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  • JPRAS Open: 2023, vol: 38, issue:
  • 1)- Yunchan Chen, Marcos Lu Wang, Grant G Black, Nancy Qin, George Zhou, Jaime L Bernstein, Malini Chinta, David M Otterburn. Machine-Learning Prediction of Capsular Contraction after Two-Stage Breast Reconstruction. JPRAS open. 2023, 38: 1-13
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  • 2)- Dr Afroza Nazneen, Dr Asim Sarkar. Exposed Distal Tibia Coverage by Reversed Soleus Muscle Flap: Our Experiences. JPRAS open. 2023, 38: 109-116
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  • 3)- Federico Lo Torto, Francesco Rocco Mori, Edoardo Bruno, Giorgio Giacomini, Gianmarco Turriziani, Guido Firmani, Marco Marcasciano, Diego Ribuffo. Gender dysphoria: Quality of online information for gender reassignment surgery. JPRAS open. 2023, 38: 117-123
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  • 4)- Oluwatobi Adegboye, Saleigh Adams. Minimal scarring in a premature neonate. JPRAS open. 2023, 38: 124-128
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  • 5)- Roberta Gilardi, Paola Parisi, Luca Galassi, Guido Firmani, Massimo Del Bene. necrotizing fasciitis following cosmetic tourism: A case report. JPRAS open. 2023, 38: 129-133
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  • 6)- Antonios Tsimponis, Dimitrios Dionyssiou, Theodora Papamitsou, Efterpi Demiri. The effect of host tissue and radiation on fat-graft survival: A comparative experimental study. JPRAS open. 2023, 38: 134-146
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  • 7)- Yangyang Lin, Elsa M Ronde, Hashir A Butt, F S van Etten-Jamaludin, Corstiaan C Breugem. Objective evaluation of nonsurgical treatment of prominent ears: A systematic review. JPRAS open. 2023, 38: 14-24
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  • 8)- Kosuke Yamagata, Chihena H Banda, Makoto Shiraishi, Kotaro Shimizu, Yoshimoto Okada, Kohei Mitsui, Kanako Danno, Ryohei Ishiura, Hiroshi Furukawa, Mitsunaga Narushima. Anatomical external auricular muscle transposition with mini flap transfer for mild cryptotia: A case report. JPRAS open. 2023, 38: 147-151
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  • 9)- Jeffrey E Janis, Jason Hehr, Maria T Huayllani, Ibrahim Khansa, Lisa Gfrerer, Kaitlin Kavanagh, Pamela Blake, Yevgeniya Gokun, William G Austen. Functional outcomes between headache surgery and targeted botox injections: A prospective multicenter pilot study. JPRAS open. 2023, 38: 152-162
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  • 10)- Mohammad Daher, Sami Roukoz, Ralph Chalhoub, Ali Ghoul, Jean Tarchichi, Marven Aoun, Amer Sebaaly. Management of Displaced Metacarpal Shaft Fractures: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. JPRAS open. 2023, 38: 163-172
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  • 11)- Béatrice Dirat, Valérie Samouillan, Jany Dandurand, Jean-Pierre Gardou, Valérie Walter, Véronique Santran. Positive effects of hypoxic preconditioning of the extracellular matrix and stromal vascular fraction from adipose tissue. JPRAS open. 2023, 38: 173-185
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  • 12)- Mario Faenza, Marcello Molle, Andrea Ronchi, Francesca Pagliuca, Tommaso Pelella, Maria Maddalena Nicoletti, Erminia Crisci, Gorizio Pieretti, Giuseppe Andrea Ferraro. Multiple Foci of Basal Cell Carcinoma Arising in Rhinophyma: A Case Report and Literature Review. JPRAS open. 2023, 38: 186-192
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  • 13)- L Hartlieb, P Funovits, W Pipam, M Rab. Is there any gender-specific impact in the treatment of patients with basal cell carcinoma in the head and neck region? JPRAS open. 2023, 38: 193-200
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  • 14)- Longbiao Yu, Kushal Shah, Fanbin Meng, Shengxiang Wan, Yingfeng Xiao, Fei Yu, Zhegang Zhou. Ectopic multiple digit replantation salvage of hand torsion injury following anterolateral thigh perforator flap coverage. JPRAS open. 2023, 38: 201-205
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  • 15)- Mohammad Daher, Sami Roukoz, Ali Ghoul, Jean Tarchichi, Marven Aoun, Amer Sebaaly. Management of Bennett's fracture: A systematic review and meta-analysis. JPRAS open. 2023, 38: 206-216
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  • 16)- Logan G Galbraith, Daniel Najafali, James R Gatherwright. Combined TMR and RPNI in a vasculopathy patient: A case report. JPRAS open. 2023, 38: 217-220
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  • 17)- Kristupas A Suslavičius, Daiva Gudavičienė, Nerijus Jakutis. Giant intermuscular lipoma of breast: A case report. JPRAS open. 2023, 38: 221-225
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  • 18)- Merel H J Hazewinkel, Katya Remy, Leonard Knoedler, Sierra Tseng, Anna Schoenbrunner, Jeffrey Janis, William G Austen, Caroline A Hundepool, J Michiel Zuidam, Lisa Gfrerer. Treatment Delay in Patients Undergoing Headache Surgery (Nerve Decompression Surgery). JPRAS open. 2023, 38: 226-236
