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  • Rebeca Martinez, Omkar Mayur, Kyla Pagani, Danitza Lukac, Jean S McGee. Topical tretinoin alters skin microbiota in patients with mild acne. JAAD international. 2024, 14: 1-3
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  • Vincenzo Patella, Eustachio Nettis, Tiziana Peduto, Luciana Pierro, Giovanni Pellacani, Laura Bonzano, Maria Stefania Leto Barone, Simona Palmieri, Roberta Zunno. Severe atopic dermatitis treated with anti-interleukin 4Rα reduces the psychological burden in patients with and without alexithymia. JAAD international. 2024, 14: 19-21
    Cited : 1
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  • Jonathan Kantor. Best practices for implementing ChatGPT, large language models, and artificial intelligence in qualitative and survey-based research. JAAD international. 2024, 14: 22-23
    Cited : 12
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  • Gitanjali Bhushan, Jocelyn Simmers, Alexandra Flamm. Presence of bacteria in psoriatic lesions: A retrospective cohort study. JAAD international. 2024, 14: 24-25
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  • Emily Y Kim, Emily E Granger, Jonathan D Schoenfeld, Ann W Silk, Danielle Margalit, Roy Tishler, Emily S Ruiz. Outcomes of palliative radiation therapy for cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma: A retrospective cohort study. JAAD international. 2024, 14: 26-28
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  • Betty Xiong, James Zou, Waqar Ali, Roxana Daneshjou, Jonathan Williams. Diagnosis and management of hidradenitis suppurativa: Analysis of US insurance claims data. JAAD international. 2024, 14: 29-30
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  • Morgan Groover, Fnu Nutan. Role of bone scan in diagnosis of calciphylaxis: A review. JAAD international. 2024, 14: 31-33
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  • Henry O Herrera, Marina K Ibraheim, Conroy Chow, Naomi Lawrence, Jeremy S Bordeaux, Ashley Elsensohn. Concordance rates among dermatopathologists and Mohs surgeons in frozen section Mohs slides: A systematic review. JAAD international. 2024, 14: 34-35
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  • Eugene Tan, Sophie Lim, Duncan Lamont, Richard Epstein, David Lim, Frank P Y Lin. Development and validation of a deep learning model for improving detection of nonmelanoma skin cancers treated with Mohs micrographic surgery. JAAD international. 2024, 14: 39-47
    Cited : 3
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  • Mitchell F Brin, Koen De Boulle, Steven Liew, Alastair Carruthers, Jean Carruthers, Alexander Rivkin, Yan Wu, Makoto Kawashima, Irina Yushmanova, Terry I Boodhoo, Elisabeth Lee. Safety and tolerability of onabotulinumtoxinA in the treatment of upper facial lines from global registration studies in 5298 participants: A meta-analysis. JAAD international. 2024, 14: 4-18
    Cited : 2
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  • Beatriz Butrón-Bris, Francisco Javier García-Martínez. Methylene blue for surgical excision of digital myxoid cysts after sonography: Addressing the challenge of identifying the drainage tract. JAAD international. 2024, 14: 48-49
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  • Robin M Picavia, Jennifer DeSimone, Sekwon Jang, Chelsea Stahl. Treating locally advanced and metastatic cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma with anti-PD-1 drugs: Real-world experience in 72 patients. JAAD international. 2024, 14: 50-51
    Cited : 1
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  • Danielle Manolakos, Genevieve Patrick, John K Geisse, Harold Rabinovitz, Kendall Buchanan, Preston Hoang, Eladio Rodriguez-Diaz, Irving J Bigio, Armand B Cognetta. Use of an elastic-scattering spectroscopy and artificial intelligence device in the assessment of lesions suggestive of skin cancer: A comparative effectiveness study. JAAD international. 2024, 14: 52-58
    Cited : 5
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  • Owen Dan Luo, Zainab Ridha, Abdulhadi Jfri, Mohsen Rezaeian, Anastasiya Muntyanu, Julien Ringuet, Elena Netchiporouk. Neighborhood characteristics and the risk of psoriasis: A systematic review. JAAD international. 2023, 13: 100-101
    Cited : 1
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  • McKenzie E Maloney, Christina Lohmann, Brian Maloney. Scrofuloderma management with scar excision. JAAD international. 2023, 13: 102-103
    Cited : 0
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