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Journal of Innate Immunity

Published By Karger Publishers

  • Journal of Innate Immunity: 2023, vol: , issue:
  • 1)- Jian Lin, Zhanjun Lu, Gengfeng Li, Cui Zhang, Huiying Lu, Sheng Gao, Ruixin Zhu, Hailiang Huang, Konrad Aden, Jianhua Wang, Yingzi Cong, Huili Wu, Zhanju Liu. MCPIP-1-Mediated Immunosuppression of Neutrophils Exacerbates Acute Bacterial Peritonitis and Liver Injury. Journal of innate immunity. 2023, 15 (1): 262-282
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  • 2)- Israel Ríos, Baltasar López-Navarro, Mónica Torres-Torresano, Blanca Soler Palacios, Miriam Simón-Fuentes, Ángeles Domínguez-Soto, Ittai B Muller, Gerrit Jansen, Ángel L Corbí, Amaya Puig-Kröger. GSK3β Inhibition Prevents Macrophage Reprogramming by High-Dose Methotrexate. Journal of innate immunity. 2023, 15 (1): 283-296
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  • 3)- Iris Aparici-Herraiz, Guillem Sánchez-Sánchez, Carlos Batlle, Pere Rehues, Martí López-Serrat, Lorena Valverde-Estrella, Jorge Lloberas, Antonio Celada. IRF1 Is Required for MDA5 (IFIH1) Induction by IFN-α, LPS, and poly(I:C) in Murine Macrophages. Journal of innate immunity. 2023, 15 (1): 297-316
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  • 4)- Renée Zakhia, Mike A Osta. CLIPA7 Exhibits Pleiotropic Roles in the Anopheles gambiae Immune Response. Journal of innate immunity. 2023, 15 (1): 317-332
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  • 5)- Marieke M Kuijk, Yongzheng Wu, Vincent P van Hensbergen, Gizem Shanlitourk, Christine Payré, Gérard Lambeau, Sandra Man-Bovenkerk, Jennifer Herrmann, Rolf Müller, Jos A G van Strijp, Yvonne Pannekoek, Lhousseine Touqui, Nina M van Sorge. Interference with Lipoprotein Maturation Sensitizes Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus to Human Group IIA-Secreted Phospholipase A2 and Daptomycin. Journal of innate immunity. 2023, 15 (1): 333-350
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  • 6)- Hans Lundquist, Henrik Andersson, Michelle S Chew, Jyotirmoy Das, Maria V Turkina, Amanda Welin. The Olfactomedin-4-Defined Human Neutrophil Subsets Differ in Proteomic Profile in Healthy Individuals and Patients with Septic Shock. Journal of innate immunity. 2023, 15 (1): 351-364
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  • 7)- Tisheng Shan, Yang Wang, Neal T Dittmer, Michael R Kanost, Haobo Jiang. Serine Protease Networks Mediate Immune Responses in Extra-Embryonic Tissues of Eggs in the Tobacco Hornworm, Manduca sexta. Journal of innate immunity. 2023, 15 (1): 365-379
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  • 8)- Xiaogang Luo, Ruihua Ji, Qianru Liu, Xiaoxue Xiao, Wengang Song, Huazhang An, Yingke Li, Jun Zhou. Ste20-Like Kinase TAOK1 Positively Regulates Antiviral Responses by Controlling the TBK1-IRF3 Signaling Axis. Journal of innate immunity. 2023, 15 (1): 380-396
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  • 9)- Fábio S Y Yoshikawa, Maki Wakatsuki, Kosuke Yoshida, Rikio Yabe, Shota Torigoe, Sho Yamasaki, Glen N Barber, Shinobu Saijo. Dectin-1/IL-15 Pathway Affords Protection against Extrapulmonary Aspergillus fumigatus Infection by Regulating Natural Killer Cell Survival. Journal of innate immunity. 2023, 15 (1): 397-411
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  • 10)- Marco Mannes, Rebecca Halbgebauer, Lisa Wohlgemuth, David Alexander Christian Messerer, Susa Savukoski, Anke Schultze, Bettina Berger, Christiane Leonie Knapp, Christoph Q Schmidt, Daniel Fürst, Morten Hillmer, Reiner Siebert, Oskar Eriksson, Barbro Persson, Bo Nilsson, Kristina Nilsson Ekdahl, Markus Huber-Lang. Combined Heterozygous Genetic Variations in Complement C2 and C8B: An Explanation for Multidimensional Immune Imbalance? Journal of innate immunity. 2023, 15 (1): 412-427
    Cited : 2
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  • 11)- Luxi Zou, Ling Sun, Ruixue Hua, Yu Wu, Linlin Sun, Ting Chen. Degradation of Ubiquitin-Editing Enzyme A20 following Autophagy Activation Promotes RNF168 Nuclear Translocation and NF-κB Activation in Lupus Nephritis. Journal of innate immunity. 2023, 15 (1): 428-441
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  • 12)- Di Chen, Xiao Lan, Xiaoming Huang, Jieqing Huang, Xiaojing Zhou, Zhichao Miao, Yuting Ma, Akira Goto, Shanming Ji, Jules A Hoffmann. Single Cell Analysis of the Fate of Injected Oncogenic RasV12 Cells in Adult Wild Type Drosophila. Journal of innate immunity. 2023, 15 (1): 442-467
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  • 13)- Kai-Chen Wu, Nicholas D Condon, Timothy A Hill, Robert C Reid, David P Fairlie, Junxian Lim. Ras-Related Protein Rab5a Regulates Complement C5a Receptor Trafficking, Chemotaxis, and Chemokine Secretion in Human Macrophages. Journal of innate immunity. 2023, 15 (1): 468-484
    Cited : 5
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  • 14)- Mo Yin Mok, Ka Sin Law, Wing Yin Kong, Cai Yun Luo, Endale T Asfaw, Kwok Wah Chan, Fang Ping Huang, Chak Sing Lau, Godfrey Chi Fung Chan. Interleukin-33 Ameliorates Murine Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and Is Associated with Induction of M2 Macrophage Polarisation and Regulatory T Cells. Journal of innate immunity. 2023, 15 (1): 485-498
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  • 15)- Mingzhang Li, Jinlong Yu, Geyong Guo, Hao Shen. Interactions between Macrophages and Biofilm during Staphylococcus aureus-Associated Implant Infection: Difficulties and Solutions. Journal of innate immunity. 2023, 15 (1): 499-515
    Cited : 11
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  • 16)- . Erratum. Journal of innate immunity. 2023, 15 (1): 516
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  • 17)- Miriam Simón-Fuentes, Cristina Herrero, Lucia Acero-Riaguas, Concha Nieto, Fatima Lasala, Nuria Labiod, Joanna Luczkowiak, Bárbara Alonso, Rafael Delgado, Maria Colmenares, Ángel L Corbí, Ángeles Domínguez-Soto. TLR7 Activation in M-CSF-Dependent Monocyte-Derived Human Macrophages Potentiates Inflammatory Responses and Prompts Neutrophil Recruitment. Journal of innate immunity. 2023, 15 (1): 517-530
    Cited : 5
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  • 18)- Orit Malka, Ravit Malishev, Marina Bersudsky, Manikandan Rajendran, Mathumathi Krishnamohan, Jakeer Shaik, Daniel A Chamovitz, Evgeni Tikhonov, Eliya Sultan, Omry Koren, Ron N Apte, Benyamin Rosental, Elena Voronov, Raz Jelinek. Tryptophol Acetate and Tyrosol Acetate, Small-Molecule Metabolites Identified in a Probiotic Mixture, Inhibit Hyperinflammation. Journal of innate immunity. 2023, 15 (1): 531-547
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  • 19)- Jianmin Chen, Shani Austin-Williams, Caroline Elizabeth O'Riordan, Pol Claria-Ribas, Michelle A Sugimoto, Lucy V Norling, Christoph Thiemermann, Mauro Perretti. Formyl Peptide Receptor Type 2 Deficiency in Myeloid Cells Amplifies Sepsis-Induced Cardiac Dysfunction. Journal of innate immunity. 2023, 15 (1): 548-561
