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Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

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  • Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics: 2021, vol: 21, issue:
  • 1)- Anna Karion, Israel Lopez-Coto, Sharon M Gourdji, Kimberly Mueller, Subhomoy Ghosh, William Callahan, Michael Stock, Elizabeth DiGangi, Steve Prinzivalli, James Whetstone. Background conditions for an urban greenhouse gas network in the Washington, D.C. and Baltimore metropolitan region. Atmospheric chemistry and physics. 2021, 21 (8):
    Cited : 11
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  • 2)- Steven J Campbell, Kate Wolfer, Battist Utinger, Joe Westwood, Zhi-Hui Zhang, Nicolas Bukowiecki, Sarah S Steimer, Tuan V Vu, Jingsha Xu, Nicholas Straw, Steven Thomson, Atallah Elzein, Yele Sun, Di Liu, Linjie Li, Pingqing Fu, Alastair C Lewis, Roy M Harrison, William J Bloss, Miranda Loh, Mark R Miller, Zongbo Shi, Markus Kalberer. Atmospheric conditions and composition that influence PM oxidative potential in Beijing, China. Atmospheric chemistry and physics. 2021, 21 (7): 5549-5573
    Cited : 46
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  • 3)- Karl M Seltzer, Elyse Pennington, Venkatesh Rao, Benjamin N Murphy, Madeleine Strum, Kristin K Isaacs, Havala O T Pye. Reactive organic carbon emissions from volatile chemical products. Atmospheric chemistry and physics. 2021, 21 (6): 5079-5100
    Cited : 43
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  • 4)- Elyse A Pennington, Karl M Seltzer, Benjamin N Murphy, Momei Qin, John H Seinfeld, Havala O T Pye. Modeling secondary organic aerosol formation from volatile chemical products. Atmospheric chemistry and physics. 2021, 21 (24): 18247-18261
    Cited : 41
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  • 5)- Hossein Dadashazar, Majid Alipanah, Miguel Ricardo A Hilario, Ewan Crosbie, Simon Kirschler, Hongyu Liu, Richard H Moore, Andrew J Peters, Amy Jo Scarino, Michael Shook, K Lee Thornhill, Christiane Voigt, Hailong Wang, Edward Winstead, Bo Zhang, Luke Ziemba, Armin Sorooshian. Aerosol responses to precipitation along North American air trajectories arriving at Bermuda. Atmospheric chemistry and physics. 2021, 21 (21): 16121-16141
    Cited : 19
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  • 6)- Stefano Galmarini, Paul Makar, Olivia E Clifton, Christian Hogrefe, Jesse O Bash, Roberto Bellasio, Roberto Bianconi, Johannes Bieser, Tim Butler, Jason Ducker, Johannes Flemming, Alma Hodzic, Christopher D Holmes, Ioannis Kioutsioukis, Richard Kranenburg, Aurelia Lupascu, Juan Luis Perez-Camanyo, Jonathan Pleim, Young-Hee Ryu, Roberto San Jose, Donna Schwede, Sam Silva, Ralf Wolke. Technical note: AQMEII4 Activity 1: evaluation of wet and dry deposition schemes as an integral part of regional-scale air quality models. Atmospheric chemistry and physics. 2021, 21 (20): 1-15663
    Cited : 16
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  • 7)- Shuping Zhang, Golam Sarwar, Jia Xing, Biwu Chu, Chaoyang Xue, Arunachalam Sarav, Dian Ding, Haotian Zheng, Yujing Mu, Fengkui Duan, Tao Ma, Hong He. Improving the representation of HONO chemistry in CMAQ and examining its impact on haze over China. Atmospheric chemistry and physics. 2021, 21 (20): 15809-15826
    Cited : 28
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  • 8)- Xueying Yu, Dylan B Millet, Kelley C Wells, Daven K Henze, Hansen Cao, Timothy J Griffis, Eric A Kort, Genevieve Plant, Malte J Deventer, Randall K Kolka, D Tyler Roman, Kenneth J Davis, Ankur R Desai, Bianca C Baier, Kathryn McKain, Alan C Czarnetzki, A Anthony Bloom. Aircraft-based inversions quantify the importance of wetlands and livestock for Upper Midwest methane emissions. Atmospheric chemistry and physics. 2021, 21 (2): 951-971
