Journal of Circulating Biomarkers: 2017, vol: 6, issue:
1)- Anna Markowska, R Scott Pendergrast, J Stephen Pendergrast, P Shannon Pendergrast. A novel method for the isolation of extracellular vesicles and RNA from urine.Journal of circulating biomarkers. 2017, 6: 1849454417712666
2)- Anatilde Gonzalez Guerrico, David Hillman, Jeffery Karnes, Brian Davis, Steven Gaston, George Klee. Roles of kallikrein-2 biomarkers (free-hK2 and pro-hK2) for predicting prostate cancer progression-free survival.Journal of circulating biomarkers. 2017, 6: 1849454417720151
4)- Moran S Saghiv, D Ben Sira, E Goldhammer, M Sagiv. The effects of aerobic and anaerobic exercises on circulating soluble-Klotho and IGF-I in young and elderly adults and in CAD patients.Journal of circulating biomarkers. 2017, 6: 1849454417733388