    Cited : 4
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  • 20)- Melissa Thaler, Ying Wang, Anne M van der Does, Alen Faiz, Dennis K Ninaber, Natacha S Ogando, Hendrik Beckert, Christian Taube, Clarisse Salgado-Benvindo, Eric J Snijder, Peter J Bredenbeek, Pieter S Hiemstra, Martijn J van Hemert. Impact of Changes in Human Airway Epithelial Cellular Composition and Differentiation on SARS-CoV-2 Infection Biology. Journal of innate immunity. 2023, 15 (1): 562-580
    Cited : 5
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  • 21)- Asmita Dhiman, Sharmila Talukdar, Gaurav Kumar Chaubey, Rahul Dilawari, Radheshyam Modanwal, Surbhi Chaudhary, Anil Patidar, Vishant Mahendra Boradia, Pradeep Kumbhar, Chaaya Iyengar Raje, Manoj Raje. Regulation of Macrophage Cell Surface GAPDH Alters LL-37 Internalization and Downstream Effects in the Cell. Journal of innate immunity. 2023, 15 (1): 581-598
    Cited : 6
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  • 22)- Frida Palm, Axel Broman, Genevieve Marcoux, John W Semple, Thomas L Laurell, Johan Malmström, Oonagh Shannon. Phenotypic Characterization of Acoustically Enriched Extracellular Vesicles from Pathogen-Activated Platelets. Journal of innate immunity. 2023, 15 (1): 599-613
    Cited : 1
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  • 23)- Qingsong Zhao, Nan Xia, Jinmei Xu, Yingnan Wang, Luwen Feng, Dihan Su, Zhifeng Cheng. Pro-Inflammatory of PRDM1/SIRT2/NLRP3 Axis in Monosodium Urate-Induced Acute Gouty Arthritis. Journal of innate immunity. 2023, 15 (1): 614-628
    Cited : 3
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  • 24)- Ewelina D Hejenkowska, Nilay Mitash, Joshua E Donovan, Anvita Chandra, Carol Bertrand, Chiara De Santi, Catherine M Greene, Fangping Mu, Agnieszka Swiatecka-Urban. TGF-β1 Inhibition of ACE2 Mediated by miRNA Uncovers Novel Mechanism of SARS-CoV-2 Pathogenesis. Journal of innate immunity. 2023, 15 (1): 629-646
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  • 25)- Gayan Bamunuarachchi, Kishore Vaddadi, Xiaoyun Yang, Quanjin Dang, Zhengyu Zhu, Sankha Hewawasam, Chaoqun Huang, Yurong Liang, Yujie Guo, Lin Liu. MicroRNA-9-1 Attenuates Influenza A Virus Replication via Targeting Tankyrase 1. Journal of innate immunity. 2023, 15 (1): 647-664
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  • 26)- Yanmin Lyu, Tianyu Wang, Shuhong Huang, Zhaoqiang Zhang. Mitochondrial Damage-Associated Molecular Patterns and Metabolism in the Regulation of Innate Immunity. Journal of innate immunity. 2023, 15 (1): 665-679
    Cited : 5
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  • 27)- Xiufeng Zhang, Shasha Zhang, Junyao Kuang, Kathleen A Sellens, Bianca Morejon, Sally A Saab, Miao Li, Eve C Metto, Chunju An, Christopher T Culbertson, Mike A Osta, Caterina Scoglio, Kristin Michel. CLIPB4 Is a Central Node in the Protease Network that Regulates Humoral Immunity in Anopheles gambiae Mosquitoes. Journal of innate immunity. 2023, 15 (1): 680-696
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  • 28)- Lei Wang, Jiaxin Lin, Kaiyan Yang, Weina Wang, Yan Lv, Xiangkang Zeng, Yaya Zhao, Junjing Yu, Lei Pan. Perilipin 1 Deficiency Prompts Lipolysis in Lipid Droplets and Aggravates the Pathogenesis of Persistent Immune Activation in Drosophila. Journal of innate immunity. 2023, 15 (1): 697-708
