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  • Frontiers in Neuroanatomy: 2023, vol: 17, issue:
  • 1)- Hui Zhang, Yuan Feng, Weiguang Li, Xili Liang, Guanglong Huang, Songtao Qi. Topological arrangement of coronal segments in human callosal fibers tractography. Frontiers in neuroanatomy. 2023, 17: 1097247
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  • 2)- Olivia Masse, Emily Kraft, Esha Ahmad, Caitlin K Rollins, Clemente Velasco-Annis, Edward Yang, Simon Keith Warfield, Alireza A Shamshirsaz, Ali Gholipour, Henry A Feldman, Judy Estroff, Patricia Ellen Grant, Lana Vasung. Abnormal prenatal brain development in Chiari II malformation. Frontiers in neuroanatomy. 2023, 17: 1116948
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  • 3)- Nicholas B Dadario, Onur Tanglay, Michael E Sughrue. Deconvoluting human Brodmann area 8 based on its unique structural and functional connectivity. Frontiers in neuroanatomy. 2023, 17: 1127143
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  • 4)- Lixin Wang, Pu-Qing Yuan, Yvette Taché. Vasculature in the mouse colon and spatial relationships with the enteric nervous system, glia, and immune cells. Frontiers in neuroanatomy. 2023, 17: 1130169
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  • 5)- Mathias L Mathiasen, John P Aggleton, Menno P Witter. Projections of the insular cortex to orbitofrontal and medial prefrontal cortex: A tracing study in the rat. Frontiers in neuroanatomy. 2023, 17: 1131167
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  • 6)- Carolina Muniz Partida, Eric Walters. A novel immunohistochemical protocol for paraffin embedded tissue sections using free-floating techniques. Frontiers in neuroanatomy. 2023, 17: 1154568
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  • 7)- Bianca Horgos, Miruna Mecea, Armand Boer, Andrei Buruiana, Razvan Ciortea, Carmen-Mihaela Mihu, Ioan Stefan Florian, Alexandru Ioan Florian, Florin Stamatian, Bianca Szabo, Camelia Albu, Sergiu Susman, Raluca Pascalau. White matter changes in fetal brains with ventriculomegaly. Frontiers in neuroanatomy. 2023, 17: 1160742
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  • 8)- Keyu Xie, Xu Cheng, Tao Zhu, Donghang Zhang. Single-cell transcriptomic profiling of dorsal root ganglion: an overview. Frontiers in neuroanatomy. 2023, 17: 1162049
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  • 9)- Cecilia Baldoni, William R Thomas, Dominik von Elverfeldt, Marco Reisert, Javier Làzaro, Marion Muturi, Liliana M Dávalos, John D Nieland, Dina K N Dechmann. Histological and MRI brain atlas of the common shrew, , with brain region-specific gene expression profiles. Frontiers in neuroanatomy. 2023, 17: 1168523
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  • 10)- Yuki Takeuchi, Kotaro Yamashiro, Asako Noguchi, Jiayan Liu, Shinichi Mitsui, Yuji Ikegaya, Nobuyoshi Matsumoto. Machine learning-based segmentation of the rodent hippocampal CA2 area from Nissl-stained sections. Frontiers in neuroanatomy. 2023, 17: 1172512
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  • 11)- Björn Nitzsche, Sabine Schulze, Johannes Boltze, Martin J Schmidt. Reduced cingulate gyrus volume in Cavalier King Charles Spaniels with syringomyelia and neuropathic pain revealed by voxel-based morphometry: a pilot study. Frontiers in neuroanatomy. 2023, 17: 1175953
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  • 12)- Miguel Ángel García-Cabezas, Isabel Pérez-Santos, Carmen Cavada. Stereotaxic cutting of human brains for neuroanatomical studies. Frontiers in neuroanatomy. 2023, 17: 1176351
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  • 13)- María Jimena Salcedo-Arellano, Adriana P Pantoja, Estela M Muñoz, Verónica Martínez-Cerdeño. In celebration of Hispanic women in neuroscience. Frontiers in neuroanatomy. 2023, 17: 1179254
