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  • Research and Reports in Tropical Medicine: 2020, vol: 11, issue:
  • 1)- Adebayo J Molehin. Current Understanding of Immunity Against Schistosomiasis: Impact on Vaccine and Drug Development. Research and reports in tropical medicine. 2020, 11: 119-128
    Cited : 8
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  • 2)- Ayesheshim Muluneh Kassa, Getahun Gebre Bogale, Asnakew Molla Mekonen. Level of Perceived Attitude and Practice and Associated Factors Towards the Prevention of the COVID-19 Epidemic Among Residents of Dessie and Kombolcha Town Administrations: A Population-Based Survey. Research and reports in tropical medicine. 2020, 11: 129-139
    Cited : 3
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  • 3)- Daniel Kahase, Kassahun Haile. Infection and Predictors Among Dyspeptic Adult Patients in Southwest Ethiopia: Cross-Sectional Study. Research and reports in tropical medicine. 2020, 11: 141-147
    Cited : 3
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  • 4)- Maria Alejandra Caravedo, Miguel Mauricio Cabada. Human Fascioliasis: Current Epidemiological Status and Strategies for Diagnosis, Treatment, and Control. Research and reports in tropical medicine. 2020, 11: 149-158
    Cited : 26
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  • 5)- Kassahun Alemu Gelaye, Getu Debalkie Demissie, Tadesse Awoke Ayele, Sintayehu Daba Wami, Malede Mequanent Sisay, Temesgen Yihunie Akalu, Destaw Fetene Teshome, Haileab Fekadu Wolde. Low Knowledge and Attitude Towards Visceral Leishmaniasis Among Migrants and Seasonal Farm Workers in Northwest Ethiopia. Research and reports in tropical medicine. 2020, 11: 159-168
    Cited : 2
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  • 6)- Joseph Baruch Baluku, Joseph Musaazi, Rose Mulwana, Araali Robert Mugabo, Felix Bongomin, Winceslaus Katagira. Prevalence and Predictors of CD4+ T-Lymphocytopenia Among HIV-Negative Tuberculosis Patients in Uganda. Research and reports in tropical medicine. 2020, 11: 45-51
    Cited : 4
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  • 7)- Anthony Kapesa, Namanya Basinda, Elias C Nyanza, Joshua Monge, Sospatro E Ngallaba, Joseph R Mwanga, Eliningaya J Kweka. Malaria Morbidities Following Universal Coverage Campaign for Long-Lasting Insecticidal Nets: A Case Study in Ukerewe District, Northwestern Tanzania. Research and reports in tropical medicine. 2020, 11: 53-60
    Cited : 0
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  • 8)- Anteneh Belayneh. Off-Label Use of Chloroquine and Hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19 Treatment in Africa Against WHO Recommendation. Research and reports in tropical medicine. 2020, 11: 61-72
    Cited : 16
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  • 9)- Khalid H Abozeid, Mohamed F El-Badawy, Soheir Mahmoud, Mohamed M Shohayeb. In vitro Effects of Ellagitannins on Adult Worms of . Research and reports in tropical medicine. 2020, 11: 73-80
    Cited : 1
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  • 10)- Thomson Lakwo, David Oguttu, Tony Ukety, Rory Post, Didier Bakajika. Onchocerciasis Elimination: Progress and Challenges. Research and reports in tropical medicine. 2020, 11: 81-95
    Cited : 17
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  • 11)- Anne Schoenmakers, Liesbeth Mieras, Teky Budiawan, Wim H van Brakel. The State of Affairs in Post-Exposure Leprosy Prevention: A Descriptive Meta-Analysis on Immuno- and Chemo-Prophylaxis. Research and reports in tropical medicine. 2020, 11: 97-117
    Cited : 6
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