LATEST MANUSCRIPTS IN Swiss Journal of Geosciences
Dimitri Bandou, Fritz Schlunegger, Edi Kissling, Urs Marti, Regina Reber, Jonathan Pfander. Overdeepenings in the Swiss plateau: U-shaped geometries underlain by inner gorges.Swiss journal of geosciences. 2023, 116 (1): 19
Katrina Kremer, Stefano C Fabbri, Frederic M Evers, Nora Schweizer, Stefanie B Wirth. Traces of a prehistoric and potentially tsunamigenic mass movement in the sediments of Lake Thun (Switzerland).Swiss journal of geosciences. 2022, 115 (1): 13
M Scarponi, G Hetényi, L Baron, U Marti. A gravimetric assessment of the Gotthard Base Tunnel geological model: insights from a novel gravity terrain-adaptation correction and rock physics data.Swiss journal of geosciences. 2022, 115 (1): 22
Werner E Piller, Gerald Auer, Hugo Graber, Martin Gross. Marine facies differentiation along complex paleotopography: an example from the Middle Miocene (Serravallian) of Lower Austria.Swiss journal of geosciences. 2022, 115 (1): 25
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Edwin Gnos, Josef Mullis, Emmanuelle Ricchi, Christian A Bergemann, Emilie Janots, Alfons Berger. Episodes of fissure formation in the Alps: connecting quartz fluid inclusion, fissure monazite age, and fissure orientation data.Swiss journal of geosciences. 2021, 114 (1): 14
Antoine Pictet. New insights on the Early Cretaceous (Hauterivian-Barremian) Urgonian lithostratigraphic units in the Jura Mountains (France and Switzerland): the Gorges de l'Orbe and the Rocher des Hirondelles formations.Swiss journal of geosciences. 2021, 114 (1): 18
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Stefano C Fabbri, Isabel Haas, Katrina Kremer, Danae Motta, Stéphanie Girardclos, Flavio S Anselmetti. Subaqueous geomorphology and delta dynamics of Lake Brienz (Switzerland): implications for the sediment budget in the alpine realm.Swiss journal of geosciences. 2021, 114 (1): 22
Lukas Nibourel, Alfons Berger, Daniel Egli, Stefan Heuberger, Marco Herwegh. Structural and thermal evolution of the eastern Aar Massif: insights from structural field work and Raman thermometry.Swiss journal of geosciences. 2021, 114 (1): 9
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Alice Vho, Daniela Rubatto, Pierre Lanari, Daniele Regis. The evolution of the Sesia Zone (Western Alps) from Carboniferous to Cretaceous: insights from zircon and allanite geochronology.Swiss journal of geosciences. 2020, 113 (1): 24
Arthur Adams, Larryn W Diamond. Facies and depositional environments of the Upper Muschelkalk (Schinznach Formation, Middle Triassic) in northern Switzerland.Swiss journal of geosciences. 2019, 112 (2): 357-381
Sascha Winterberg, Sean D Willett. Greater Alpine river network evolution, interpretations based on novel drainage analysis.Swiss journal of geosciences. 2019, 112 (1): 3-22
Nele Bleyen, Steven Smets, Joe Small, Hugo Moors, Natalie Leys, Achim Albrecht, Pierre De Cannière, Bernhard Schwyn, Charles Wittebroodt, Elie Valcke. Impact of the electron donor on in situ microbial nitrate reduction in Opalinus Clay: results from the Mont Terri rock laboratory (Switzerland).Swiss journal of geosciences. 2017, 110 (1): 355-374