2)- Mehmet Demir, Ersin Oba, Efe Can, Orhan Kara, Sonmez Cinar. Effect of Bevacizumab Injection before Vitrectomy on Intravitreal Hemorrhage in Pseudophakic Patients with Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy.Ophthalmology and eye diseases. 2013, 5: 11-5
3)- Kagmeni Giles, Moukouri Ernest, Domngang Christelle, Nguefack-Tsague Georges, Cheuteu Raoul, Ebana Mvogo Come, Peter Wiedemann. Aphakia correction by injection of foldable intra ocular lens in the anterior chamber.Ophthalmology and eye diseases. 2013, 5: 17-22