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Published By eLife Sciences Publications Ltd

  • eLife: 2024, vol: 12, issue:
  • 1)- Steven A Cincotta, Nainoa Richardson, Mariko H Foecke, Diana J Laird. Differential susceptibility of male and female germ cells to glucocorticoid-mediated signaling. eLife. 2024, 12:
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  • 2)- Iain Hunter, Bramwell Coulson, Tom Pettini, Jacob J Davies, Jill Parkin, Matthias Landgraf, Richard A Baines. Balance of activity during a critical period tunes a developing network. eLife. 2024, 12:
    Cited : 3
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  • 3)- Hui Chen, Sung-Jin Lee, Ryan Li, Asmiti Sura, Nicholas Suen, Archana Dilip, Yan Pomogov, Meghah Vuppalapaty, Timothy T Suen, Chenggang Lu, Yorick Post, Yang Li. BRAIDing receptors for cell-specific targeting. eLife. 2024, 12:
    Cited : 2
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  • 4)- Ana Milovic, Jonathan V Duong, Alan G Barbour. The infection-tolerant white-footed deermouse tempers interferon responses to endotoxin in comparison to the mouse and rat. eLife. 2024, 12:
    Cited : 1
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  • 5)- Chundi Xu, Tyler B Ramos, Owen J Marshall, Chris Q Doe. Notch signaling and Bsh homeodomain activity are integrated to diversify lamina neuron types. eLife. 2024, 12:
    Cited : 3
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  • 6)- Ines Heyndrickx, Kim Deswarte, Kenneth Verstraete, Koen H G Verschueren, Ursula Smole, Helena Aegerter, Ann Dansercoer, Hamida Hammad, Savvas N Savvides, Bart N Lambrecht. Ym1 protein crystals promote type 2 immunity. eLife. 2024, 12:
    Cited : 3
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  • 7)- Tenzin Ngodup, Tomohiko Irie, Seán P Elkins, Laurence O Trussell. The Na leak channel NALCN controls spontaneous activity and mediates synaptic modulation by α2-adrenergic receptors in auditory neurons. eLife. 2024, 12:
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  • 8)- Caroline M Boyd, Sundharraman Subramanian, Drew T Dunham, Kristin N Parent, Kimberley D Seed. A viral satellite maximizes its spread and inhibits phage by remodeling hijacked phage coat proteins into small capsids. eLife. 2024, 12:
    Cited : 2
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  • 9)- Silvia Liu, Yan-Ping Yu, Bao-Guo Ren, Tuval Ben-Yehezkel, Caroline Obert, Mat Smith, Wenjia Wang, Alina Ostrowska, Alejandro Soto-Gutierrez, Jian-Hua Luo. Long-read single-cell sequencing reveals expressions of hypermutation clusters of isoforms in human liver cancer cells. eLife. 2024, 12:
    Cited : 1
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  • 10)- Tomoki Kita, Kyoko Chiba, Jiye Wang, Atsushi Nakagawa, Shinsuke Niwa. Comparative analysis of two kinesins KLP-6 and UNC-104 reveals a common and distinct activation mechanism in kinesin-3. eLife. 2024, 12:
    Cited : 3
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  • 11)- Anthony English, Fleur Uittenbogaard, Alexa Torrens, Dennis Sarroza, Anna Veronica Elizabeth Slaven, Daniele Piomelli, Michael R Bruchas, Nephi Stella, Benjamin Bruce Land. A preclinical model of THC edibles that produces high-dose cannabimimetic responses. eLife. 2024, 12:
    Cited : 1
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  • 12)- Mingqi Zhou, Ian Tamburini, Cassandra Van, Jeffrey Molendijk, Christy M Nguyen, Ivan Yao-Yi Chang, Casey Johnson, Leandro M Velez, Youngseo Cheon, Reichelle Yeo, Hosung Bae, Johnny Le, Natalie Larson, Ron Pulido, Carlos H V Nascimento-Filho, Cholsoon Jang, Ivan Marazzi, Jamie Justice, Nicholas Pannunzio, Andrea L Hevener, Lauren Sparks, Erin Kershaw, Dequina Nicholas, Benjamin L Parker, Selma Masri, Marcus M Seldin. Leveraging inter-individual transcriptional correlation structure to infer discrete signaling mechanisms across metabolic tissues. eLife. 2024, 12:
    Cited : 5
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  • 13)- Silvia de Sanjosé, Rebecca B Perkins, Nicole Campos, Federica Inturrisi, Didem Egemen, Brian Befano, Ana Cecilia Rodriguez, Jose Jerónimo, Li C Cheung, Kanan Desai, Paul Han, Akiva P Novetsky, Abigail Ukwuani, Jenna Marcus, Syed Rakin Ahmed, Nicolas Wentzensen, Jayashree Kalpathy-Cramer, Mark Schiffman, . Design of the HPV-automated visual evaluation (PAVE) study: Validating a novel cervical screening strategy. eLife. 2024, 12:
    Cited : 7
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  • 14)- Maryam Majeed, Haejun Han, Keren Zhang, Wen Xi Cao, Chien-Po Liao, Oliver Hobert, Hang Lu. Toolkits for detailed and high-throughput interrogation of synapses in . eLife. 2024, 12:
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  • 15)- Mark W Urban, Brittany A Charsar, Nicolette M Heinsinger, Shashirekha S Markandaiah, Lindsay Sprimont, Wei Zhou, Eric V Brown, Nathan T Henderson, Samantha J Thomas, Biswarup Ghosh, Rachel E Cain, Davide Trotti, Piera Pasinelli, Megan C Wright, Matthew B Dalva, Angelo C Lepore. EphrinB2 knockdown in cervical spinal cord preserves diaphragm innervation in a mutant SOD1 mouse model of ALS. eLife. 2024, 12:
    Cited : 2
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  • 16)- Stephanie Portillo-Ledesma, Suckwoo Chung, Jill Hoffman, Tamar Schlick. Regulation of chromatin architecture by transcription factor binding. eLife. 2024, 12:
    Cited : 2
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  • 17)- Edward M Germany, Nakajohn Thewasano, Kenichiro Imai, Yuki Maruno, Rebecca S Bamert, Christopher J Stubenrauch, Rhys A Dunstan, Yue Ding, Yukari Nakajima, XiangFeng Lai, Chaille T Webb, Kentaro Hidaka, Kher Shing Tan, Hsinhui Shen, Trevor Lithgow, Takuya Shiota. Dual recognition of multiple signals in bacterial outer membrane proteins enhances assembly and maintains membrane integrity. eLife. 2024, 12:
    Cited : 3
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  • 18)- Diego Vidaurre. A generative model of electrophysiological brain responses to stimulation. eLife. 2024, 12:
    Cited : 1
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  • 19)- Sonia A Boor, Joshua D Meisel, Dennis H Kim. Neuroendocrine gene expression coupling of interoceptive bacterial food cues to foraging behavior of . eLife. 2024, 12:
    Cited : 2
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  • 20)- Qiuling Liu, Hua Yang, Jianxian Luo, Cheng Peng, Ke Wang, Guowei Zhang, Hongsheng Lin, Zhisheng Ji. 14-3-3 protein augments the protein stability of phosphorylated spastin and promotes the recovery of spinal cord injury through its agonist intervention. eLife. 2024, 12:
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  • 21)- J Barney Bryson, Alexandra Kourgiantaki, Dai Jiang, Andreas Demosthenous, Linda Greensmith. An optogenetic cell therapy to restore control of target muscles in an aggressive mouse model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. eLife. 2024, 12:
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  • 22)- Esteban Villar-Rodríguez, Cristina Cano-Melle, Lidón Marin-Marin, Maria Antònia Parcet, César Avila. What happens to the inhibitory control functions of the right inferior frontal cortex when this area is dominant for language? eLife. 2024, 12:
    Cited : 2
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  • 23)- Munir Akkaya, Jafar Al Souz, Daniel Williams, Rahul Kamdar, Olena Kamenyeva, Juraj Kabat, Ethan Shevach, Billur Akkaya. Illuminating T cell-dendritic cell interactions in vivo by FlAsHing antigens. eLife. 2024, 12:
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  • 24)- Yeming Xie, Fengying Ruan, Yaning Li, Meng Luo, Chen Zhang, Zhichao Chen, Zhe Xie, Zhe Weng, Weitian Chen, Wenfang Chen, Yitong Fang, Yuxin Sun, Mei Guo, Juan Wang, Shouping Xu, Hongqi Wang, Chong Tang. Spatial chromatin accessibility sequencing resolves high-order spatial interactions of epigenomic markers. eLife. 2024, 12:
    Cited : 2
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  • 25)- Anamarija Butkovic, Thomas James Ellis, Ruben Gonzalez, Benjamin Jaegle, Magnus Nordborg, Santiago F Elena. Genetic basis of responses to infection by naïve and adapted isolates of turnip mosaic virus. eLife. 2024, 12:
    Cited : 1
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  • 26)- Nicole C Woitowich, Sarah R Hengel, Christopher Solis, Tauras P Vilgalys, Joel Babdor, Daniel J Tyrrell. Analysis of NIH K99/R00 awards and the career progression of awardees. eLife. 2024, 12:
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  • 27)- Sophie A Fleck, Puja Biswas, Emily D DeWitt, Rebecca L Knuteson, Robert C Eisman, Travis Nemkov, Angelo D'Alessandro, Jason M Tennessen, Elizabeth Rideout, Lesley N Weaver. Auxin exposure disrupts feeding behavior and fatty acid metabolism in adult . eLife. 2024, 12:
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  • 28)- David Pérez-González, Ana Belén Lao-Rodríguez, Cristian Aedo-Sánchez, Manuel S Malmierca. Acetylcholine modulates the precision of prediction error in the auditory cortex. eLife. 2024, 12:
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  • 29)- Dylan C Sarver, Jean Garcia-Diaz, Muzna Saqib, Ryan C Riddle, G William Wong. Tmem263 deletion disrupts the GH/IGF-1 axis and causes dwarfism and impairs skeletal acquisition. eLife. 2024, 12:
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  • 30)- Rajsekhar Das, Sumit Sinha, Xin Li, T R Kirkpatrick, D Thirumalai. Free volume theory explains the unusual behavior of viscosity in a non-confluent tissue during morphogenesis. eLife. 2024, 12:
    Cited : 0
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