    Cited : 4
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  • 19)- Wei-Chuan Hsieh, Richard Tee, Yi-Ting Huang, Wen-Ling Kuo, Jung-Ju Huang. Surgical and patient-reported outcomes in an Asian female population with or without adjuvant radiotherapy after immediate free perforator flap breast reconstruction: A retrospective review. JPRAS open. 2023, 38: 237-248
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  • 20)- Mohamed Sabry, Mohamed Mohamed Azmy, Abdou Mohamed Abd Allah Darwish. Cross-leg flaps: Case series, review, and proposed classification. JPRAS open. 2023, 38: 249-260
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  • 21)- Gabriele Delia, Fabiana Battaglia, Emanuele Cigna, Leonardo Ioppolo, Michele Maruccia, Francesco Stagno d'Alcontres. Medial fascia lata perforator flap: Anatomical basis and clinical application as a pedicled or free flap. JPRAS open. 2023, 38: 25-35
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  • 22)- Tetyana Kelly, James Leong. Long-term follow-up of keystone perforator island flap in reconstructed myelomeningocele defects. JPRAS open. 2023, 38: 261-268
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  • 23)- Ghafarian Sadegh, Sheikhghomi Sima, Bakhshaee Mehdi. Penetrating globe injury during rhinoplasty surgery; A case report. JPRAS open. 2023, 38: 269-273
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  • 24)- Omar Fouda Neel, Hatan Mortada, Abdullah Q AlAlwan, Reem Abdulmonem Al-Terkawi. Determinants of willingness to undergo aesthetic surgery among Saudi patients: A cross-sectional study of cultural and psychosocial aspects. JPRAS open. 2023, 38: 274-278
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  • 25)- Thomas Whitton, Nanda Kandamany. Using BTM to reconstruct a complex dorsal hand wound with segmental loss of EDC tendon: Case report and review of the literature. JPRAS open. 2023, 38: 279-282
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  • 26)- E R Eijsink, J X Harmeling, M A M Mureau, E M L Corten. Decision making in breast implant selection for breast reconstruction: A mixed-method study among plastic surgeons. JPRAS open. 2023, 38: 283-295
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  • 27)- Ramadan S Hussein, Salman Bin Dayel, Othman Abahussein. Botulinum Toxin A for Hair Loss Treatment: A Systematic Review of Efficacy, Safety, and Future Directions. JPRAS open. 2023, 38: 296-304
    Cited : 3
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  • 28)- Jennifer C E Lane, Anna Loch Wilkinson, Grey Giddins, Maxim D Horwitz, . Preventable hand injuries: A national audit. JPRAS open. 2023, 38: 305-312
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  • 29)- S Hasegawa, J Sasaki, H Nakao, M Tomimatsu, S Yamamoto, S Watanabe, S Miyabe, H Miyachi, M Goto. Impact of the lateral skeletal stability following bilateral sagittal split ramus osteotomy for mandibular asymmetry. JPRAS open. 2023, 38: 36-47
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  • 30)- Makoto Motomiya, Naoya Watanabe, Mitsutoshi Ota, Kohei Shimoda, Daisuke Kawamura, Norimasa Iwasaki. A simple free flap strategy using end-to-side anastomosis to the main vessels in injured extremity. JPRAS open. 2023, 38: 48-59
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  • 31)- Kosuke Kuwahara, Sohachi Toriyabe, Masahiro Nakagawa, Hideaki Kamochi. On-top-plasty reconstruction for thumb triplication. JPRAS open. 2023, 38: 60-64
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  • 32)- Yangyang Lin, Elsa M Ronde, Kevin E J van den Brule, Nadia Lachkar, F S van Etten-Jamaludin, Theo H Smit, Corstiaan C Breugem. Objective quantitative methods to evaluate microtia reconstruction: A scoping review. JPRAS open. 2023, 38: 65-81
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  • 33)- Julia Gruber, Paul Schlagnitweit, Georgios Koulaxouzidis. Safety and aesthetic outcomes of SERASYNTH MESH BR for direct-to-implant breast reconstruction: A retrospective single center analysis of 32 consecutive cases. JPRAS open. 2023, 38: 82-90
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  • 34)- Alessandro Borgognone, Giancarlo Delli Santi, Giulio Baffigo, Serena Vincenza Capobianco, Stefania Goletti. Is a coupled to the suitable for urethral-perineal reconstruction? Considerations about a relapsing urethral-cutaneous fistula condition. JPRAS open. 2023, 38: 91-97
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  • 35)- Ahmed M Yassin, Muholan Kanapathy, Amr M E Khater, Ahmed Hassan El-Sabbagh, Omar Shouman, Dariush Nikkhah, Afshin Mosahebi. Uses of Smartphone Thermal Imaging in Perforator Flaps as a Versatile Intraoperative Tool: The Microsurgeon's Third Eye. JPRAS open. 2023, 38: 98-108
    Cited : 5
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