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  • Molecular Plant Pathology: 2023, vol: , issue:
  • 1)- Yi-Jun Qiu, Xiao-Qin Wu, Tong-Yue Wen, Long-Jiao Hu, Lin Rui, Yan Zhang, Jian-Ren Ye. The Bursaphelenchus xylophilus candidate effector BxLip-3 targets the class I chitinases to suppress immunity in pine. Molecular plant pathology. 2023, 24 (9): 1033-1046
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  • 2)- Aroni Mitra, Koustav Bhakta, Ankita Kar, Anisha Roy, Sk Abdul Mohid, Abhrajyoti Ghosh, Anupama Ghosh. Insight into the biochemical and cell biological function of an intrinsically unstructured heat shock protein, Hsp12 of Ustilago maydis. Molecular plant pathology. 2023, 24 (9): 1063-1077
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  • 3)- Xiaomin Chen, Su Pan, Huimin Bai, Jiaxin Fan, Wajjiha Batool, Ammarah Shabbir, Yijuan Han, Huakun Zheng, Guodong Lu, Lili Lin, Wei Tang, Zonghua Wang. A nonclassically secreted effector of Magnaporthe oryzae targets host nuclei and plays important roles in fungal growth and plant infection. Molecular plant pathology. 2023, 24 (9): 1093-1106
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  • 4)- Yuekun Yang, Ying He, Shamei Lv, Haodong Zhu, Tingting Wang, Guoping Wang, Ni Hong, Liping Wang. The PcMYB44-mediated miR397-PcLACs module regulates defence-induced lignification in pear resistance to fungal disease. Molecular plant pathology. 2023, 24 (9): 1107-1125
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  • 5)- Amanda G McRae, Jyoti Taneja, Kathleen Yee, Xinyi Shi, Sajeet Haridas, Kurt LaButti, Vasanth Singan, Igor V Grigoriev, Mary C Wildermuth. Spray-induced gene silencing to identify powdery mildew gene targets and processes for powdery mildew control. Molecular plant pathology. 2023, 24 (9): 1168-1183
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  • 6)- Muye Xiao, Dezhi Chen, Saifei Liu, Anle Chen, Anfei Fang, Binnian Tian, Yang Yu, Chaowei Bi, Zhensheng Kang, Yuheng Yang. A chitin deacetylase PsCDA2 from Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici confers disease pathogenicity by suppressing chitin-triggered immunity in wheat. Molecular plant pathology. 2023, 24 (12): 1467-1479
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  • 7)- Zhibin Liang, Luhao Huang, Huidi Liu, Ying Zheng, Jiani Feng, Zurong Shi, Yufan Chen, Mingfa Lv, Jianuan Zhou, Lian-Hui Zhang, Shaohua Chen. Characterization of the Arn lipopolysaccharide modification system essential for zeamine resistance unveils its new roles in Dickeya oryzae physiology and virulence. Molecular plant pathology. 2023, 24 (12): 1480-1494
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  • 8)- Su Hu, Minxia Jin, Yangjie Xu, Qin Wu, Qiantao Jiang, Jian Ma, Yazhou Zhang, Pengfei Qi, Guoyue Chen, Yunfeng Jiang, Youliang Zheng, Yuming Wei, Qiang Xu. Deacetylation of chitin oligomers by Fusarium graminearum polysaccharide deacetylase suppresses plant immunity. Molecular plant pathology. 2023, 24 (12): 1495-1509
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  • 9)- Chenjie Yu, Junqing Qiao, Qurban Ali, Qifan Jiang, Yan Song, Linli Zhu, Qin Gu, Rainer Borriss, Suomeng Dong, Xuewen Gao, Huijun Wu. degQ associated with the degS/degU two-component system regulates biofilm formation, antimicrobial metabolite production, and biocontrol activity in Bacillus velezensis DMW1. Molecular plant pathology. 2023, 24 (12): 1510-1521
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  • 10)- Xiyue Bao, Yangshan Hu, Yuxiang Li, Xianming Chen, Hongsheng Shang, Xiaoping Hu. The interaction of two Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici effectors modulates high-temperature seedling-plant resistance in wheat. Molecular plant pathology. 2023, 24 (12): 1522-1534
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  • 11)- Wenya Xie, Wenlei Cao, Shuaibing Lu, Jianhua Zhao, Xiaopin Shi, Xuanyu Yue, Guangda Wang, Zhiming Feng, Keming Hu, Zongxiang Chen, Shimin Zuo. Knockout of transcription factor OsERF65 enhances ROS scavenging ability and confers resistance to rice sheath blight. Molecular plant pathology. 2023, 24 (12): 1535-1551
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  • 12)- Kelei Han, Zhaoxing Jia, Yuhong Zhang, Huijie Zhou, Shan Bu, Jianping Chen, Dankan Yan, Rende Qi, Fei Yan, Jian Wu. Chloroplast clustering around the nucleus induced by OMP24 overexpression unexpectedly promoted PSTVd infection in Nicotiana benthamiana. Molecular plant pathology. 2023, 24 (12): 1552-1559
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  • 13)- Mingshuo Xue, Nathalie Arvy, Sylvie German-Retana. The mystery remains: How do potyviruses move within and between cells? Molecular plant pathology. 2023, 24 (12): 1560-1574
    Cited : 6
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  • 14)- Kun Wang, Shuai Fu, Liang Wu, Jianxiang Wu, Yaqin Wang, Yi Xu, Xueping Zhou. Rice stripe virus nonstructural protein 3 suppresses plant defence responses mediated by the MEL-SHMT1 module. Molecular plant pathology. 2023, 24 (11): 1359-1369
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  • 15)- Chika Takemura, Wakana Senuma, Masayuki Tsuzuki, Yuki Terazawa, Kanako Inoue, Masanao Sato, Akinori Kiba, Kouhei Ohnishi, Kenji Kai, Yasufumi Hikichi. The transcription regulator ChpA affects the global transcriptome including quorum sensing-dependent genes in Ralstonia pseudosolanacearum strain OE1-1. Molecular plant pathology. 2023, 24 (11): 1370-1384
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  • 16)- Hui Zhang, Qun Hu. TOM1 family conservation within the plant kingdom for tobacco mosaic virus accumulation. Molecular plant pathology. 2023, 24 (11): 1385-1399
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  • 17)- Asif Iqbal, George Nwokocha, Vijay Tiwari, Inderjit K Barphagha, Anne Grove, Jong Hyun Ham, William T Doerrler. A membrane protein of the rice pathogen Burkholderia glumae required for oxalic acid secretion and quorum sensing. Molecular plant pathology. 2023, 24 (11): 1400-1413
    Cited : 2
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  • 18)- Jiaying Zou, Chunquan Jiang, Shanshan Qiu, Guohua Duan, Guanqun Wang, Dayong Li, Siwen Yu, Dan Zhao, Wenxian Sun. An Ustilaginoidea virens glycoside hydrolase 42 protein is an essential virulence factor and elicits plant immunity as a PAMP. Molecular plant pathology. 2023, 24 (11): 1414-1429
    Cited : 4
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  • 19)- Wei Zhang, Natasha T Forester, Emma R Applegate, Xinqi Liu, Linda J Johnson. High-affinity iron uptake is required for optimal Epichloë festucae colonization of Lolium perenne and seed transmission. Molecular plant pathology. 2023, 24 (11): 1430-1442
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  • 20)- A Abdul Kader Jailani, Mathews L Paret. Development of a multiplex RT-RPA assay for simultaneous detection of three viruses in cucurbits. Molecular plant pathology. 2023, 24 (11): 1443-1450
    Cited : 4
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  • 21)- Katsuma Yonehara, Naoyoshi Kumakura, Takayuki Motoyama, Nobuaki Ishihama, Jean-Félix Dallery, Richard O'Connell, Ken Shirasu. Efficient multiple gene knockout in Colletotrichum higginsianum via CRISPR/Cas9 ribonucleoprotein and URA3-based marker recycling. Molecular plant pathology. 2023, 24 (11): 1451-1464
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  • 22)- Yue Li, Rongrong Zhang, Yu Wu, Qin Wu, Qiantao Jiang, Jian Ma, Yazhou Zhang, Pengfei Qi, Guoyue Chen, Yunfeng Jiang, Youliang Zheng, Yuming Wei, Qiang Xu. TaRBP1 stabilizes TaGLTP and negatively regulates stripe rust resistance in wheat. Molecular plant pathology. 2023, 24 (10): 1205-1219
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  • 23)- Harry T Child, Michael J Deeks, Jason J Rudd, Steven Bates. Comparison of the impact of two key fungal signalling pathways on Zymoseptoria tritici infection reveals divergent contribution to invasive growth through distinct regulation of infection-associated genes. Molecular plant pathology. 2023, 24 (10): 1220-1237
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  • 24)- Shichao Liu, Ruibing Liu, Junyuan Lv, Zili Feng, Feng Wei, Lihong Zhao, Yalin Zhang, Heqin Zhu, Hongjie Feng. The glycoside hydrolase 28 member VdEPG1 is a virulence factor of Verticillium dahliae and interacts with the jasmonic acid pathway-related gene GhOPR9. Molecular plant pathology. 2023, 24 (10): 1238-1255
    Cited : 8
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  • 25)- Zhicheng Huang, Huijuan Cao, Huan Wang, Pengyun Huang, Jing Wang, Ying-Ying Cai, Qing Wang, Yan Li, Jiaoyu Wang, Xiao-Hong Liu, Fu-Cheng Lin, Jianping Lu. The triglyceride catabolism regulated by a serine/threonine protein phosphatase, Smek1, is required for development and plant infection in Magnaporthe oryzae. Molecular plant pathology. 2023, 24 (10): 1256-1272
