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Rheumatology and Therapy

Published By Adis, Springer Healthcare

  • Rheumatology and Therapy: 2023, vol: , issue:
  • 1)- Yoshiya Tanaka, Tsutomu Takeuchi, Tatsuya Atsumi, Bernard G Combe, Daniel Aletaha, Toshihiko Kaise, Vijay Rajendran. Prevention of Radiographic Progression in Higher-Risk Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis Using Filgotinib in Phase III Studies: Narrative Review of Post Hoc Analyses. Rheumatology and therapy. 2023, 10 (6): 1399-1415
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  • 2)- Blanca Hernández-Cruz, Uta Kiltz, Jérôme Avouac, Tamas Treuer, Ewa Haladyj, Jens Gerwien, Chandreyee Dutta Gupta, Fabrizio Conti. Systematic Literature Review of Real-World Evidence on Baricitinib for the Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis. Rheumatology and therapy. 2023, 10 (6): 1417-1457
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  • 3)- Agner R Parra Sánchez, Ronald F van Vollenhoven, Eric F Morand, Ian N Bruce, Rangi Kandane-Rathnayake, Gudrun Weiss, Raj Tummala, Hussein Al-Mossawi, Alessandro Sorrentino. Targeting DORIS Remission and LLDAS in SLE: A Review. Rheumatology and therapy. 2023, 10 (6): 1459-1477
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  • 4)- Philip J Mease, Alexis Ogdie, John Tesser, Natalie J Shiff, Iris Lin, Soumya D Chakravarty, Michael Kelleman, Rhiannon Dodge, Robert R McLean, Aaron Broadwell, Arthur Kavanaugh, Joseph F Merola. Six-Month Persistence and Multi-domain Effectiveness of Guselkumab in Adults with Psoriatic Arthritis: Real-World Data from the CorEvitas Psoriatic Arthritis/Spondyloarthritis Registry. Rheumatology and therapy. 2023, 10 (6): 1479-1501
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  • 5)- Stephanie G Werner, Xenofon Baraliakos, Sabine Reckert, Martin Bohl-Bühler, Marie-Claude Laliberté, Tanya Girard, Katharina Jeromin, Nikola Baschuk, Björn Fritz, Louis Bessette, Axel J Hueber. Treatment with Upadacitinib in Active Psoriatic Arthritis: Efficacy and Safety Data of the First 192 Patients from the UPJOINT Study, a Multicentre, Observational Study in Clinical Practice. Rheumatology and therapy. 2023, 10 (6): 1503-1518
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  • 6)- Leslie R Harrold, Patrick Zueger, W Benjamin Nowell, Taylor Blachley, Amy Schrader, Paul R Lakin, David Curtis, Laura Stradford, Shilpa Venkatachalam, Namita Tundia, Pankaj A Patel. A Real-World Effectiveness Study Using a Mobile Application to Evaluate Early Outcomes with Upadacitinib in Rheumatoid Arthritis. Rheumatology and therapy. 2023, 10 (6): 1519-1533
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  • 7)- Qingqing Guo, Xueyi Zhang, Siqin Sun, Xiaojun Tang, Wei Shen, Jun Liang, Genhong Yao, Linyu Geng, Shuai Ding, Hongwei Chen, Hong Wang, Bingzhu Hua, Huayong Zhang, Dandan Wang, Xuebing Feng, Lingyun Sun, Ziyi Jin. Association Between Mycophenolate Mofetil Use and Subsequent Infections Among Hospitalized Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: A Nested Case-Control Study. Rheumatology and therapy. 2023, 10 (6): 1535-1554
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  • 8)- Alejandro Balsa, Siegfried Wassenberg, Yoshiya Tanaka, Anne Tournadre, Hans-Dieter Orzechowski, Vijay Rajendran, Udo Lendl, Pieter-Jan Stiers, Chris Watson, Roberto Caporali, James Galloway, Patrick Verschueren. Effect of Filgotinib on Body Mass Index (BMI) and Effect of Baseline BMI on the Efficacy and Safety of Filgotinib in Rheumatoid Arthritis. Rheumatology and therapy. 2023, 10 (6): 1555-1574
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  • 9)- Rieke Alten, Gerd R Burmester, Marco Matucci-Cerinic, Jean-Hugues Salmon, Andrew Östör, Khai Jing Ng, Jens Gerwien, Liliana Zaremba-Pechmann, Alan J M Brnabic, Bruno Fautrel. Comparative Effectiveness, Time to Discontinuation, and Patient-Reported Outcomes with Baricitinib in Rheumatoid Arthritis: 2-Year Data from the Multinational, Prospective Observational RA-BE-REAL Study in European Patients. Rheumatology and therapy. 2023, 10 (6): 1575-1595
