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  • LATEST MANUSCRIPTS IN BMC Medical Research Methodology
  • Sophie Y Wang, Nicolas Larrain, Oliver Groene. Can peer effects explain prescribing appropriateness? a social network analysis. BMC medical research methodology. 2023, 23 (1): 252
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  • Tingyi Cao, Harrison T Reeder, Andrea S Foulkes. Functional principal component analysis and sparse-group LASSO to identify associations between biomarker trajectories and mortality among hospitalized SARS-CoV-2 infected individuals. BMC medical research methodology. 2023, 23 (1): 254
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  • Florian Chatelet, Benjamin Verillaud, Sylvie Chevret. How to perform prespecified subgroup analyses when using propensity score methods in the case of imbalanced subgroups. BMC medical research methodology. 2023, 23 (1): 255
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  • Hélène Pluchart, Sébastien Bailly, Sébastien Chanoine, Denis Moro-Sibilot, Pierrick Bedouch, Anne-Claire Toffart. Comparison of seven comorbidity scores on four-month survival of lung cancer patients. BMC medical research methodology. 2023, 23 (1): 256
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  • Ana W Capuano, Maude Wagner. nlive: an R package to facilitate the application of the sigmoidal and random changepoint mixed models. BMC medical research methodology. 2023, 23 (1): 257
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  • Juha Mehtälä, Mehreen Ali, Timo Miettinen, Liisa Partanen, Kaisa Laapas, Petri T Niemelä, Igor Khorlo, Sanna Ström, Samu Kurki, Jarno Vapalahti, Khaled Abdelgawwad, Jussi V Leinonen. Utilization of anonymization techniques to create an external control arm for clinical trial data. BMC medical research methodology. 2023, 23 (1): 258
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  • Mingxuan Fan, Xiaoling Peng, Xiaoyu Niu, Tao Cui, Qiaolin He. Missing data imputation, prediction, and feature selection in diagnosis of vaginal prolapse. BMC medical research methodology. 2023, 23 (1): 259
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  • Cyril Jaksic, Angèle Gayet-Ageron, Thomas Perneger. Correction: In health research publications, the number of authors is strongly associated with collective self-citations but less so with citations by others. BMC medical research methodology. 2023, 23 (1): 260
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  • K M Veen, A Joseph, F Sossi, P Blancarte Jaber, E Lansac, E Das-Gupta, S Aktaa, Jjm Takkenberg. Standardized approach to extract candidate outcomes from literature for a standard outcome set: a case- and simulation study. BMC medical research methodology. 2023, 23 (1): 261
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  • Isabel B Rodrigues, Christine Fahim, Yasmin Garad, Justin Presseau, Alison M Hoens, Jessica Braimoh, Diane Duncan, Lora Bruyn-Martin, Sharon E Straus. Developing the intersectionality supplemented Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR) and tools for intersectionality considerations. BMC medical research methodology. 2023, 23 (1): 262
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  • Feiyang Guo, Wengwanyue Ye, Danchen Qin, Xiaolin Fang, Fang Hua, Hong He. Abstracts of randomized controlled trials in pediatric dentistry: reporting quality and spin. BMC medical research methodology. 2023, 23 (1): 263
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  • Changhao Liang, Guanxiang Yin, Ziyi Lin, Jing Cui, Yaqi Wang, Siqi Liu, Dingran Yin, Pengwei Liu, Xiangfei Su, Hongguo Rong, Cheng Wang, Feng Sun, Yutong Fei. How well did the consensus methods apply in the guideline development of traditional Chinese medicine: a web-based survey in China. BMC medical research methodology. 2023, 23 (1): 264
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  • V Smith, H Delaney, A Hunter, D Torgerson, S Treweek, C Gamble, N Mills, K Stanbury, E Dempsey, M Daly, J O'Shea, K Weatherup, S Deshpande, M A Ryan, J Lowe, G Black, D Devane. The development and acceptability of an educational and training intervention for recruiters to neonatal trials: the TRAIN project. BMC medical research methodology. 2023, 23 (1): 265
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  • Nasir Rajah, Lisa Calderwood, Bianca L De Stavola, Katie Harron, George B Ploubidis, Richard J Silverwood. Using linked administrative data to aid the handling of non-response and restore sample representativeness in cohort studies: the 1958 national child development study and hospital episode statistics data. BMC medical research methodology. 2023, 23 (1): 266
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  • Fangshu Ye, Chong Wang, Annette M O'Connor. Optimal trial design selection: a comparative analysis between two-arm and three-arm trials incorporating network meta-analysis for evaluating a new treatment. BMC medical research methodology. 2023, 23 (1): 267
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