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  • 29)- Chang Liu, Yanan Xia, Shichen Fu, Fanyi Meng, Bingcheng Feng, Leiqi Xu, Lixiang Li, Xiuli Zuo. Inhibition of Piezo1 Ameliorates Intestinal Inflammation and Limits the Activation of Group 3 Innate Lymphoid Cells in Experimental Colitis. Journal of innate immunity. 2023, 15 (1): 709-723
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  • 30)- Miriam E van Gent, Bep Schonkeren-Ravensbergen, Asma Achkif, Daan Beentjes, Natasja Dolezal, Krista E van Meijgaarden, Jan Wouter Drijfhout, Peter H Nibbering. C-Terminal PEGylation Improves SAAP-148 Peptide's Immunomodulatory Activities. Journal of innate immunity. 2023, 15 (1): 724-738
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  • 31)- Linbin Zhou, Bo Man Ho, Hoi Ying Emily Chan, Yan Tong, Lin Du, Jing Na He, Danny Siu-Chun Ng, Clement C Tham, Chi Pui Pang, Wai Kit Chu. Emerging Roles of cGAS-STING Signaling in Mediating Ocular Inflammation. Journal of innate immunity. 2023, 15 (1): 739-750
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  • 32)- Clara Braian, Lovisa Karlsson, Jyotirmoy Das, Maria Lerm. Selected β-Glucans Act as Immune-Training Agents by Improving Anti-Mycobacterial Activity in Human Macrophages: A Pilot Study. Journal of innate immunity. 2023, 15 (1): 751-764
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  • 33)- Julie Ng, Anna E Marneth, Alec Griffith, Daniel Younger, Sailaja Ghanta, Alan Jiao, Gareth Willis, Junwen Han, Jewel Imani, Bailin Niu, Joshua W Keegan, Brandon Hancock, Fei Guo, Yang Shi, Mark A Perrella, James A Lederer. Mesenchymal Stromal Cells Facilitate Neutrophil-Trained Immunity by Reprogramming Hematopoietic Stem Cells. Journal of innate immunity. 2023, 15 (1): 765-781
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  • 34)- Ivan C Acosta, Francis Alonzo Iii. The Intersection between Bacterial Metabolism and Innate Immunity. Journal of innate immunity. 2023, 15 (1): 782-803
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  • 35)- Yan Teng, Jin Yi, Junnian Chen, Lu Yang. N6-Methyladenosine (m6A) Modification in Natural Immune Cell-Mediated Inflammatory Diseases. Journal of innate immunity. 2023, 15 (1): 804-821
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  • 36)- Meng Zhou, Yuzhen Liu, Haoxiang Xu, Xu Chen, Nana Zheng, Zhimin Duan, Yiping Ge, Dongqing Li, Tong Lin, Rong Zeng, Qing Chen, Min Li. YTHDC1-Modified m6A Methylation of Hsa_circ_0102678 Promotes Keratinocyte Inflammation Induced by Cutibacterium acnes Biofilm through Regulating miR-146a/TRAF6 and IRAK1 Axis. Journal of innate immunity. 2023, 15 (1): 822-835
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  • 37)- Leon Cyranka, Ida Mariegaard, Mikkel-Ole Skjødt, Rafael Bayarri-Olmos, Tom Eirik Mollnes, Peter Garred, Anne Rosbjerg. Functional Analysis of a Novel Complement C5a Receptor 1-Blocking Monoclonal Antibody. Journal of innate immunity. 2023, 15 (1): 836-849
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  • 38)- Tiphaine Ruggeri, Yasmin De Wit, Noëlia Schärz, Gerard van Mierlo, Anne Angelillo-Scherrer, Justine Brodard, Joerg C Schefold, Cédric Hirzel, Ilse Jongerius, Sacha Zeerleder. Immunothrombosis and Complement Activation Contribute to Disease Severity and Adverse Outcome in COVID-19. Journal of innate immunity. 2023, 15 (1): 850-864
