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Cell Proliferation

Published By Wiley

  • Cell Proliferation: 2024, vol: , issue:
  • 1)- Anni Hu, Fan Xiao, Wenjing Wu, Huilin Xu, Jiansheng Su. LincRNA-EPS inhibits caspase-11 and NLRP3 inflammasomes in gingival fibroblasts to alleviate periodontal inflammation. Cell proliferation. 2024, 57 (1): e13539
    Cited : 0
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  • 2)- . Correction. Cell proliferation. 2024, : e13572
    Cited : 0
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  • 3)- Fan Wen, Yuxi Ding, Mingming Wang, Jing Du, Shen Zhang, Kehkooi Kee. FOXL2 and NR5A1 induce human fibroblasts into steroidogenic ovarian granulosa-like cells. Cell proliferation. 2024, : e13589
    Cited : 2
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  • 4)- Ying-Ying Xiao, Luo-Xing Xia, Wen-Jing Jiang, Jian-Feng Qin, Li-Xin Zhao, Zhan Li, Li-Juan Huang, Ke-Xin Li, Peng-Jiu Yu, Li Wei, Xue-Yan Jiang, Zhe-Sheng Chen, Xi-Yong Yu. Cardiopulmonary progenitors facilitate cardiac repair via exosomal transfer of miR-27b-3p targeting the SIK1-CREB1 axis. Cell proliferation. 2024, : e13593
    Cited : 2
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  • 5)- Dianlei Guo, Sikai Liu, Jiao Zhang, Xinyu Gu, Lei Shi, Yingchun Su, Shujuan Xu, Rong Ju, Yanhong Wei, Chunqiao Liu. Prickle1-driven basement membrane deposition of the iPSC-derived embryoid bodies is separable from the establishment of apicobasal polarity. Cell proliferation. 2024, : e13595
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  • 6)- Zhikai Liu, Hanghang Liu, Shibo Liu, Bolun Li, Yao Liu, En Luo. SIRT1 activation promotes bone repair by enhancing the coupling of type H vessel formation and osteogenesis. Cell proliferation. 2024, : e13596
    Cited : 1
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  • 7)- Yifan Zhao, Shubin Chen, Xiaobo Liu, Xiaoming Chen, Dandan Yang, Jiashu Zhang, Di Wu, Yanmei Zhang, Si Xie, Xiaomei Li, Zhiyuan Wang, Bo Feng, Dajiang Qin, Duanqing Pei, Yaofeng Wang, Jinglei Cai. Single-cell RNA-seq of in vitro expanded cells from cranial neural crest reveals a rare odontogenic sub-population. Cell proliferation. 2024, : e13598
    Cited : 1
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  • 8)- Jing Feng, Qing Zhang, Feifei Pu, Zhenglin Zhu, Ke Lu, William W Lu, Liping Tong, Huan Yu, Di Chen. Signalling interaction between β-catenin and other signalling molecules during osteoarthritis development. Cell proliferation. 2024, : e13600
    Cited : 2
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  • 9)- . Correction to "Oestrogen-activated autophagy has a negative effect on the anti-osteoclastogenic function of oestrogen". Cell proliferation. 2024, : ecpr13571
    Cited : 0
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