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Journal of Physiological Anthropology

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  • Kanami Ito, Tatsunori Watanabe, Takayuki Horinouchi, Takuya Matsumoto, Keisuke Yunoki, Haruki Ishida, Hikari Kirimoto. Higher synchronization stability with piano experience: relationship with finger and presentation modality. Journal of physiological anthropology. 2023, 42 (1): 10
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  • Taisuke Eto, Shigekazu Higuchi. Review on age-related differences in non-visual effects of light: melatonin suppression, circadian phase shift and pupillary light reflex in children to older adults. Journal of physiological anthropology. 2023, 42 (1): 11
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  • Urara Numata, Takuma Yanaoka, Shiho Kurosaka, Hiroshi Hasegawa. Effects of ice slurry ingestion on body temperature and softball pitching performance in a hot environment: a randomized crossover trial. Journal of physiological anthropology. 2023, 42 (1): 12
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  • Zdravka Harizanova, Atanas Baltadjiev, Ferihan Popova, Marieta Peycheva. Few dental indices in modern Bulgarian population from southern Bulgaria. Journal of physiological anthropology. 2023, 42 (1): 15
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  • Yuki Motomura, Sayuri Hayashi, Ryousei Kurose, Hiroki Yoshida, Takashi Okada, Shigekazu Higuchi. Effects of others' gaze and facial expression on an observer's microsaccades and their association with ADHD tendencies. Journal of physiological anthropology. 2023, 42 (1): 19
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  • Yoshiki Yasukochi, Toshihiro Sera, Taiki Kohno, Yusuke Nakashima, Musashi Uesugi, Susumu Kudo. Cold-induced vasodilation response in a Japanese cohort: insights from cold-water immersion and genome-wide association studies. Journal of physiological anthropology. 2023, 42 (1): 2
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  • Takafumi Maeda, Hiroko Koga, Takashi Nonaka, Shigekazu Higuchi. Effects of bathing-induced changes in body temperature on sleep. Journal of physiological anthropology. 2023, 42 (1): 20
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  • Yuji Shimizu, Hidenobu Hayakawa, Eiko Honda, Nagisa Sasaki, Midori Takada, Takeo Okada, Tetsuya Ohira, Masahiko Kiyama. Association between serum albumin levels and height loss in Japanese workers: a retrospective study. Journal of physiological anthropology. 2023, 42 (1): 21
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  • Fumio Yamazaki, Kana Inoue, Nanako Ohmi, Chika Okimoto. A two-week exercise intervention improves cold symptoms and sleep condition in cold-sensitive women. Journal of physiological anthropology. 2023, 42 (1): 22
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