (1): 35-38
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  • 7)- Qian-Qian Tian, Chen Cheng, Zi-Xin Yin, Yang-Yang Yuan, Cong Wang, Xiao Zeng, Jin-Bo Sun, Qun Yang, Xue-Juan Yang, Wei Qin. Combined transcutaneous auricular vagus stimulation (taVNS) with 0.1Hz slow breathing enhances insomnia treatment efficacy: A pilot study. Brain stimulation. 2023, 17 (1): 4-6
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  • 8)- Ellen J Bubrick, Nathan J McDannold, Janet Orozco, Timothy Y Mariano, Laura Rigolo, Alexandra J Golby, Yanmei Tie, P Jason White. Transcranial ultrasound neuromodulation for epilepsy: A pilot safety trial. Brain stimulation. 2023, 17 (1): 7-9
    Cited : 8
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  • 9)- Nicola Toschi, Andrea Duggento, Riccardo Barbieri, Ronald G Garcia, Harrison P Fisher, Norman W Kettner, Vitaly Napadow, Roberta Sclocco. Causal influence of brainstem response to transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation on cardiovagal outflow. Brain stimulation. 2023, 16 (6): 1557-1565
    Cited : 2
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  • 10)- Cole Citrenbaum, Juliana Corlier, Doan Ngo, Nikita Vince-Cruz, Andrew Wilson, Scott A Wilke, David Krantz, Reza Tadayonnejad, Nathaniel Ginder, Jennifer Levitt, John H Lee, Michael K Leuchter, Thomas B Strouse, Andrew Corse, Pooja Vyas, Andrew F Leuchter. Pretreatment pupillary reactivity is associated with differential early response to 10 Hz and intermittent theta-burst repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) treatment of major depressive disorder (MDD). Brain stimulation. 2023, 16 (6): 1566-1571
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  • 11)- Amourie Prentice, Ylka Kolken, Christina Tuttle, Joris van Neijenhof, Richard Pitch, Iris van Oostrom, Vera Kruiver, Jonathan Downar, Alexander T Sack, Martijn Arns, Nikita van der Vinne. 1Hz right orbitofrontal TMS benefits depressed patients unresponsive to dorsolateral prefrontal cortex TMS. Brain stimulation. 2023, 16 (6): 1572-1575
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  • 12)- Dong Wu, Bo Liu, Yunqing Wu, Yu Wang, Jingyi Sun, Jun Yang, Jinping Duan, Gang Liu, Kai Cao, Yi Zhang, Peijing Rong. Meniere Disease treated with transcutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation combined with betahistine Mesylate: A randomized controlled trial. Brain stimulation. 2023, 16 (6): 1576-1584
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  • 13)- Yang Bai, Jie Xuan, Shihang Jia, Ulf Ziemann. TMS of parietal and occipital cortex locked to spontaneous transient large-scale brain states enhances natural oscillations in EEG. Brain stimulation. 2023, 16 (6): 1588-1597
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  • 14)- Luuk van Boekholdt, Silke Kerstens, Kaydee Decloedt, Myles Mc Laughlin. A novel free-moving rat model of transcranial direct current stimulation. Brain stimulation. 2023, 16 (6): 1601-1603
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  • 15)- Melody M Y Chan, Coco X T Choi, Tom C W Tsoi, Caroline K S Shea, Klaire W K Yiu, Yvonne M Y Han. Effects of multisession cathodal transcranial direct current stimulation with cognitive training on sociocognitive functioning and brain dynamics in autism: A double-blind, sham-controlled, randomized EEG study. Brain stimulation. 2023, 16 (6): 1604-1616
    Cited : 3
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  • 16)- Kay Palopoli-Trojani, Stephen L Schmidt, Karley D Baringer, Theodore A Slotkin, Jennifer J Peters, Dennis A Turner, Warren M Grill. Temporally non-regular patterns of deep brain stimulation (DBS) enhance assessment of evoked potentials while maintaining motor symptom management in Parkinson's disease (PD). Brain stimulation. 2023, 16 (6): 1630-1642
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  • 17)- Sanskriti Sasikumar, Melanie Cohn, Ariana Youm, Katherine Duncan, Alexandra Boogers, Antonio P Strafella, David T Blake, Alfonso Fasano. Rethinking NBM DBS: Intermittent stimulation improves sustained attention in Parkinson's disease. Brain stimulation. 2023, 16 (6): 1643-1645