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  • 10)- Xuan Huang, Qing Shu, Xuemei Luo, Weihong Ge, Han Xie, Yujie Zhou. Analysis of Factors Influencing Whole Blood Hydroxychloroquine Concentration in Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus in China. Rheumatology and therapy. 2023, 10 (6): 1597-1607
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  • 11)- Chan-Yuan Wu, Qian Wang, Jian Shi, Xiu-Ying Zhang, Rong Du, Jie-Ruo Gu, Qi-Huan Liu, Jiao Yu, Jia-Wei Xu, Yan-Jie Zhang, Hao Zhu, Meng-Tao Li, Xiao-Feng Zeng. Safety and Effectiveness of Baricitinib in Chinese Patients with Moderate-to-Severe Rheumatoid Arthritis: 24-Week Results from a Post-Marketing Safety Study. Rheumatology and therapy. 2023, 10 (6): 1609-1622
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  • 12)- Soichiro Adachi, Kaoru Takase-Minegishi, Ayaka Maeda, Hideto Nagai, Nobuyuki Horita, Ryusuke Yoshimi, Yohei Kirino, Hideaki Nakajima. Risk of Macrophage Activation Syndrome in Patients with Adult-Onset Still's Disease Treated with IL-1 and IL-6 Inhibitors: A Meta-analysis and Single-Center Experience. Rheumatology and therapy. 2023, 10 (6): 1623-1636
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  • 13)- Philip J Mease, Dafna D Gladman, Denis Poddubnyy, Soumya D Chakravarty, May Shawi, Alexa P Kollmeier, Xie L Xu, Stephen Xu, Atul Deodhar, Xenofon Baraliakos. Efficacy of Guselkumab on Axial-Related Symptoms Through up to 2 Years in Adults with Active Psoriatic Arthritis in the Phase 3, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled DISCOVER-2 Study. Rheumatology and therapy. 2023, 10 (6): 1637-1653
    Cited : 6
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  • 14)- Natalie Frede, Sonja Hiestand, Franziska Schauer, Dominique Endres, Ludger Tebartz van Elst, Markus Zeisbrich, Nils Craig-Mueller, Stephanie Finzel, Jens Thiel, Reinhard E Voll, Christoph Schempp, Nils Venhoff. Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis Have a Major Impact on Quality of Life and Depressive Symptoms: A Cross-Sectional Study of 300 Patients. Rheumatology and therapy. 2023, 10 (6): 1655-1668
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  • 15)- Laura C Cappelli, George Reed, Dimitrios A Pappas, Joel M Kremer. A Model to Predict Future Biologic or Targeted Synthetic DMARD Switch at a Subsequent Clinic Visit in Rheumatoid Arthritis. Rheumatology and therapy. 2023, 10 (6): 1669-1681
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  • 16)- Hideto Kameda, Kohei Hagimori, Yoji Morisaki, Thorsten Holzkämper, Ayako Konomi, Hiroaki Dobashi. Ixekizumab Efficacy in Patients with Severe Peripheral Psoriatic Arthritis: A Post Hoc Analysis of a Phase 3, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study (SPIRIT-P1). Rheumatology and therapy. 2023, 10 (6): 1683-1703
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  • 17)- Satoshi Kubo, Yusuke Miyazaki, Yasuyuki Todoroki, Atsushi Nagayasu, Ryuichiro Kanda, Takafumi Aritomi, Satsuki Matsunaga, Masanobu Ueno, Ippei Miyagawa, Koshiro Sonomoto, Kentaro Hanami, Shingo Nakayamada, Yoshiya Tanaka. Generation-Dependent Retention Rates and Reasons for Discontinuation of Molecular Targeted Therapies in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis: From FIRST Registry. Rheumatology and therapy. 2023, 10 (6): 1705-1723
    Cited : 2
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  • 18)- Minxi Lao, Guangxi Luo, Peiyin Dai, Xiaoxue Zhang, Miaoguan Peng, Yuyi Chen, Hao Ren, Xiaodong Wang, Zhongping Zhan, Dongying Chen. Pregnancy Outcomes in Patients with Primary Sjögren's Syndrome Undergoing Assisted Reproductive Therapy: A Multi-center Retrospective Study. Rheumatology and therapy. 2023, 10 (6): 1725-1739