    Cited : 15
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  • 9)- Rose M Miller, Greg M McFarquhar, Robert M Rauber, Joseph R O'Brien, Siddhant Gupta, Michal Segal-Rozenhaimer, Amie N Dobracki, Arthur J Sedlacek, Sharon P Burton, Steven G Howell, Steffen Freitag, Caroline Dang. Observations of supermicron-sized aerosols originating from biomass burning in southern Central Africa. Atmospheric chemistry and physics. 2021, 21 (19): 14815-14831
    Cited : 6
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  • 10)- Andreas Tilgner, Thomas Schaefer, Becky Alexander, Mary Barth, Jeffrey L Collett, Kathleen M Fahey, Athanasios Nenes, Havala O T Pye, Hartmut Herrmann, V Faye McNeill. Acidity and the multiphase chemistry of atmospheric aqueous particles and clouds. Atmospheric chemistry and physics. 2021, 21 (17):
    Cited : 73
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  • 11)- Jianfeng Li, Yuhang Wang, Ruixiong Zhang, Charles Smeltzer, Andrew Weinheimer, Jay Herman, K Folkert Boersma, Edward A Celarier, Russell W Long, James J Szykman, Ruben Delgado, Anne M Thompson, Travis N Knepp, Lok N Lamsal, Scott J Janz, Matthew G Kowalewski, Xiong Liu, Caroline R Nowlan. Comprehensive evaluations of diurnal NO measurements during DISCOVER-AQ 2011: effects of resolution-dependent representation of NO emissions. Atmospheric chemistry and physics. 2021, 21 (14): 11133-11160
    Cited : 11
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  • 12)- Hossein Dadashazar, David Painemal, Majid Alipanah, Michael Brunke, Seethala Chellappan, Andrea F Corral, Ewan Crosbie, Simon Kirschler, Hongyu Liu, Richard H Moore, Claire Robinson, Amy Jo Scarino, Michael Shook, Kenneth Sinclair, K Lee Thornhill, Christiane Voigt, Hailong Wang, Edward Winstead, Xubin Zeng, Luke Ziemba, Paquita Zuidema, Armin Sorooshian. Cloud drop number concentrations over the western North Atlantic Ocean: seasonal cycle, aerosol interrelationships, and other influential factors. Atmospheric chemistry and physics. 2021, 21 (13): 10499-10526
    Cited : 20
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  • 13)- Jasper F Kok, Adeyemi A Adebiyi, Samuel Albani, Yves Balkanski, Ramiro Checa-Garcia, Mian Chin, Peter R Colarco, Douglas S Hamilton, Yue Huang, Akinori Ito, Martina Klose, Danny M Leung, Longlei Li, Natalie M Mahowald, Ron L Miller, Vincenzo Obiso, Carlos Pérez García-Pando, Adriana Rocha-Lima, Jessica S Wan, Chloe A Whicker. Improved representation of the global dust cycle using observational constraints on dust properties and abundance. Atmospheric chemistry and physics. 2021, 21 (10): 8127-8167
    Cited : 70
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  • 14)- Bingqing Zhang, Huizhong Shen, Pengfei Liu, Hongyu Guo, Yongtao Hu, Yilin Chen, Shaodong Xie, Ziyan Xi, T Nash Skipper, Armistead G Russell. Significant contrasts in aerosol acidity between China and the United States. Atmospheric chemistry and physics. 2021, 21 (10): 8341-8356
    Cited : 15
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  • 15)- Amir H Souri, Kelly Chance, Juseon Bak, Caroline R Nowlan, Gonzalo González Abad, Yeonjin Jung, David C Wong, Jingqiu Mao, Xiong Liu. Unraveling pathways of elevated ozone induced by the 2020 lockdown in Europe by an observationally constrained regional model using TROPOMI. Atmospheric chemistry and physics. 2021, 21: 1-19
    Cited : 18
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