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  • International Journal of Cardiology. Cardiovascular Risk and Prevention: 2023, vol: 18, issue:
  • 1)- Pedro Marques-Vidal, Valeriya Chekanova, Carlos de Mestral, Idris Guessous, Silvia Stringhini. Trends and determinants of prevalence, awareness, treatment and control of dyslipidaemia in canton of Geneva, 2005-2019: Potent statins are underused. International journal of cardiology. Cardiovascular risk and prevention. 2023, 18: 200187
    Cited : 1
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  • 2)- Taoreed Adegoke Azeez, Ibikunle Moses Durotoluwa, Akintomiwa Ibrahim Makanjuola. Diabetes Mellitus as a risk factor for stroke among Nigerians: A systematic review and meta-analysis. International journal of cardiology. Cardiovascular risk and prevention. 2023, 18: 200189
    Cited : 2
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  • 3)- Yuriy Sirenko, Oksana Rekovets. "The impact of statins addind to the fixed combination antihypertensive therapy on the arterial stiffness in patients with moderate and severe hypertension". International journal of cardiology. Cardiovascular risk and prevention. 2023, 18: 200190
    Cited : 2
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  • 4)- Matteo Ruzzolini, Marco Ambrosetti. Cardiopulmonary exercise testing in cardiac rehabilitation: From the reporting form to structured exercise prescription. A proposal from the Italian alliance for cardiovascular rehabilitation and prevention (Itacare-P). International journal of cardiology. Cardiovascular risk and prevention. 2023, 18: 200191
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  • 5)- Ginner Odorico Rizo Rivera, Marion Jose Valladares, Hildebrando M Toledo Vargas, Elibeth Chavez, Alejandro A Garcia de la Rocha, Luis A Urcuyo Hernandez, Jose Daniel Meneses Mercado. Cholesterol goals, statin use and residual cardiovascular risk estimated by SMART score: Study of a Nicaraguan population. International journal of cardiology. Cardiovascular risk and prevention. 2023, 18: 200192
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  • 6)- So Ikebe, Masanobu Ishii, Yasuhiro Otsuka, Taishi Nakamura, Kenichi Tsujita, Tetsuya Matoba, Takahide Kohro, Yusuke Oba, Tomoyuki Kabutoya, Yasushi Imai, Kazuomi Kario, Arihiro Kiyosue, Yoshiko Mizuno, Kotaro Nochioka, Masaharu Nakayama, Takamasa Iwai, Yoshihiro Miyamoto, Hisahiko Sato, Naoyuki Akashi, Hideo Fujita, Ryozo Nagai, . Impact of heart failure severity and major bleeding events after percutaneous coronary intervention on subsequent major adverse cardiac events. International journal of cardiology. Cardiovascular risk and prevention. 2023, 18: 200193
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  • 7)- Astuti Giantini, Nur Gifarani Pratiwi, Renan Sukmawan, Joedo Prihartono, Suzanna Immanuel, Merci Monica Pasaribu, Sri Suryo Adiyanti, Yusuf Bahasoan. The association of apolipoprotein in the risk of ST-elevation myocardial infarction in patients with documented coronary artery disease. International journal of cardiology. Cardiovascular risk and prevention. 2023, 18: 200194
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  • 8)- Madhab Ray, Santanu Guha, Ranga Raj Dhungana, Avik Karak, Basabendra Choudhury, Bipasha Ray, Haroon Zubair, Meghna Ray, Srijan Sengupta, Deepak L Bhatt, Robert J Goldberg, Harry P Selker. Development and validation of a predictive model for the diagnosis of rheumatic heart disease in low-income countries based on two cross-sectional studies. International journal of cardiology. Cardiovascular risk and prevention. 2023, 18: 200195
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  • 9)- Harshith Thyagaturu, Bandar Alyami, Nicholas Roma, Karthik Gonuguntla, Gayatri Bondi, Brijesh Patel. Trends of antihypertensive use among patients with cancer and hypertension in the United States 2002-2019. International journal of cardiology. Cardiovascular risk and prevention. 2023, 18: 200196
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  • 10)- R Gouveia, S Madureira, C Elias, A Neves, P Ribeirinho Soares, M Soares-Carreira, J Pereira, A Ribeiro, M Amorim, J Almeida, J P Araújo, P Lourenco. Lower low density lipoprotein cholesterol associates to higher mortality in non-diabetic heart failure patients. International journal of cardiology. Cardiovascular risk and prevention. 2023, 18: 200197
    Cited : 2
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  • 11)- Daniel Siniawski, Gerardo Masson, Walter Masson, Leandro Barbagelata, Josefina Destaville, Santiago Lynch, Laura Vitagliano, Josefina Belén Parodi, Felipe Berton, Agustin Indavere, Teo Epstein, Melina Huerin. Residual cardiovascular risk, use of standard care treatments, and achievement of treatment goals in patients with cardiovascular disease. International journal of cardiology. Cardiovascular risk and prevention. 2023, 18: 200198
    Cited : 3
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  • 12)- Anthony D'Oro, Devansh Himanshu Patel, Sojin Wass, Trygve Dolber, Khurram Nasir, Mirela Dobre, Mahboob Rahman, Sadeer Al-Kindi. Depression and incident cardiovascular disease among patients with chronic kidney disease. International journal of cardiology. Cardiovascular risk and prevention. 2023, 18: 200199
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  • 13)- Kyungil Park, Tae-Ho Park. Comparative effects of nebivolol and carvedilol on left ventricular diastolic function in older patients with heart failure and preserved ejection fraction. International journal of cardiology. Cardiovascular risk and prevention. 2023, 18: 200201
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  • 14)- Yi-Ting Lin, Lian-Yu Lin, Kai-Jen Chuang. N terminal prohormone of brain natriuretic peptide is associated with improved heart rate recovery after treadmill exercise test. International journal of cardiology. Cardiovascular risk and prevention. 2023, 18: 200203
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  • 15)- Eduardo Thadeu de Oliveira Correia, Jeffrey I Mechanick, Antonio José Lagoeiro Jorge, Leticia Mara Dos Santos Barbetta, Maria Luiza Garcia Rosa, Adson Renato Leite, Dayse Mary da Silva Correia, Evandro Tinoco Mesquita. The hypertension-based chronic disease model in a primary care setting. International journal of cardiology. Cardiovascular risk and prevention. 2023, 18: 200204
    Cited : 2
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  • 16)- Manuel Urina-Jassir, Andrés Felipe Patiño-Aldana, Lina Johana Herrera-Parra, Juliana Alexandra Hernández Vargas, Silvia Juliana Trujillo-Cáceres, Ana María Valbuena-García, Lizbeth Acuña-Merchán, Daniela Urina-Jassir, Miguel Urina-Triana. Factors associated with coronary artery disease among people living with human immunodeficiency virus: Results from the Colombian HIV/AIDS registry. International journal of cardiology. Cardiovascular risk and prevention. 2023, 18: 200205
    Cited : 0
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