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  • 19)- Mark S Fineman, Timothy E McAlindon, Christian Lattermann, Christopher J Swearingen, Sarah Kennedy, Victor A Lopez, Ismail Simsek, Jeyanesh R S Tambiah, Yusuf Yazici. Safety, Tolerability, and Pharmacokinetics of Same-Knee Intra-Articular Injection of Corticosteroid and Lorecivivint Within 7 Days: An Open-Label, Randomized, Parallel-Arm Study. Rheumatology and therapy. 2023, 10 (6): 1741-1752
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  • 20)- Anisha B Dua, Kerri Ford, Stefano Fiore, Dimitrios A Pappas, Jud C Janak, Taylor Blachley, Carla Roberts-Toler, Kelechi Emeanuru, Joel M Kremer, Alan Kivitz. Clinical Outcomes in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis After Switching Between Interleukin-6-Receptor Inhibitors and Janus Kinase Inhibitors: Findings from an Observational Study. Rheumatology and therapy. 2023, 10 (6): 1753-1768
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  • 21)- Yuan Zhao, Wanting Qi, Can Huang, Yangzhong Zhou, Qian Wang, Xinping Tian, Mengtao Li, Yan Zhao, Xiaofeng Zeng, Jiuliang Zhao. Serum Calprotectin as a Potential Predictor of Microvascular Manifestations in Patients with Antiphospholipid Syndrome. Rheumatology and therapy. 2023, 10 (6): 1769-1783
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  • 22)- Silvia Scriffignano, Fabio Massimo Perrotta, Paola Conigliaro, Mario Ferraioli, Paola Triggianese, Maria Sole Chimenti, Ennio Lubrano. Identification of the Minimal Disease Activity Domains Achieved Based on Different Treatments in Psoriatic Arthritis. Rheumatology and therapy. 2023, 10 (6): 1785-1794
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  • 23)- Cory Perugino, Emma L Culver, Arezou Khosroshahi, Wen Zhang, Emanuel Della-Torre, Kazuichi Okazaki, Yoshiya Tanaka, Matthias Löhr, Nicolas Schleinitz, Judith Falloon, Dewei She, Daniel Cimbora, John H Stone. Efficacy and Safety of Inebilizumab in IgG4-Related Disease: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial. Rheumatology and therapy. 2023, 10 (6): 1795-1808
    Cited : 6
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  • 24)- Eugen Feist, Xenofon Baraliakos, Frank Behrens, Diamant Thaçi, Thilo Klopsch, Anja Plenske, Lisa K Blindzellner, Pascal Klaus, Thomas Meng, Peter-Andreas Löschmann. Correction: Effectiveness of Etanercept in Rheumatoid Arthritis: Real-World Data from the German Non-interventional Study ADEQUATE with Focus on Treat-to-Target and Patient-Reported Outcomes. Rheumatology and therapy. 2023, 10 (6): 1809-1810
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  • 25)- Alexandra Z Sosinsky, Yufei Song, Lhanoo Gunawardhana, Syd Phillips, Matt Page. The Impact of Label Changes (Boxed Warning) on Real-World Febuxostat Utilization in Patients with Gout: A Cross-Sectional Drug Utilization Study. Rheumatology and therapy. 2023, 10 (5): 1277-1295
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  • 26)- Olivier Bruyere, Germain Honvo, Eduard Vidovic, Bernard Cortet. Is the Rate of Responders to Hyaluronic Acid Injection for Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis Stable Over Time? Post hoc Analyses of a 6-Month Follow-Up Study. Rheumatology and therapy. 2023, 10 (5): 1297-1303
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  • 27)- Jacob N Hunnicutt, Mary Elizabeth Georgiou, Liyuan Ma, Roger A Levy, Kerry Gairy. Real-World Immunosuppressant Treatment Patterns for Patients with Lupus Nephritis in the United States. Rheumatology and therapy. 2023, 10 (5): 1305-1318
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  • 28)- Beatriz Joven, Raquel Hernández Sánchez, Eva Pérez-Pampín, Ángel Aragón Díez, Raquel Almodóvar, Ángels Martínez-Ferrer, Joaquín Belzunegui, Esteban Rubio, Silvia Díaz-Cerezo, Sebastián Moyano, Manuel Gómez-Barrera, María Yébenes, Mercedes Núñez. Persistence and Use of Ixekizumab in Patients with Psoriatic Arthritis in Real-World Practice in Spain. The PRO-STIP Study. Rheumatology and therapy. 2023, 10 (5): 1319-1333
    Cited : 4
