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JMIR Cancer

Published By JMIR Publications

  • