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Microbial Ecology in Health and Disease

Published By Taylor & Francis Group

  • Microbial Ecology in Health and Disease: 2015, vol: 26, issue:
  • 1)- Naja C K Hansen, Ekaterina Avershina, Liv T Mydland, Jon A Næsset, Dag Austbø, Birgitte Moen, Ingrid Måge, Knut Rudi. High nutrient availability reduces the diversity and stability of the equine caecal microbiota. Microbial ecology in health and disease. 2015, 26: 27216
    Cited : 6
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  • 2)- Kjetil Garborg. Anaerobically cultivated human intestinal microbiota as first-line treatment for Clostridium difficile infection. Microbial ecology in health and disease. 2015, 26: 27710
    Cited : 0
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  • 3)- Jean M Macklaim, Jose C Clemente, Rob Knight, Gregory B Gloor, Gregor Reid. Changes in vaginal microbiota following antimicrobial and probiotic therapy. Microbial ecology in health and disease. 2015, 26: 27799
    Cited : 45
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  • 4)- Małgorzata Ziarno, Dorota Zaręba. Effects of milk components and food additives on survival of three bifidobacteria strains in fermented milk under simulated gastrointestinal tract conditions. Microbial ecology in health and disease. 2015, 26: 27812
    Cited : 9
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  • 5)- Jan Raa. Immune modulation by non-digestible and non-absorbable beta-1,3/1,6-glucan. Microbial ecology in health and disease. 2015, 26: 27824
    Cited : 12
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  • 6)- Tore Midtvedt. What did we learn today? Microbial ecology in health and disease. 2015, 26: 27908
    Cited : 0
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  • 7)- Tore Midtvedt. Introducing the thematic cluster. Microbial ecology in health and disease. 2015, 26: 27982
    Cited : 0
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  • 8)- Sofia D Forssten, Henna Röytiö, Ashley A Hibberd, Arthur C Ouwehand. The effect of polydextrose and probiotic lactobacilli in a Clostridium difficile-infected human colonic model. Microbial ecology in health and disease. 2015, 26: 27988
    Cited : 11
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  • 9)- Arnold Berstad, Jan Raa, Jørgen Valeur. Indole - the scent of a healthy 'inner soil'. Microbial ecology in health and disease. 2015, 26: 27997
    Cited : 9
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  • 10)- Merete Eggesbø, Siddhartha Mandal, Tore Midtvedt. Factors affecting infant gut microbiota and possible consequences for health. Microbial ecology in health and disease. 2015, 26: 28062
    Cited : 0
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  • 11)- Jørgen Valeur. We all need friends. Microbial ecology in health and disease. 2015, 26: 28063
    Cited : 0
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  • 12)- Torbjörn Norén. Feces transplantation - EU recommendations. Microbial ecology in health and disease. 2015, 26: 28068
    Cited : 0
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  • 13)- Derrick F MacFabe. Enteric short-chain fatty acids: microbial messengers of metabolism, mitochondria, and mind: implications in autism spectrum disorders. Microbial ecology in health and disease. 2015, 26: 28177
    Cited : 86
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  • 14)- Dennis Lang, . Opportunities to assess factors contributing to the development of the intestinal microbiota in infants living in developing countries. Microbial ecology in health and disease. 2015, 26: 28316
    Cited : 3
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  • 15)- . GUT in FOCUS Symposium NOBEL FORUM, Karolinska Institutet, February 2nd 2015. Microbial ecology in health and disease. 2015, 26: 28480
    Cited : 0
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  • 16)- Caroline I Le Roy, Luke J Mappley, Roberto M La Ragione, Martin J Woodward, Sandrine P Claus. Brachyspira pilosicoli-induced avian intestinal spirochaetosis. Microbial ecology in health and disease. 2015, 26: 28853
    Cited : 7
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  • 17)- Tim Arentsen, Henrike Raith, Yu Qian, Hans Forssberg, Rochellys Diaz Heijtz. Host microbiota modulates development of social preference in mice. Microbial ecology in health and disease. 2015, 26: 29719
    Cited : 70
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