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  • 14)- Javier DeFelipe. Neuroanatomical data collection and usability. Frontiers in neuroanatomy. 2023, 17: 1183883
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  • 15)- Ariadna Sancha-Velasco, Alicia Uceda-Heras, Miguel Ángel García-Cabezas. Cortical type: a conceptual tool for meaningful biological interpretation of high-throughput gene expression data in the human cerebral cortex. Frontiers in neuroanatomy. 2023, 17: 1187280
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  • 16)- Karoline Hovde, Ida V Rautio, Andrea M Hegstad, Menno P Witter, Jonathan R Whitlock. Visuomotor interactions in the mouse forebrain mediated by extrastriate cortico-cortical pathways. Frontiers in neuroanatomy. 2023, 17: 1188808
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  • 17)- Makoto Hosoya, Masato Fujioka, Hideyuki Okano, Hiroyuki Ozawa. Mapping of Notch signaling in the developing organ of Corti in common marmosets. Frontiers in neuroanatomy. 2023, 17: 1188886
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  • 18)- Vibol Heng, Michael Zigmond, Richard Jay Smeyne. Neuroanatomical and neurochemical effects of prolonged social isolation in adult mice. Frontiers in neuroanatomy. 2023, 17: 1190291
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  • 19)- Sam Merlin, Trichur Vidyasagar. Optogenetics in primate cortical networks. Frontiers in neuroanatomy. 2023, 17: 1193949
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  • 20)- Christian Altbürger, Jens Holzhauser, Wolfgang Driever. CRISPR/Cas9-based QF2 knock-in at the () locus reveals novel -expressing neuron populations in the zebrafish mid- and hindbrain. Frontiers in neuroanatomy. 2023, 17: 1196868
    Cited : 4
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  • 21)- Vlad Tereshenko, Udo Maierhofer, Dominik C Dotzauer, Gregor Laengle, Olga Politikou, Genova Carrero Rojas, Christopher Festin, Matthias Luft, Florian J Jaklin, Laura A Hruby, Andreas Gohritz, Dario Farina, Roland Blumer, Konstantin D Bergmeister, Oskar C Aszmann. Axonal mapping of the motor cranial nerves. Frontiers in neuroanatomy. 2023, 17: 1198042
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  • 22)- Leonardo Nardi, Michael J Schmeisser, Sven Schumann. Fixation and staining methods for macroscopical investigation of the brain. Frontiers in neuroanatomy. 2023, 17: 1200196
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  • 23)- Tom J H Ruigrok, Sophia A Mantel, Lara Orlandini, Corné de Knegt, Arnaud J P E Vincent, Jochem K H Spoor. Sympathetic components in left and right human cervical vagus nerve: implications for vagus nerve stimulation. Frontiers in neuroanatomy. 2023, 17: 1205660
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  • 24)- Ignacio Hernández-Morato, Victoria X Yu, Michael J Pitman. Corrigendum: A review of the peripheral proprioceptive apparatus in the larynx. Frontiers in neuroanatomy. 2023, 17: 1206526
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  • 25)- Silvia Tapia-González, Javier DeFelipe. Secretagogin as a marker to distinguish between different neuron types in human frontal and temporal cortex. Frontiers in neuroanatomy. 2023, 17: 1210502
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  • 26)- Zacnite Mier Quesada, Wendy Portillo, Raúl G Paredes. Behavioral evidence of the functional interaction between the main and accessory olfactory system suggests a large olfactory system with a high plastic capability. Frontiers in neuroanatomy. 2023, 17: 1211644
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  • 27)- Yuichiro Oka, Makoto Sato, Shen-Ju Chou. Editorial: The earliest-born cortical neurons as multi-tasking pioneers: expanding roles for subplate neurons in cerebral cortex organization and function, volume II. Frontiers in neuroanatomy. 2023, 17: 1211678
