1)- Brandon L Bretl, Marlon Goering. Age- and sex-based differences in the moral intuitions of American early adolescents.Evolutionary human sciences. 2022, 4: e33
2)- Ilaria Pretelli, Monique Borgerhoff Mulder, Richard McElreath. Rates of ecological knowledge learning in Pemba, Tanzania: Implications for childhood evolution.Evolutionary human sciences. 2022, 4: e34
3)- Antonio M Espín, Pablo Brañas-Garza, Juan F Gamella, Benedikt Herrmann, Jesús Martín. Culture and group-functional punishment behaviour.Evolutionary human sciences. 2022, 4: e35
5)- Ioana Ene, Keri Ka-Yee Wong, Gul Deniz Salali. Is it good to be bad? An evolutionary analysis of the adaptive potential of psychopathic traits.Evolutionary human sciences. 2022, 4: e37
6)- Constance Awinpoka Akurugu, Isaac Dery, Paul Bata Domanban. Erratum: Marriage, bridewealth and power: critical reflections on women's autonomy across settings in Africa - CORRIGENDUM.Evolutionary human sciences. 2022, 4: e38
7)- Natalia Fedorova, Richard McElreath, Bret A Beheim. The complex life course of mobility: Quantitative description of 300,000 residential moves in 1850-1950 Netherlands.Evolutionary human sciences. 2022, 4: e39
9)- Xiyan Xiong, Sara L Loo, Mark M Tanaka. Gut mutualists can persist in host populations despite low fidelity of vertical transmission.Evolutionary human sciences. 2022, 4: e41
10)- Thanos Kyritsis, Luke J Matthews, David Welch, Quentin D Atkinson. Shared cultural ancestry predicts the global diffusion of democracy.Evolutionary human sciences. 2022, 4: e42
11)- Roman Zug, Tobias Uller. Evolution and dysfunction of human cognitive and social traits: A transcriptional regulation perspective.Evolutionary human sciences. 2022, 4: e43
12)- S Craig Roberts, Jitka Třebická Fialová, Agnieszka Sorokowska, Ben Langford, Piotr Sorokowski, Vít Třebický, Jan Havlíček. Emotional expression in human odour.Evolutionary human sciences. 2022, 4: e44
14)- Maxwell N Burton-Chellew, Claire Guérin. Self-interested learning is more important than fair-minded conditional cooperation in public-goods games.Evolutionary human sciences. 2022, 4: e46
15)- Iris J Holzleitner, Julie C Driebe, Ruben C Arslan, Amanda C Hahn, Anthony J Lee, Kieran J O'Shea, Tanja M Gerlach, Lars Penke, Benedict C Jones, Lisa M DeBruine. No increased inbreeding avoidance during the ovulatory phase of the menstrual cycle.Evolutionary human sciences. 2022, 4: e47
16)- Jeanne Bovet, Arnaud Tognetti, Thomas V Pollet. Methodological issues when using face prototypes: A case study on the Faceaurus dataset.Evolutionary human sciences. 2022, 4: e48
17)- Jitihada Baraka, David W Lawson, Susan B Schaffnit, Joyce Wamoyi, Mark Urassa. Why marry early? Parental influence, agency and gendered conflict in Tanzanian marriages.Evolutionary human sciences. 2022, 4: e49
18)- Qiao-Qiao He, Jun-Wen Rui, Li Zhang, Yi Tao, Jia-Jia Wu, Ruth Mace, Ting Ji. Communal breeding by women is associated with lower investment from husbands.Evolutionary human sciences. 2022, 4: e50
19)- Sergey Gavrilets, Peter J Richerson. Authority matters: propaganda and the coevolution of behaviour and attitudes.Evolutionary human sciences. 2022, 4: e51
21)- Vincent Denault, Mircea Zloteanu. Darwin's illegitimate children: How body language experts undermine Darwin's legacy.Evolutionary human sciences. 2022, 4: e53
23)- Qiao-Qiao He, Jun-Wen Rui, Li Zhang, Yi Tao, Jia-Jia Wu, Ruth Mace, Ting Ji. Erratum: Communal breeding by women is associated with lower investment from husbands - ERRATUM.Evolutionary human sciences. 2022, 4: e55
24)- Raymond B Huey, Donald B Miles. Signatures of geography, climate and foliage on given names of baby girls.Evolutionary human sciences. 2022, 4: e56
25)- Louise Barrett. Introduction to the special collection: The expression of the emotions in man and animals.Evolutionary human sciences. 2022, 4: e57