    Cited : 1
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  • 18)- Sreekari Vogeti, Maryam Faramarzi, Christoph S Herrmann. Alpha transcranial alternating current stimulation modulates auditory perception. Brain stimulation. 2023, 16 (6): 1646-1652
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  • 19)- Anna Duong, Julian Quabs, Aaron Kucyi, Zoe Lusk, Vivek Buch, Svenja Caspers, Josef Parvizi. Subjective states induced by intracranial electrical stimulation matches the cytoarchitectonic organization of the human insula. Brain stimulation. 2023, 16 (6): 1653-1665
    Cited : 2
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  • 20)- Alberto Benussi, Valentina Cantoni, Mario Grassi, Ilenia Libri, Maria Sofia Cotelli, Barbara Tarantino, Abhishek Datta, Chris Thomas, Nadine Huber, Sari Kärkkäinen, Sanna-Kaisa Herukka, Annakaisa Haapasalo, Massimiliano Filosto, Alessandro Padovani, Barbara Borroni. Cortico-spinal tDCS in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: A randomized, double-blind, sham-controlled trial followed by an open-label phase. Brain stimulation. 2023, 16 (6): 1666-1676
    Cited : 2
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  • 21)- Emma De Schuyteneer, Erik Giltay, Kristof Vansteelandt, Jasmien Obbels, Liese Van den Eynde, Shauni Verspecht, Chelsea Verledens, Kaat Hebbrecht, Pascal Sienaert. Electroconvulsive therapy improves somatic symptoms before mood in patients with depression: A directed network analysis. Brain stimulation. 2023, 16 (6): 1677-1683
    Cited : 1
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  • 22)- Faith C Adams, Stevie D Foglia, Chloe C Drapeau, Claudia V Turco, Karishma R Ramdeo, Aimee J Nelson. Intersession reliability of fast motor mapping using TMS. Brain stimulation. 2023, 16 (6): 1684-1685
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  • 23)- Ke Ma, Masashi Hamada, Vincenzo Di Lazzaro, Brodie Hand, Andrea Guerra, George M Opie, Stephan M Goetz. Correlating active and resting motor thresholds for transcranial magnetic stimulation through a matching model. Brain stimulation. 2023, 16 (6): 1686-1688
    Cited : 1
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  • 24)- William K S Ojemann, Brittany H Scheid, Sofia Mouchtaris, Alfredo Lucas, Joshua J LaRocque, Carlos Aguila, Arian Ashourvan, Lorenzo Caciagli, Kathryn A Davis, Erin C Conrad, Brian Litt. Resting-state background features demonstrate multidien cycles in long-term EEG device recordings. Brain stimulation. 2023, 16 (6): 1709-1718
    Cited : 3
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  • 25)- Sabrina K Segal, Charles L Weber, Alexander M Kaplan, Narin Wongngamnit, Aaron G Avallone, Kartiki U Churi, Andrew D Davalt, Christopher G Ivany. A novel sequential bilateral neurostimulation approach for treatment-resistant depression involving high-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation to the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and intermittent theta burst to the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. Brain stimulation. 2023, 16 (6): 1719-1721
    Cited : 1
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  • 26)- Dario Müller, Ute Habel, Edward S Brodkin, Benjamin Clemens, Carmen Weidler. HD-tDCS induced changes in resting-state functional connectivity: Insights from EF modeling. Brain stimulation. 2023, 16 (6): 1722-1732
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  • 27)- Farui Liu, Zong Zhang, Yuanyuan Chen, Lijiang Wei, Yilong Xu, Zheng Li, Chaozhe Zhu. MNI2CPC: A probabilistic cortex-to-scalp mapping for non-invasive brain stimulation targeting. Brain stimulation. 2023, 16 (6): 1733-1742
    Cited : 1
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  • 28)- Tommaso Di Ianni, Kyle P Morrison, Brenda Yu, Keith R Murphy, Luis de Lecea, Raag D Airan. High-throughput ultrasound neuromodulation in awake and freely behaving rats. Brain stimulation. 2023, 16 (6): 1743-1752
    Cited : 6
