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  • LATEST MANUSCRIPTS IN Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer
  • Jingyang Li, Xiaoyu Han, Mayu Sun, Weida Li, Guanghuan Yang, Huiyi Chen, Bao Guo, Jingquan Li, Xiaoguang Li, Hui Wang. Caspase-9 inhibition triggers Hsp90-based chemotherapy-mediated tumor intrinsic innate sensing and enhances antitumor immunity. Journal for immunotherapy of cancer. 2023, 11 (12):
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  • Yuru Chen, Jiazheng Sun, Jiazhou Liu, Yuxian Wei, Xiaoyu Wang, Huiying Fang, Huimin Du, Jing Huang, Qin Li, Guosheng Ren, Xiaoyi Wang, Hongzhong Li. Aldehyde dehydrogenase 2-mediated aldehyde metabolism promotes tumor immune evasion by regulating the NOD/VISTA axis. Journal for immunotherapy of cancer. 2023, 11 (12):
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  • Md Faqrul Hasan, Amanda R Campbell, Tayler J Croom-Perez, Jeremiah L Oyer, Thomas A Dieffenthaller, Liza D Robles-Carrillo, Catherine A Cash, Jonathan E Eloriaga, Sanjana Kumar, Brendan W Andersen, Meisam Naeimi Kararoudi, Brian P Tullius, Dean A Lee, Alicja J Copik. Knockout of the inhibitory receptor TIGIT enhances the antitumor response of ex vivo expanded NK cells and prevents fratricide with therapeutic Fc-active TIGIT antibodies. Journal for immunotherapy of cancer. 2023, 11 (12):
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  • Alex De Caluwe, Emanuela Romano, Philip Poortmans, Andrea Gombos, Elisa Agostinetto, Guilherme Nader Marta, Zoe Denis, Stylianos Drisis, Christophe Vandekerkhove, Antoine Desmet, Catherine Philippson, Ligia Craciun, Isabelle Veys, Denis Larsimont, Marianne Paesmans, Dirk Van Gestel, Roberto Salgado, Christos Sotiriou, Martine Piccart-Gebhart, Michail Ignatiadis, Laurence Buisseret. First-in-human study of SBRT and adenosine pathway blockade to potentiate the benefit of immunochemotherapy in early-stage luminal B breast cancer: results of the safety run-in phase of the Neo-CheckRay trial. Journal for immunotherapy of cancer. 2023, 11 (12):
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  • Manali S Phadke, Jiannong Li, Zhihua Chen, Paulo C Rodriguez, Jessica K Mandula, Lilit Karapetyan, Peter A Forsyth, Y Ann Chen, Keiran S M Smalley. Differential requirements for CD4+ T cells in the efficacy of the anti-PD-1+LAG-3 and anti-PD-1+CTLA-4 combinations in melanoma flank and brain metastasis models. Journal for immunotherapy of cancer. 2023, 11 (12):
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  • Lei Wu, Xudong Liu, Juan Lei, Nan Zhang, Huakan Zhao, Jiangang Zhang, Huan Deng, Yongsheng Li. Fibrinogen-like protein 2 promotes tumor immune suppression by regulating cholesterol metabolism in myeloid-derived suppressor cells. Journal for immunotherapy of cancer. 2023, 11 (12):
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  • Jiaji Mao, Jianing Li, Junwei Chen, Qin Wen, Minghui Cao, Fang Zhang, Baoxun Li, Qinyuan Zhang, Zhe Wang, Jingzhong Zhang, Jun Shen. CXCL10 and Nrf2-upregulated mesenchymal stem cells reinvigorate T lymphocytes for combating glioblastoma. Journal for immunotherapy of cancer. 2023, 11 (12):
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  • Elisa C Toffoli, Amanda A van Vliet, Henk W M Verheul, Hans J van der Vliet, Jurriaan Tuynman, Jan Spanholtz, Tanja D de Gruijl. Allogeneic NK cells induce monocyte-to-dendritic cell conversion, control tumor growth, and trigger a pro-inflammatory shift in patient-derived cultures of primary and metastatic colorectal cancer. Journal for immunotherapy of cancer. 2023, 11 (12):