    Cited : 3
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  • 26)- Mila C Blekemolen, Zunyong Liu, Martin Stegman, Cyril Zipfel, Libo Shan, Frank L W Takken. The PTI-suppressing Avr2 effector from Fusarium oxysporum suppresses mono-ubiquitination and plasma membrane dissociation of BIK1. Molecular plant pathology. 2023, 24 (10): 1273-1286
    Cited : 4
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  • 27)- Tianli Guo, Ru Bao, Zehua Yang, Xiaomin Fu, Liu Hu, Na Wang, Changhai Liu, Fengwang Ma. The m A reader MhYTP2 negatively modulates apple Glomerella leaf spot resistance by binding to and degrading MdRGA2L mRNA. Molecular plant pathology. 2023, 24 (10): 1287-1299
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  • 28)- Edgar Antonio Rodríguez-Negrete, Enrique Alejandro Guevara-Rivera, Ángela Paulina Arce-Leal, Norma Elena Leyva-López, Jesús Méndez-Lozano. A novel tomato spotted wilt virus isolate encoding a noncanonical NSm C118F substitution associated with Sw-5 tomato gene resistance breaking. Molecular plant pathology. 2023, 24 (10): 1300-1311
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  • 29)- Boyoung Kim, Injae Kim, Wenjia Yu, Meng Li, Haseong Kim, Ye Jin Ahn, Kee Hoon Sohn, Alberto P Macho, Cécile Segonzac. The Ralstonia pseudosolanacearum effector RipE1 is recognized at the plasma membrane by NbPtr1, the Nicotiana benthamiana homologue of Pseudomonas tomato race 1. Molecular plant pathology. 2023, 24 (10): 1312-1318
    Cited : 6
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  • 30)- Lukas Rollwage, Edgar Maiss, Wulf Menzel, Roxana Hossain, Mark Varrelmann. Beet mosaic virus expression of a betalain transcription factor allows visual virus tracking in Beta vulgaris. Molecular plant pathology. 2023, 24 (10): 1319-1329
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  • 31)- Anburaj Jeyaraj, Tamilselvi Elango, Xuan Chen, Jing Zhuang, Yuhua Wang, Xinghui Li. Advances in understanding the mechanism of resistance to anthracnose and induced defence response in tea plants. Molecular plant pathology. 2023, 24 (10): 1330-1346
    Cited : 7
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  • 32)- Eric Parperides, Kaoutar El Mounadi, Hernan Garcia-Ruiz. Induction and suppression of gene silencing in plants by nonviral microbes. Molecular plant pathology. 2023, 24 (10): 1347-1356
    Cited : 2
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  • 33)- Kai Yin, Guobing Cui, Xinping Bi, Meiling Liang, Zhijian Hu, Yi Zhen Deng. Intracellular polyamines regulate redox homeostasis with cAMP-PKA signalling during sexual mating/filamentation and pathogenicity of Sporisorium scitamineum. Molecular plant pathology. 2023, :
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  • 34)- Haimiao Zhang, Zixuan Rong, Yang Li, Ziyi Yin, Chongchong Lu, Haipeng Zhao, Lingguang Kong, Lun Meng, Xinhua Ding. NIT24 and NIT29-mediated IAA synthesis of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola suppresses immunity and boosts growth in rice. Molecular plant pathology. 2023, :
    Cited : 1
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  • 35)- Yuanjian Qiu, Yafei Wang, Yujiao Wu, Han Yang, Mengxue Yang, Changyong Zhou, Mengji Cao. Effects of RNA silencing during antagonism between citrus exocortis viroid and citrus bark cracking viroid in Etrog citron (Citrus medica). Molecular plant pathology. 2023, :
    Cited : 1
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  • 36)- Ritu Singh, Celine Caseys, Daniel J Kliebenstein. Genetic and molecular landscapes of the generalist phytopathogen Botrytis cinerea. Molecular plant pathology. 2023, :
    Cited : 5
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  • 37)- Parthasarathy Santhanam, Caroline Labbé, Vanessa Tremblay, Richard R Bélanger. A rapid molecular diagnostic tool to discriminate alleles of avirulence genes and haplotypes of Phytophthora sojae using high-resolution melting analysis. Molecular plant pathology. 2023, :
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  • 38)- Chen Chen, Harald Keunecke, Felix Bemm, Gabor Gyetvai, Enzo Neu, Friedrich J Kopisch-Obuch, Bruce A McDonald, Jessica Stapley. GWAS reveals a rapidly evolving candidate avirulence effector in the Cercospora leaf spot pathogen. Molecular plant pathology. 2023, :