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  • 28)- Georgios P Skandalakis, Jessica Barrios-Martinez, Syed Faraz Kazim, Kavelin Rumalla, Evan N Courville, Neil Mahto, Aristotelis Kalyvas, Fang-Cheng Yeh, Constantinos G Hadjipanayis, Meic H Schmidt, Michael Kogan. The anatomy of the four streams of the prefrontal cortex. Preliminary evidence from a population based high definition tractography study. Frontiers in neuroanatomy. 2023, 17: 1214629
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  • 29)- Pablo G Téllez de Meneses, Laura Pérez-Revuelta, Ángel Canal-Alonso, Carlos Hernández-Pérez, Teresa Cocho, Jorge Valero, Eduardo Weruaga, David Díaz, José R Alonso. Immunohistochemical distribution of secretagogin in the mouse brain. Frontiers in neuroanatomy. 2023, 17: 1224342
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  • 30)- Gustavo Adolfo Villegas-Gomez, Luisa F Figueredo, A D Ramirez, Pedro Jose Quiroga-Padilla, Roberto Rueda-Esteban. Macroscopic brain gray matter staining: historical protocol overview and neuroanatomy learning applications in second-year medical students. Frontiers in neuroanatomy. 2023, 17: 1227933
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  • 31)- Cintia Klaudia Finszter, Róbert Kemecsei, Gergely Zachar, Sophie Holtkamp, Diego Echevarría, István Adorján, Ágota Ádám, András Csillag. Early cellular and synaptic changes in dopaminoceptive forebrain regions of juvenile mice following gestational exposure to valproate. Frontiers in neuroanatomy. 2023, 17: 1235047
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  • 32)- Takeshi Sasaki, Nikos Makris, Martha E Shenton, Peter Savadjiev, Yogesh Rathi, Ryan Eckbo, Sylvain Bouix, Edward Yeterian, Bradford C Dickerson, Marek Kubicki. Structural connectivity of cytoarchitectonically distinct human left temporal pole subregions: a diffusion MRI tractography study. Frontiers in neuroanatomy. 2023, 17: 1240545
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  • 33)- Mario Gómez-Martínez, Héctor Rincón, Marcelo Gómez-Álvarez, Ricardo Gómez-Nieto, Enrique Saldaña. The nuclei of the lateral lemniscus: unexpected players in the descending auditory pathway. Frontiers in neuroanatomy. 2023, 17: 1242245
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  • 34)- Maria Teresa Dell'Anno, Luciano Conti, Marco Onorati. Editorial: Molecular and cellular logic of cerebral cortex development, evolution, and disease. Frontiers in neuroanatomy. 2023, 17: 1242684
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  • 35)- Alessandro De Benedictis, Maria Camilla Rossi-Espagnet, Luca de Palma, Silvio Sarubbo, Carlo Efisio Marras. Structural networking of the developing brain: from maturation to neurosurgical implications. Frontiers in neuroanatomy. 2023, 17: 1242757
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  • 36)- Carmen Alonso-Martínez, Mario Rubio-Teves, César Porrero, Francisco Clascá, Diana Casas-Torremocha. Cerebellar and basal ganglia inputs define three main nuclei in the mouse ventral motor thalamus. Frontiers in neuroanatomy. 2023, 17: 1242839
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  • 37)- Paola Bezzi, Valerio Magnaghi, Rosa Chiara Paolicelli, Jean-Pierre Hornung. Editorial: Glial heterogeneity: impact on neuronal function and dysfunction. Frontiers in neuroanatomy. 2023, 17: 1249919
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  • 38)- Clément Ricard, Lidia Alonso-Nanclares, Basilis Zikopoulos, Martin Oheim. Editorial: Methods and applications in frontiers in neuroanatomy. Frontiers in neuroanatomy. 2023, 17: 1256867
