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  • Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine - Clinical Communications: 2022, vol: 5, issue:
  • 1)- Michele Gobbi, Giulia Trotti, Massimo Tanzi, Fatma Kasap, Paolo Piterà, Paolo Capodaglio. POST-COVID SYMPTOMS AND WHOLE-BODY CRYOTHERAPHY: A CASE REPORT. Journal of rehabilitation medicine. Clinical communications. 2022, 5: 1000075
    Cited : 1
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  • 2)- Natasha K Brusco, Helen Kugler, Fiona Dufler, Annemarie L Lee, Brianna Walpole, Meg E Morris, Keith D Hill, Christina L Ekegren, Sara L Whittaker, Nicholas F Taylor. INCLUDING EXERCISE SELF-MANAGEMENT AS PART OF INPATIENT REHABILITATION IS FEASIBLE, SAFE AND EFFECTIVE FOR PATIENTS WITH COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT. Journal of rehabilitation medicine. Clinical communications. 2022, 5: 1000076
    Cited : 2
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  • 3)- Evert Christiaan Boshuis, Eva Melin, Kristian Borg. PAIN IN POST-POLIO SYNDROME: A SEPARATE PAIN ENTITY? Journal of rehabilitation medicine. Clinical communications. 2022, 5: 1000077
    Cited : 2
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  • 4)- Tom C A Derikx, Ingrid M H Brands, Arne T Goedhart, Wouter H Hoens, Majanka H Heijenbrok-Kal, Rita H J G VAN DEN Berg-Emons. HIGH-VOLUME AND HIGH-INTENSITY FUNCTIONAL TRAINING IN PATIENTS WITH MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS: A PILOT STUDY ON FEASIBILITY AND FUNCTIONAL CAPACITY. Journal of rehabilitation medicine. Clinical communications. 2022, 5: 2047
    Cited : 1
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  • 5)- Robin de Wilde, Arne Hautekiet, Sybille Geers, Luc Vanden Bossche, Martine de Muynck. ULTRASONOGRAPHIC PRESENTATION OF NODULAR CYSTIC FAT NECROSIS AFTER A LOW-VELOCITY TRAUMA: A CASE REPORT. Journal of rehabilitation medicine. Clinical communications. 2022, 5: 2237
    Cited : 1
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  • 6)- Borut Pompe, Simona Filipidis, Petra Dovč. IMPACT OF STATIC PROGRESSIVE STRETCH ON RANGE OF MOTION AFTER TOTAL KNEE REPLACEMENT IN PATIENTS WITH HAEMOPHILIA. Journal of rehabilitation medicine. Clinical communications. 2022, 5: 2285
    Cited : 0
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  • 7)- Valerie E Neira, Tamlynn D Niemietz, John W Farrell. THE EFFECTS OF EXERCISE TRAINING ON UPPER EXTREMITY FUNCTION FOR PERSONS WITH MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW. Journal of rehabilitation medicine. Clinical communications. 2022, 5: 2306
    Cited : 1
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  • 8)- Grégoire Prum, Rémi Mallart, Margaux Beatrix, Eric Verin. SWALLOWING ACTIVATION USING SENSORY STIMULATION IN PATIENTS WITH SEVERE DISORDERS OF CONSCIOUSNESS. Journal of rehabilitation medicine. Clinical communications. 2022, 5: 2448
    Cited : 1
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  • 9)- Tim Dries, Jan Willem VAN DER Windt, Wouter Akkerman, Mari Kluijtmans, Rob P A Janssen. EFFECTS OF A SEMI-RIGID KNEE BRACE ON MOBILITY AND PAIN IN PEOPLE WITH KNEE OSTEOARTHRITIS. Journal of rehabilitation medicine. Clinical communications. 2022, 5: 2483
    Cited : 1
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  • 10)- Vincent Shieh, Cris Zampieri, Paul Stout, Galen O Joe, Angela Kokkinis, Kenneth H Fischbeck, Christopher Grunseich, Joseph A Shrader. SAFETY AND TOLERABILITY OF STRENGTH TRAINING IN SPINAL AND BULBAR MUSCULAR ATROPHY: A CASE REPORT. Journal of rehabilitation medicine. Clinical communications. 2022, 5: 2513
    Cited : 0
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  • 11)- Yoshitaka Wada, Yohei Otaka, Yuki Senju, Hiroshi Hosokawa, Takamichi Tohyama, Hirofumi Maeda, Masahiko Mukaino, Seiko Shibata, Satoshi Hirano. REHABILITATION OUTCOMES IN PATIENTS WITH LOWER LIMB AMPUTATION RECEIVING HAEMODIALYSIS: A RETROSPECTIVE COHORT STUDY. Journal of rehabilitation medicine. Clinical communications. 2022, 5: 2525
    Cited : 1
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  • 12)- Alpha Anders, Kenneth Vitale. RARE CASE OF HIP PAIN DUE TO ILIOPSOAS TENDON RUPTURE; A CASE REPORT AND REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE. Journal of rehabilitation medicine. Clinical communications. 2022, 5: 2541
    Cited : 2
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  • 13)- Paolo Capodaglio, Riccardo Cremascoli, Paolo Piterà, Jacopo M Fontana. WHOLE-BODY CRYOSTIMULATION: A REHABILITATION BOOSTER. Journal of rehabilitation medicine. Clinical communications. 2022, 5: 2810
    Cited : 4
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  • 14)- João P Fonseca, Pedro Figueiredo, João P Pinheiro. OSTEOCHONDROSES IN CHILDREN'S SPORTS PRACTICE - A RARE CASE OF VAN NECK-ODELBERG DISEASE. Journal of rehabilitation medicine. Clinical communications. 2022, 5: 4593
    Cited : 2
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