    Cited : 2
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  • 39)- Junbo Peng, Xuncheng Wang, Hui Wang, Xinghong Li, Qi Zhang, Meng Wang, Jiye Yan. Advances in understanding grapevine downy mildew: From pathogen infection to disease management. Molecular plant pathology. 2023, :
    Cited : 4
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  • 40)- Wantao N Xiao, Garrett M Nunn, Angela B Fufeng, Natalie Belu, Rowan K Brookman, Abdul Halim, Evan C Krysmanski, Robin K Cameron. Exploring Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato biofilm-like aggregate formation in susceptible and PTI-responding Arabidopsis thaliana. Molecular plant pathology. 2023, :
    Cited : 1
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  • 41)- Valentine Otang Ntui, Jaindra Nath Tripathi, Samwel Muiruri Kariuki, Leena Tripathi. Cassava molecular genetics and genomics for enhanced resistance to diseases and pests. Molecular plant pathology. 2023, :
    Cited : 2
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  • 42)- Xiaolong Shao, Qianhua Wu, Li Li, Weimei He, Xueting He, Dongjin Cheng, Aprodisia Murero, Long Lin, Limin Wang, Caihong Zhong, Lili Huang, Guoliang Qian. Adapting the inoculation methods of kiwifruit canker disease to identify efficient biocontrol bacteria from branch microbiome. Molecular plant pathology. 2023, :
    Cited : 1
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  • 43)- Danhua Zhang, Runmao Lin, Naoki Yamamoto, Zhaoyilin Wang, Hui Lin, Kazunori Okada, Yao Liu, Xing Xiang, Tengda Zheng, Haoxi Zheng, Xiaoqun Yi, Yoshiteru Noutoshi, Aiping Zheng. Mitochondrial-targeting effector RsIA_CtaG/Cox11 in Rhizoctonia solani AG-1 IA has two functions: plant immunity suppression and cell death induction mediated by a rice cytochrome c oxidase subunit. Molecular plant pathology. 2023, :
    Cited : 1
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  • 44)- Jiajun Huang, Rongsheng Wang, Qi Zhang, Chunli Wang, Tao Liang, Yasufumi Hikichi, Kouhei Ohnishi, Gaofei Jiang, Tao Guo, Yong Zhang. Positive regulation of the PhcB neighbouring regulator PrhX on expression of the type III secretion system and pathogenesis in Ralstonia solanacearum. Molecular plant pathology. 2023, :
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  • 45)- Corri D Hamilton, Beatriz Zaricor, Carolyn Jean Dye, Emma Dresserl, Renee Michaels, Caitilyn Allen. Ralstonia solanacearum pandemic lineage strain UW551 overcomes inhibitory xylem chemistry to break tomato bacterial wilt resistance. Molecular plant pathology. 2023, :
    Cited : 1
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  • 46)- Liu Li, Guoping Wang, Yue Zhang, Wenjun Wang, Yiting Zhu, Yuzhuo Lyu, Yanxiang Wang, Yongle Zhang, Ni Hong. The functions of triple gene block proteins and coat protein of apple stem pitting virus in viral cell-to-cell movement. Molecular plant pathology. 2023, :
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  • 47)- Dankan Yan, Kelei Han, Yuwen Lu, Jiejun Peng, Shaofei Rao, Guanwei Wu, Yong Liu, Jianping Chen, Hongying Zheng, Fei Yan. The nanovirus U2 protein suppresses RNA silencing via three conserved cysteine residues. Molecular plant pathology. 2023, :
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  • 48)- Xu Zhang, Mengyuan Song, Lihong Gao, Yongqiang Tian. Metabolic variations in root tissues and rhizosphere soils of weak host plants potently lead to distinct host status and chemotaxis regulation of Meloidogyne incognita in intercropping. Molecular plant pathology. 2023, :
    Cited : 2
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  • 49)- Masato Suzuki, Yugo Kitazawa, Nozomu Iwabuchi, Kensaku Maejima, Juri Matsuyama, Oki Matsumoto, Kenro Oshima, Shigetou Namba, Yasuyuki Yamaji. Target degradation specificity of phytoplasma effector phyllogen is regulated by the recruitment of host proteasome shuttle protein. Molecular plant pathology. 2023, :
    Cited : 3
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  • 50)- Pengliang Han, Ruotong Zhang, Rui Li, Fudong Li, Jiajun Nie, Ming Xu, Chengli Wang, Lili Huang. MdVQ12 confers resistance to Valsa mali by regulating MdHDA19 expression in apple. Molecular plant pathology. 2023, : e13411
    Cited : 3
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