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  • Xufen Zheng, Yuxiang Luo, Yangjie Xiong, Xiaoxiao Liu, Chunling Zeng, Xiaojing Lu, Xiaofang Wang, Yumei Cheng, Simin Wang, Haoqi Lan, Kai Wang, Zhonghui Weng, Wenbo Bi, Xinxin Gan, Xiaona Jia, Linhui Wang, Yuexiang Wang. Tumor cell-intrinsic SETD2 inactivation sensitizes cancer cells to immune checkpoint blockade through the NR2F1-STAT1 pathway. Journal for immunotherapy of cancer. 2023, 11 (12):
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  • Yong-Qiang Ao, Jian Gao, Chun Jin, Shuai Wang, Li-Cheng Zhang, Jie Deng, Zong-Wei Chen, Hai-Kun Wang, Jia-Hao Jiang, Jian-Yong Ding. ASCC3 promotes the immunosuppression and progression of non-small cell lung cancer by impairing the type I interferon response via CAND1-mediated ubiquitination inhibition of STAT3. Journal for immunotherapy of cancer. 2023, 11 (12):
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  • Kristin M Snyder, Kate J Dixon, Zachary Davis, Martin Hosking, Geoffrey Hart, Melissa Khaw, Anders Matson, Ryan Bjordahl, Bryan Hancock, Soheila Shirinbak, Jeffrey S Miller, Bahram Valamehr, Jianming Wu, Bruce Walcheck. iPSC-derived natural killer cells expressing the FcγR fusion CD64/16A can be armed with antibodies for multitumor antigen targeting. Journal for immunotherapy of cancer. 2023, 11 (12):
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  • Alexandra Rose Teagle, Patricia Castro-Sanchez, Rebecca J Brownlie, Nicola Logan, Simran S Kapoor, David Wright, Robert J Salmond, Rose Zamoyska. Deletion of the protein tyrosine phosphatase PTPN22 for adoptive T cell therapy facilitates CTL effector function but promotes T cell exhaustion. Journal for immunotherapy of cancer. 2023, 11 (12):
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  • Ling Lu, Yaohui Gao, Dengfeng Huang, Hu Liu, Dingzi Yin, Man Li, Jiayi Zheng, Shufei Wang, Weijun Wu, Li Zhao, Dexi Bi, Youhua Zhang, Feifei Song, Ruting Xie, Jifeng Wang, Huanlong Qin, Qing Wei. Targeting integrin α5 in fibroblasts potentiates colorectal cancer response to PD-L1 blockade by affecting extracellular-matrix deposition. Journal for immunotherapy of cancer. 2023, 11 (12):
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  • Matthew H G Katz, Gina R Petroni, Todd Bauer, Matthew J Reilley, Brian M Wolpin, Chee-Chee Stucky, Tanios S Bekaii-Saab, Rawad Elias, Nipun Merchant, Andressa Dias Costa, Patrick Lenehan, Victoire Cardot-Ruffino, Scott Rodig, Kathleen Pfaff, Stephanie K Dougan, Jonathan Andrew Nowak, Gauri R Varadhachary, Craig L Slingluff, Osama Rahma. Multicenter randomized controlled trial of neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy alone or in combination with pembrolizumab in patients with resectable or borderline resectable pancreatic adenocarcinoma. Journal for immunotherapy of cancer. 2023, 11 (12):
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  • Roeland Lameris, Adam Shahine, Myrthe Veth, Bart Westerman, Dale I Godfrey, David Lutje Hulsik, Patricia Brouwer, Jamie Rossjohn, Tanja D de Gruijl, Hans J van der Vliet. Enhanced CD1d phosphatidylserine presentation using a single-domain antibody promotes immunomodulatory CD1d-TIM-3 interactions. Journal for immunotherapy of cancer. 2023, 11 (12):
    Cited : 1
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