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  • 39)- Bart R Thomson, Louise Françoise Martin, Paul L Schmidle, Hannah Schlierbach, Anne Schänzer, Henning Richter. Automated pipeline for nerve fiber selection and g-ratio calculation in optical microscopy: exploring staining protocol variations. Frontiers in neuroanatomy. 2023, 17: 1260186
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  • 40)- Nicola Montano, Alessandro Rapisarda, Quintino Giorgio D'Alessandris, Manuela D'Ercole, Alessandro Izzo. The importance of pre-operative neuroanatomical study in the surgical treatment of trigeminal neuralgia associated with multiple sclerosis. Frontiers in neuroanatomy. 2023, 17: 1276977
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  • 41)- Jonathan Stone, John Mitrofanis, Daniel M Johnstone, Stephen R Robinson. Twelve protections evolved for the brain, and their roles in extending its functional life. Frontiers in neuroanatomy. 2023, 17: 1280275
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  • 42)- Andrea De Rosa, Alejandra Mosteiro, Giulia Guizzardi, Pedro Roldán, Jorge Torales, Jessica Matas Fassi, Luigi Maria Cavallo, Domenico Solari, Alberto Prats-Galino, Alberto Di Somma, Joaquim Enseñat. Endoscopic transorbital resection of the temporal lobe: anatomic qualitative and quantitative study. Frontiers in neuroanatomy. 2023, 17: 1282226
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  • 43)- Shuang Jiang, Suraj Honnuraiah, Greg J Stuart. Characterization of primary visual cortex input to specific cell types in the superior colliculus. Frontiers in neuroanatomy. 2023, 17: 1282941
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  • 44)- Ramdayalan Kumarasami, Richa Verma, Karthika Pandurangan, Jivitha Jyothi Ramesh, Sathish Pandidurai, Stephen Savoia, Jaikishan Jayakumar, Mihail Bota, Partha Mitra, Jayaraj Joseph, Mohanasankar Sivaprakasam. A technology platform for standardized cryoprotection and freezing of large-volume brain tissues for high-resolution histology. Frontiers in neuroanatomy. 2023, 17: 1292655
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  • 45)- Zorana Lynton, Rodrigo Suárez, Laura R Fenlon. Brain plasticity following corpus callosum agenesis or loss: a review of the Probst bundles. Frontiers in neuroanatomy. 2023, 17: 1296779
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  • 46)- Carmen Alonso-Martínez, Mario Rubio-Teves, Diana Casas-Torremocha, César Porrero, Francisco Clascá. Corrigendum: Cerebellar and basal ganglia inputs define three main nuclei in the mouse ventral motor thalamus. Frontiers in neuroanatomy. 2023, 17: 1301403
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  • 47)- Samia Khan, Dario I Carrasco, Robin Isaacson, Arthur W English. Proportions of four distinct classes of sensory neurons are retained even when axon regeneration is enhanced following peripheral nerve injury. Frontiers in neuroanatomy. 2023, 17: 1303888
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  • 48)- Safa Shehab, Hayate Javed, Aishwarya Mary Johnson, Saeed Tariq, Challagandla Anil Kumar, Bright Starling Emerald. Unveiling the mechanisms of neuropathic pain suppression: perineural resiniferatoxin targets Trpv1 and beyond. Frontiers in neuroanatomy. 2023, 17: 1306180
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  • 49)- . Erratum: Characterization of primary visual cortex input to specific cell types in the superior colliculus. Frontiers in neuroanatomy. 2023, 17: 1346294
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  • 50)- Lauren Maurer, Maia Brown, Tamandeep Saggi, Alexia Cardiges, Christi L Kolarcik. Hindlimb muscle representations in mouse motor cortex defined by viral tracing. Frontiers in neuroanatomy. 2023, 17: 965318
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