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  • 29)- Yoshiya Tanaka, Peter C Taylor, Emon Elboudwarej, Angie Hertz, Xiaorong Shao, Vladislav A Malkov, Hironori Matsushima, Kahaku Emoto, Bryan Downie, Tsutomu Takeuchi. Filgotinib Modulates Inflammation-Associated Peripheral Blood Protein Biomarkers in Adults with Active Rheumatoid Arthritis and Prior Inadequate Response to Methotrexate. Rheumatology and therapy. 2023, 10 (5): 1335-1348
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  • 30)- Yvonne M van der Kraan, Davy Paap, Niels Lennips, Else C A Veenstra, Freke R Wink, Stan C Kieskamp, Anneke Spoorenberg. Patients' Needs Concerning Patient Education in Axial Spondyloarthritis: A Qualitative Study. Rheumatology and therapy. 2023, 10 (5): 1349-1368
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  • 31)- Juan Xiao, Fengqiao Zhou, Zhenwang Zhao, Fengsheng Cao, Hong Xiao, Lu Zhang, Huabo Chen, Ke Wang, Anbing Zhang. PDCD5 as a Potential Biomarker for Improved Prediction of the Incidence and Remission for Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis. Rheumatology and therapy. 2023, 10 (5): 1369-1383
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  • 32)- Jessica A Walsh, Christopher D Saffore, Eric B Collins, Andrew Ostor. Clinical and Economic Benefit of Advanced Therapies for the Treatment of Active Ankylosing Spondylitis. Rheumatology and therapy. 2023, 10 (5): 1385-1398
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  • 33)- Jessica A Walsh, Christopher D Saffore, Eric B Collins, Andrew Ostor. Correction: Clinical and Economic Benefit of Advanced Therapies for the Treatment of Active Ankylosing Spondylitis. Rheumatology and therapy. 2023, :
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  • 34)- Daniele Mauro, Giulio Forte, Denis Poddubnyy, Francesco Ciccia. The Role of Early Treatment in the Management of Axial Spondyloarthritis: Challenges and Opportunities. Rheumatology and therapy. 2023, :
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  • 35)- Megan M Simonds, Samuel T Freer, Lina Al-Jaberi, AnneMarie C Brescia. Adalimumab Effectively Decreases Inflammation Downstream of TNFα Signaling in Synoviocytes from Extended Oligoarticular Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis. Rheumatology and therapy. 2023, :
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  • 36)- Jeffrey R Curtis, Paul Emery, Bryan Downie, Yan Zhong, Jinfeng Liu, Ling Han, Rachael E Hawtin, Gerd Rüdiger Burmester. Filgotinib Demonstrates Efficacy in Rheumatoid Arthritis Independent of Smoking Status: Post Hoc Analysis of Phase 3 Trials and Claims-Based Analysis. Rheumatology and therapy. 2023, :
    Cited : 2
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  • 37)- Gerd R Burmester, Laura C Coates, Stanley B Cohen, Yoshiya Tanaka, Ivana Vranic, Edward Nagy, Irina Lazariciu, All-Shine Chen, Kenneth Kwok, Lara Fallon, Cassandra Kinch. Correction: Post-Marketing Safety Surveillance of Tofacitinib over 9 Years in Patients with Psoriatic Arthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis. Rheumatology and therapy. 2023, :
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  • 38)- Siegfried Wassenberg, Rolf Rau, Thilo Klopsch, Anja Plenske, Jürgen Jobst, Pascal Klaus, Thomas Meng, Peter-Andreas Löschmann. Correction: Etanercept is Effective and Halts Radiographic Progression in Rheumatoid Arthritis and Psoriatic Arthritis: Final Results from a German Non-interventional Study (PRERA). Rheumatology and therapy. 2023, :
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  • 39)- Gustavo Citera, Rakesh Jain, Fedra Irazoque, Hugo Madariaga, David Gruben, Lisy Wang, Lori Stockert, Karina Santana, Abbas Ebrahim, Dario Ponce de Leon. Tofacitinib Efficacy in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis and Probable Depression/Anxiety: Post Hoc Analysis of Phase 3 and 3b/4 Randomized Controlled Trials. Rheumatology and therapy. 2023, :
