Frontiers in Network Physiology: 2023, vol: 3, issue:
1)- Daniel Galvis, David J Hodson, Kyle C A Wedgwood. Spatial distribution of heterogeneity as a modulator of collective dynamics in pancreatic beta-cell networks and beyond.Frontiers in network physiology. 2023, 3:
2)- Cara K Campanaro, David E Nethery, Fei Guo, Farhad Kaffashi, Kenneth A Loparo, Frank J Jacono, Thomas E Dick, Yee-Hsee Hsieh. Dynamics of ventilatory pattern variability and Cardioventilatory Coupling during systemic inflammation in rats.Frontiers in network physiology. 2023, 3: 1038531
3)- Nathan Schaumburger, Joel Pally, Ion I Moraru, Jatupol Kositsawat, George A Kuchel, Michael L Blinov. Dynamic model assuming mutually inhibitory biomarkers of frailty suggests bistability with contrasting mobility phenotypes.Frontiers in network physiology. 2023, 3: 1079070
4)- Kaidi Shao, Nikos K Logothetis, Michel Besserve. Information theoretic measures of causal influences during transient neural events.Frontiers in network physiology. 2023, 3: 1085347
5)- Maximilian Häfele, Silke Kreitz, Andreas Ludwig, Andreas Hess, Isabel Wank. The impact of HCN4 channels on CNS brain networks as a new target in pain development.Frontiers in network physiology. 2023, 3: 1090502
6)- Ekaterina Kutafina, Susanne Becker, Barbara Namer. Measuring pain and nociception: Through the glasses of a computational scientist. Transdisciplinary overview of methods.Frontiers in network physiology. 2023, 3: 1099282
7)- S Difrancesco, J U van Baardewijk, A S Cornelissen, C Varon, R C Hendriks, A M Brouwer. Exploring the use of Granger causality for the identification of chemical exposure based on physiological data.Frontiers in network physiology. 2023, 3: 1106650
9)- Wolfgang Ganglberger, Parimala Velpula Krishnamurthy, Syed A Quadri, Ryan A Tesh, Abigail A Bucklin, Noor Adra, Madalena Da Silva Cardoso, Michael J Leone, Aashritha Hemmige, Subapriya Rajan, Ezhil Panneerselvam, Luis Paixao, Jasmine Higgins, Muhammad Abubakar Ayub, Yu-Ping Shao, Brian Coughlin, Haoqi Sun, Elissa M Ye, Sydney S Cash, B Taylor Thompson, Oluwaseun Akeju, David Kuller, Robert J Thomas, M Brandon Westover. Sleep staging in the ICU with heart rate variability and breathing signals. An exploratory cross-sectional study using deep neural networks.Frontiers in network physiology. 2023, 3: 1120390
10)- John M Karemaker. A Network approach to find poor orthostatic tolerance by simple tilt maneuvers.Frontiers in network physiology. 2023, 3: 1125023
11)- Gaetano Valenza. Depression as a cardiovascular disorder: central-autonomic network, brain-heart axis, and vagal perspectives of low mood.Frontiers in network physiology. 2023, 3: 1125495
12)- Giuseppe Miserocchi. The impact of heterogeneity of the air-blood barrier on control of lung extravascular water and alveolar gas exchange.Frontiers in network physiology. 2023, 3: 1142245
13)- Betty S Liu, Joseph Sutlive, Willi L Wagner, Hassan A Khalil, Zi Chen, Maximilian Ackermann, Steven J Mentzer. Geometric and network organization of visceral organ epithelium.Frontiers in network physiology. 2023, 3: 1144186
14)- Andreas Stamatis, Sergi Garcia-Retortillo, Grant B Morgan, Ana Sanchez-Moreno. Case report: Cortico-ocular interaction networks in NBA2K.Frontiers in network physiology. 2023, 3: 1151832
15)- Annamaria Lia, Alessandro Di Spiezio, Michele Speggiorin, Micaela Zonta. Two decades of astrocytes in neurovascular coupling.Frontiers in network physiology. 2023, 3: 1162757
16)- Rossella Rizzo, Jilin W J L Wang, Anna DePold Hohler, James W Holsapple, Okeanis E Vaou, Plamen Ch Ivanov. Dynamic networks of cortico-muscular interactions in sleep and neurodegenerative disorders.Frontiers in network physiology. 2023, 3: 1168677
17)- Marcel Aron, Thomas Lilienkamp, Stefan Luther, Ulrich Parlitz. Optimising low-energy defibrillation in 2D cardiac tissue with a genetic algorithm.Frontiers in network physiology. 2023, 3: 1172454
18)- Leiv Øyehaug. Slow ion concentration oscillations and multiple states in neuron-glia interaction-insights gained from reduced mathematical models.Frontiers in network physiology. 2023, 3: 1189118
20)- Yannick Hill, Ruud J R Den Hartigh. Resilience in sports through the lens of dynamic network structures.Frontiers in network physiology. 2023, 3: 1190355