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  • 29)- Mark S George, Sarah Huffman, Jayce Doose, Xiaoxiao Sun, Morgan Dancy, Josef Faller, Xingbao Li, Han Yuan, Robin I Goldman, Paul Sajda, Truman R Brown. EEG synchronized left prefrontal transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) for treatment resistant depression is feasible and produces an entrainment dependent clinical response: A randomized controlled double blind clinical trial. Brain stimulation. 2023, 16 (6): 1753-1763
    Cited : 5
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  • 30)- M Scherer, I E Harmsen, N Samuel, G J B Elias, J Germann, A Boutet, C E MacLeod, P Giacobbe, N C Rowland, A M Lozano, L Milosevic. Oscillatory network markers of subcallosal cingulate deep brain stimulation for depression. Brain stimulation. 2023, 16 (6): 1764-1775
    Cited : 3
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  • 31)- Aman S Aberra, Ruochen Wang, Warren M Grill, Angel V Peterchev. Multi-scale model of axonal and dendritic polarization by transcranial direct current stimulation in realistic head geometry. Brain stimulation. 2023, 16 (6): 1776-1791
    Cited : 4
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  • 32)- Sameer A Sheth, Ben Shofty, Anusha Allawala, Jiayang Xiao, Joshua A Adkinson, Raissa K Mathura, Victoria Pirtle, John Myers, Denise Oswalt, Nicole R Provenza, Nisha Giridharan, Angela M Noecker, Garrett P Banks, Ron Gadot, Ricardo A Najera, Adrish Anand, Ethan Devara, Huy Dang, Eleonora Bartoli, Andrew Watrous, Jeffrey Cohn, David Borton, Sanjay J Mathew, Cameron C McIntyre, Wayne Goodman, Kelly Bijanki, Nader Pouratian. Stereo-EEG-guided network modulation for psychiatric disorders: Surgical considerations. Brain stimulation. 2023, 16 (6): 1792-1798
    Cited : 1
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  • 33)- Angela M Noecker, Jeffrey Mlakar, Kelly R Bijanki, Mark A Griswold, Nader Pouratian, Sameer A Sheth, Cameron C McIntyre. Stereo-EEG-guided network modulation for psychiatric disorders: Interactive holographic planning. Brain stimulation. 2023, 16 (6): 1799-1805
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  • 34)- Simone Vespa, Lars Stumpp, Giulia Liberati, Jean Delbeke, Antoine Nonclercq, André Mouraux, Riëm El Tahry. Corrigendum to "Characterization of vagus nerve stimulation-induced pupillary responses in epileptic patients" [Brain Stimul. 15 (2022) 1498-1507]. Brain stimulation. 2023, 16 (5): 1461
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  • 35)- R Hamel, J Pearson, L Sifi, D Patel, M R Hinder, N Jenkinson, J M Galea. The intracortical excitability changes underlying the enhancing effects of rewards and punishments on motor performance. Brain stimulation. 2023, 16 (5): 1462-1475
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  • 36)- Shinichi Kumagai, Tomoyo Isoguchi Shiramatsu, Akane Matsumura, Yohei Ishishita, Kenji Ibayashi, Yoshiyuki Onuki, Kensuke Kawai, Hirokazu Takahashi. Frequency-specific modulation of oscillatory activity in the rat auditory cortex by vagus nerve stimulation. Brain stimulation. 2023, 16 (5): 1476-1485
    Cited : 1
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  • 37)- Maria Michael, Bettina Julia Wolf, Astrid Klinge-Strahl, Marcus Jeschke, Tobias Moser, Alexander Dieter. Devising a framework of optogenetic coding in the auditory pathway: Insights from auditory midbrain recordings. Brain stimulation. 2023, 16 (5): 1486-1500
    Cited : 1
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  • 38)- Christine Ibrahim, Victor M Tang, Daniel M Blumberger, Saima Malik, Rachel F Tyndale, Alisson P Trevizol, Mera S Barr, Zafiris J Daskalakis, Abraham Zangen, Bernard Le Foll. Efficacy of insula deep repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation combined with varenicline for smoking cessation: A randomized, double-blind, sham controlled trial. Brain stimulation. 2023, 16 (5): 1501-1509
    Cited : 5