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  • 39)- Juan de Dios Ruiz-Rosado, Hanna Cortado, Macie Kercsmar, Birong Li, Gregory Ballash, Israel Cotzomi-Ortega, Yuriko I Sanchez-Zamora, Sudipti Gupta, Christina Ching, Ester Boix, Ashley R Jackson, John David Spencer, Brian Becknell. Human Ribonuclease 6 Has a Protective Role during Experimental Urinary Tract Infection. Journal of innate immunity. 2023, 15 (1): 865-875
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  • 40)- Pan Kang, Jianru Chen, Shiyu Wang, Shaolong Zhang, Shuli Li, Sen Guo, Pu Song, Ling Liu, Gang Wang, Tianwen Gao, Weigang Zhang, Chunying Li. Advanced Glycation End Products-Induced Activation of Keratinocytes: A Mechanism Underlying Cutaneous Immune Response in Psoriasis. Journal of innate immunity. 2023, 15 (1): 876-892
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  • 41)- Yaqin Zhang, Ziying Jiao, Shanshan Wang. Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells Release miR-378a-5p-Carried Extracellular Vesicles to Alleviate Rheumatoid Arthritis. Journal of innate immunity. 2023, 15 (1): 893-910
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  • 42)- Jelena Cvetkovic, Ronald H J Jacobi, Alberto Miranda-Bedate, Nhung Pham, Martina Kutmon, James Groot, Martijn D B van de Garde, Elena Pinelli. Human Monocytes Exposed to SARS-CoV-2 Display Features of Innate Immune Memory Producing High Levels of CXCL10 upon Restimulation. Journal of innate immunity. 2023, 15 (1): 911-924
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  • 43)- Dylan Gerard Ryan, Christian Graham Peace, Alexander Hooftman. Basic Mechanisms of Immunometabolites in Shaping the Immune Response. Journal of innate immunity. 2023, 15 (1): 925-943
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  • 44)- Abdulsalam Adegoke, Julia Hanson, Ryan C Smith, Shahid Karim. Ehrlichia chaffeensis co-opts phagocytic hemocytes for systemic dissemination in the Lone Star tick, Amblyomma americanum. Journal of innate immunity. 2023, :
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  • 45)- Georgios Renieris, Spyros Foutadakis, Theano Andriopoulou, Victoria-Marina Spanou, Dionysia-Eirini Droggiti, Dionysios Kafousopoulos, Theologia Gkavogianni, Georgia Damoraki, Giannis Vatsellas, Evangelos J Giamarellos-Bourboulis. Association of Vitamin D with severity and outcome of COVID-19: Clinical and Experimental Evidence. Journal of innate immunity. 2023, :
    Cited : 4
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  • 46)- Prabhakar Arumugam, Tammy Kielian. Metabolism shapes immune responses to Staphylococcus aureus. Journal of innate immunity. 2023, :
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  • 47)- Jin Chen, Lingjun Zhang, Maojing Yang, Elizabeth D Hughes, Zach Freeman, Thomas L Saunders, Feng Lin. Development of a C3 humanized rat as a new model for evaluating novel C3 inhibitors. Journal of innate immunity. 2023, :
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  • 48)- Hang Zhao, Wenhua Li, Xin Zhou, Liang Pan, Yun Feng, Pingyu Gao, Jie Ji, Huanyan Zhang, Kai Zhao, Chi Wang, Zhanjun Lu. C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 1 promotes colitis by modulating the gut microbiota. Journal of innate immunity. 2023, :
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  • 49)- Guanghui Ren, Changchuan Bai, Sitong Yi, Qingwei Cong, Ying Zhu. Mechanisms and therapeutic strategies for MAFLD targeting TLR4 signaling pathways. Journal of innate immunity. 2023, :
    Cited : 1
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