22)- Hendrik Lehnertz, Timo Broehl, Thorsten Rings, Randi von Wrede, Klaus Lehnertz. Modifying functional brain networks in focal epilepsy by manual visceral-osteopathic stimulation of the vagus nerve at the abdomen.Frontiers in network physiology. 2023, 3: 1205476
24)- Heather L More, Branko Braam, William A Cupples. Reduced tubuloglomerular feedback activity and absence of its synchronization in a connexin40 knockout rat.Frontiers in network physiology. 2023, 3: 1208303
27)- Sarah M Groves, Vito Quaranta. Quantifying cancer cell plasticity with gene regulatory networks and single-cell dynamics.Frontiers in network physiology. 2023, 3: 1225736
28)- Krystal Sides, Grentina Kilungeja, Matthew Tapia, Patrick Kreidl, Benjamin H Brinkmann, Mona Nasseri. Analyzing physiological signals recorded with a wearable sensor across the menstrual cycle using circular statistics.Frontiers in network physiology. 2023, 3: 1227228
29)- Mariana R C Aquino, Joshua J Liddy, C Dane Napoli, Sérgio T Fonseca, Richard E A van Emmerik, Michael A Busa. Changes to balance dynamics following a high-intensity run are associated with future injury occurrence in recreational runners.Frontiers in network physiology. 2023, 3: 1227861
30)- Patric C Nordbeck, Valéria Andrade, Paula L Silva, Nikita A Kuznetsov. DFA as a window into postural dynamics supporting task performance: does choice of step size matter?Frontiers in network physiology. 2023, 3: 1233894
31)- Timo Bröhl, Randi von Wrede, Klaus Lehnertz. Impact of biological rhythms on the importance hierarchy of constituents in time-dependent functional brain networks.Frontiers in network physiology. 2023, 3: 1237004
32)- Yuri Antonacci, Chiara Barà, Andrea Zaccaro, Francesca Ferri, Riccardo Pernice, Luca Faes. Time-varying information measures: an adaptive estimation of information storage with application to brain-heart interactions.Frontiers in network physiology. 2023, 3: 1242505
34)- Donald J Marsh, Anthony S Wexler, Niels-Henrik Holstein-Rathlou. Interacting information streams on the nephron arterial network.Frontiers in network physiology. 2023, 3: 1254964
35)- Sayantan Bhattacharyya, Shafqat F Ehsan, Loukia G Karacosta. Phenotypic maps for precision medicine: a promising systems biology tool for assessing therapy response and resistance at a personalized level.Frontiers in network physiology. 2023, 3: 1256104
36)- Haoran Ma, Hideki Fujioka, David Halpern, Jason H T Bates, Donald P Gaver. Full-lung simulations of mechanically ventilated lungs incorporating recruitment/derecruitment dynamics.Frontiers in network physiology. 2023, 3: 1257710
38)- Akira Tsuda, Frank S Henry. Editorial: The effect of heterogeneity of the network of alveolar wall tissue on airflow, interstitial flow and lung biology.Frontiers in network physiology. 2023, 3: 1272172
41)- Louis-David Lord, Timoteo Carletti, Henrique Fernandes, Federico E Turkheimer, Paul Expert. Altered dynamical integration/segregation balance during anesthesia-induced loss of consciousness.Frontiers in network physiology. 2023, 3: 1279646
43)- Sonia Charleston-Villalobos, Michal Javorka, Luca Faes, Andreas Voss. Editorial: Granger causality and information transfer in physiological systems: basic research and applications.Frontiers in network physiology. 2023, 3: 1284256
44)- Fred Hasselman, Luciënne den Uil, Renske Koordeman, Peter de Looff, Roy Otten. The geometry of synchronization: quantifying the coupling direction of physiological signals of stress between individuals using inter-system recurrence networks.Frontiers in network physiology. 2023, 3: 1289983
45)- Taylor J Wilson, Madhur Mangalam, Nick Stergiou, Aaron D Likens. Multifractality in stride-to-stride variations reveals that walking involves more movement tuning and adjusting than running.Frontiers in network physiology. 2023, 3: 1294545
47)- Yulia Novitskaya, Matthias Dümpelmann, Andreas Schulze-Bonhage. Physiological and pathological neuronal connectivity in the living human brain based on intracranial EEG signals: the current state of research.Frontiers in network physiology. 2023, 3: 1297345
48)- Ekaterina Kutafina, Susanne Becker, Barbara Namer. Editorial: Network of pain signaling: from ion channels to brain.Frontiers in network physiology. 2023, 3: 1297536
49)- Michael Rosenblum, Arkady Pikovsky. Inferring connectivity of an oscillatory network via the phase dynamics reconstruction.Frontiers in network physiology. 2023, 3: 1298228