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  • Research and Reports in Tropical Medicine: 2023, vol: 14, issue:
  • 1)- Juan Carlos Gabaldón-Figueira, Nieves Martinez-Peinado, Elisa Escabia, Albert Ros-Lucas, Eric Chatelain, Ivan Scandale, Joaquim Gascon, María-Jesús Pinazo, Julio Alonso-Padilla. State-of-the-Art in the Drug Discovery Pathway for Chagas Disease: A Framework for Drug Development and Target Validation. Research and reports in tropical medicine. 2023, 14: 1-19
    Cited : 6
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  • 2)- Enora Le Bec, Madibele Kam, Sigiriya Aebischer Perone, Philippa Boulle, Justin Cirhuza Cikomola, Maria Eugenia Gandur, Mario Gehri, Sylvia Kehlenbrink, David Beran. Using Clinical Vignettes to Understand the Complexity of Diagnosing Type 1 Diabetes in Sub-Saharan Africa. Research and reports in tropical medicine. 2023, 14: 111-120
    Cited : 1
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  • 3)- Sarah Sturrock, Samantha Sadoo, Carol Nanyunja, Kirsty Le Doare. Improving the Treatment of Neonatal Sepsis in Resource-Limited Settings: Gaps and Recommendations. Research and reports in tropical medicine. 2023, 14: 121-134
    Cited : 0
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  • 4)- Kibrom Gerezgiher Asfaw, Solomon Tebeje Gizaw, Natesan Gnanasekaran. Evaluation of Renal Function Profile in Human Visceral Leishmaniasis (Kala-Azar) Patients: A Case of Western Tigray, Ethiopia. Research and reports in tropical medicine. 2023, 14: 21-33
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  • 5)- Joses Muthuri Kirigia, Patrick Kinyua Kubai. Monetary Value of Disability-Adjusted Life Years and Potential Productivity Losses Associated With Neglected Tropical Diseases in the East African Community. Research and reports in tropical medicine. 2023, 14: 35-47
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  • 6)- Gebiso Roba Debele, Eyasu Shifera, Yohannes Lulu Dessie, Debela Dereje Jaleta, Megersso Urgessa Borena, Shuma Gosha Kanfe, Kabtamu Nigussie, Galana Mamo Ayana, Temam Beshir Raru. From Neglected to Public Health Burden: Factors Associated with Podoconiosis in Resource Limited Setting in Case of Southwest Ethiopia: A Community Based Cross Sectional Study. Research and reports in tropical medicine. 2023, 14: 49-60
    Cited : 1
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  • 7)- Thalia Pacheco-Fernandez, Hannah Markle, Chaitenya Verma, Ryan Huston, Sreenivas Gannavaram, Hira L Nakhasi, Abhay R Satoskar. Field-Deployable Treatments For Leishmaniasis: Intrinsic Challenges, Recent Developments and Next Steps. Research and reports in tropical medicine. 2023, 14: 61-85
    Cited : 1
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  • 8)- Rangel de Sousa Costa, Luiz Celso Hygino da Cruz, Simone Rachid de Souza, Nina Ventura, Diogo Goulart Corrêa. Insights into Magnetic Resonance Imaging Findings in Central Nervous System Paracoccidioidomycosis: A Comprehensive Review. Research and reports in tropical medicine. 2023, 14: 87-98
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  • 9)- Faiz Kermani, Sbita Tia Anna Reandi. Exploring the Funding Challenges Faced by Small NGOs: Perspectives from an Organization with Practical Experience of Working in Rural Malawi. Research and reports in tropical medicine. 2023, 14: 99-110
    Cited : 3
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