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  • 40)- Elena Garal-Pantaler, Michael Schultze, Mary Elizabeth Georgiou, Marc Pignot, Kerry Gairy, Jacob N Hunnicutt. Real-World Burden of Immunosuppressant-Treated Lupus Nephritis: A German Claims Database Analysis. Rheumatology and therapy. 2023, :
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  • 41)- Christopher F Bell, Jake Chung, Bernard Rubin. Correction: Real-World Clinical Outcomes in Belimumab-Treated US African American and Hispanic Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: A Retrospective, Observational Study. Rheumatology and therapy. 2023, :
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  • 42)- Siegfried Wassenberg, Rolf Rau, Thilo Klopsch, Anja Plenske, Jürgen Jobst, Pascal Klaus, Thomas Meng, Peter-Andreas Löschmann. Correction: Etanercept is Effective and Halts Radiographic Progression in Rheumatoid Arthritis and Psoriatic Arthritis: Final Results from a German Non-interventional Study (PRERA). Rheumatology and therapy. 2023, :
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  • 43)- Yoshiya Tanaka, Peter C Taylor, Emon Elboudwarej, Angie Hertz, Xiaorong Shao, Vladislav A Malkov, Hironori Matsushima, Kahaku Emoto, Bryan Downie, Tsutomu Takeuchi. Correction: Filgotinib Modulates Inflammation-Associated Peripheral Blood Protein Biomarkers in Adults with Active Rheumatoid Arthritis and Prior Inadequate Response to Methotrexate. Rheumatology and therapy. 2023, :
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  • 44)- Andrea Rubbert-Roth, Adriana M Kakehasi, Tsutomu Takeuchi, Marc Schmalzing, Hannah Palac, Derek Coombs, Jianzhong Liu, Samuel I Anyanwu, Ralph Lippe, Jeffrey R Curtis. Malignancy in the Upadacitinib Clinical Trials for Rheumatoid Arthritis, Psoriatic Arthritis, Ankylosing Spondylitis, and Non-radiographic Axial Spondyloarthritis. Rheumatology and therapy. 2023, :
    Cited : 7
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  • 45)- Qinyi Su, Xinmiao Wang, Yongzhi Li, Jiexiang Zhang, Cairui Bai, Xuechun Wang, Liu Yang, Jingting Zhang, Sheng-Xiao Zhang. Efficacy, Safety and the Lymphocyte Subset Changes of Low-Dose IL-2 in Patients with Autoimmune Rheumatic Diseases: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Rheumatology and therapy. 2023, :
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  • 46)- Xiaoxi Li, Feng Pan, Rui Zhu, Liru Ge, Xiaoyue Zhang, Xiangrui Wen, Jiantao Zhou, Jiale Cheng, Faming Pan, Guoqi Cai. Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Associations of Comorbidities with Knee Symptoms and Radiographic Abnormalities of Osteoarthritis. Rheumatology and therapy. 2023, :
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  • 47)- Jeffrey R Curtis, Huifeng Yun, Lang Chen, Stephanie S Ford, Hubert van Hoogstraten, Stefano Fiore, Kerri Ford, Amy Praestgaard, Markus Rehberg, Ernest Choy. Correction: Real-World Sarilumab Use and Rule Testing to Predict Treatment Response in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis: Findings from the RISE Registry. Rheumatology and therapy. 2023, :
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  • 48)- Eleanor Thurtle, Alice Grosjean, Monia Steenackers, Katharina Strege, Giovanna Barcelos, Pushpendra Goswami. Epidemiology of Sjögren's: A Systematic Literature Review. Rheumatology and therapy. 2023, :
    Cited : 4
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  • 49)- Jeffrey R Curtis, Vibeke Strand, Steven J Golombek, George A Karpouzas, Lixia Zhang, Angus Wong, Krishna Patel, Jennifer Dines, Viatcheslav R Akmaev. Decision Impact Analysis to Measure the Influence of Molecular Signature Response Classifier Testing on Treatment Selection in Rheumatoid Arthritis. Rheumatology and therapy. 2023, :
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  • 50)- Shunjie Hu, Zitao Wang, Peiyu Zhang, Huaxiang Wu, Xiaoyong Lu. Endovascular Interventional Procedure is a Significant Risk Factor of Postsurgical Gout: A Retrospective Cohort Study. Rheumatology and therapy. 2023, :
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