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  • 39)- Todd M Hutton, Scott T Aaronson, Linda L Carpenter, Kenneth Pages, David Krantz, Lindsay Lucas, Bing Chen, Harold A Sackeim. Dosing transcranial magnetic stimulation in major depressive disorder: Relations between number of treatment sessions and effectiveness in a large patient registry. Brain stimulation. 2023, 16 (5): 1510-1521
    Cited : 14
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  • 40)- Jianghong He, Haoran Zhang, Yuanyuan Dang, Yutong Zhuang, Qianqian Ge, Yi Yang, Long Xu, Xiaoyu Xia, Steven Laureys, Shan Yu, Wangming Zhang. Electrophysiological characteristics of CM-pf in diagnosis and outcome of patients with disorders of consciousness. Brain stimulation. 2023, 16 (5): 1522-1532
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  • 41)- Keunhyung Lee, Jung Moo Lee, Tien Thuy Phan, C Justin Lee, Joo Min Park, Jinhyoung Park. Ultrasonocoverslip: In-vitro platform for high-throughput assay of cell type-specific neuromodulation with ultra-low-intensity ultrasound stimulation. Brain stimulation. 2023, 16 (5): 1533-1548
    Cited : 4
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  • 42)- Daniel Gomes da Silva Machado, Ehsan Amiri. Letter to the editor regarding "Single-session anodal transcranial direct current stimulation to enhance sport-specific performance in athletes: A systematic review and meta-analysis". Brain stimulation. 2023, 16 (5): 1549-1550
    Cited : 2
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  • 43)- Tom Maudrich, Patrick Ragert, Stéphane Perrey, Rouven Kenville. Letter to the Editor: Response regarding "Single-session anodal transcranial direct current stimulation to enhance sport-specific performance in athletes: A systematic review and meta-analysis". Brain stimulation. 2023, 16 (5): 1551-1552
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  • 44)- Denise Lima Medeiros de Melo, Enio Alberto Comerlato, Denise Spinola Pinheiro, Gilberto Mastrocola Manzano. Letter to Editor regarding: "Long latency responses in tongue muscle elicited by various stimulation sites in anesthetized humans - New insights into tongue-related brainstem reflexes". Brain stimulation. 2023, 16 (5): 1553-1554
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  • 45)- Andrea Szelényi, Enrica Fava. Letter of response to "Letter-to-the Editor BRS-D-23-00557". Brain stimulation. 2023, 16 (5): 1555
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  • 46)- Joey P A J Verdijk, Laurens A van de Mortel, Freek Ten Doesschate, Julia C M Pottkämper, Sven Stuiver, Willem B Bruin, Christopher C Abbott, Miklos Argyelan, Olga T Ousdal, Hauke Bartsch, Katherine Narr, Indira Tendolkar, Vince Calhoun, Joshua Lukemire, Ying Guo, Leif Oltedal, Guido van Wingen, Jeroen A van Waarde. Longitudinal resting-state network connectivity changes in electroconvulsive therapy patients compared to healthy controls. Brain stimulation. 2023, :
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  • 47)- Bianca N De, Brent R Carr. Hearing safety of accelerated TMS: Calculating daily noise dose of the SAINT protocol for depression. Brain stimulation. 2023, :
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  • 48)- Bálint Várkuti, László Halász, Saman Hagh Gooie, Gabriella Miklós, Ricardo Smits Serena, Gijs van Elswijk, Cameron C McIntyre, Scott F Lempka, Andres M Lozano, Loránd Erōss. Conversion of a medical implant into a versatile computer-brain interface. Brain stimulation. 2023, :
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  • 49)- Hongjie Lv, Xiu Yu, Ping Wang, Mengxian Luo, Yijun Luo, Haimei Lu, Keer Wang, Anran Xi, Chengping Wen, Zhenghao Xu. Locus coeruleus tyrosine hydroxylase positive neurons mediated the peripheral and central therapeutic effects of transcutaneous auricular vagal nerve stimulation (taVNS) in MRL/lpr mice. Brain stimulation. 2023, :
    Cited : 2
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  • 50)- Charlotte E Luff, Patrycja Dzialecka, Emma Acerbo, Adam Williamson, Nir Grossman. Pulse-width modulated temporal interference (PWM-TI) brain stimulation. Brain stimulation. 2023, :
    Cited : 7
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