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New Journal of Physics

Published By IOP Publishing

  • New Journal of Physics: 2013, vol: 15, issue:
  • 1)- Rachel M Lee, Douglas H Kelley, Kerstin N Nordstrom, Nicholas T Ouellette, Wolfgang Losert. Quantifying stretching and rearrangement in epithelial sheet migration. New journal of physics. 2013, 15 (2):
    Cited : 34
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  • 2)- Shawn D Ryan, Andrey Sokolov, Leonid Berlyand, Igor S Aranson. Correlation properties of collective motion in bacterial suspensions. New journal of physics. 2013, 15:
    Cited : 38
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  • 3)- András Czirók, Katalin Varga, Előd Méhes, András Szabó. Collective cell streams in epithelial monolayers depend on cell adhesion. New journal of physics. 2013, 15:
    Cited : 41
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  • 4)- Julia R Widom, Neil P Johnson, Peter H von Hippel, Andrew H Marcus. Solution conformation of 2-aminopurine (2-AP) dinucleotide determined by ultraviolet 2D fluorescence spectroscopy (UV-2D FS). New journal of physics. 2013, 15:
    Cited : 51
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  • 5)- Laurent Potvin-Trottier, Lingfeng Chen, Alan Rick Horwitz, Paul W Wiseman. A nu-space for ICS: characterization and application to measure protein transport in live cells. New journal of physics. 2013, 15:
    Cited : 6
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  • 6)- Cameron W Harvey, Mark Alber, Lev S Tsimring, Igor S Aranson. Continuum modeling of clustering of myxobacteria. New journal of physics. 2013, 15:
    Cited : 22
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  • 7)- G Sciumè, S Shelton, Wg Gray, Ct Miller, F Hussain, M Ferrari, P Decuzzi, Ba Schrefler. A multiphase model for three-dimensional tumor growth. New journal of physics. 2013, 15: 015005
    Cited : 117
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  • 8)- Michael J Mitchell, Michael R King. Fluid Shear Stress Sensitizes Cancer Cells to Receptor-Mediated Apoptosis via Trimeric Death Receptors. New journal of physics. 2013, 15: 015008
    Cited : 148
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  • 9)- Anne L van de Ven, Behnaz Abdollahi, Carlos J Martinez, Lacey A Burey, Melissa D Landis, Jenny C Chang, Mauro Ferrari, Hermann B Frieboes. Modeling of nanotherapeutics delivery based on tumor perfusion. New journal of physics. 2013, 15: 55004
    Cited : 24
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