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The Lancet Microbe

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  • Kate S Baker, Elita Jauneikaite, Jamie G Nunn, Janet T Midega, Rifat Atun, Kathryn E Holt, Kamini Walia, Benjamin P Howden, Heather Tate, Iruka N Okeke, Alessandra Carattoli, Li Yang Hsu, Katie L Hopkins, Dishon M Muloi, Nicole E Wheeler, David M Aanensen, Lewis C E Mason, Jonah Rodgus, Rene S Hendriksen, Sabiha Y Essack, Beverly Egyir, Alison L Halpin, Duncan R MacCannell, Josefina Campos, Padmini Srikantiah, Nicholas A Feasey, Sharon J Peacock, . Evidence review and recommendations for the implementation of genomics for antimicrobial resistance surveillance: reports from an international expert group. The Lancet. Microbe. 2023, 4 (12): e1035-e1039
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  • Elita Jauneikaite, Kate S Baker, Jamie G Nunn, Janet T Midega, Li Yang Hsu, Shweta R Singh, Alison L Halpin, Katie L Hopkins, James R Price, Padmini Srikantiah, Beverly Egyir, Iruka N Okeke, Kathryn E Holt, Sharon J Peacock, Nicholas A Feasey, . Genomics for antimicrobial resistance surveillance to support infection prevention and control in health-care facilities. The Lancet. Microbe. 2023, 4 (12): e1040-e1046
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  • Kate S Baker, Elita Jauneikaite, Katie L Hopkins, Stephanie W Lo, Leonor Sánchez-Busó, Maria Getino, Benjamin P Howden, Kathryn E Holt, Lillian A Musila, Rene S Hendriksen, Daniel G Amoako, David M Aanensen, Iruka N Okeke, Beverly Egyir, Jamie G Nunn, Janet T Midega, Nicholas A Feasey, Sharon J Peacock, . Genomics for public health and international surveillance of antimicrobial resistance. The Lancet. Microbe. 2023, 4 (12): e1047-e1055
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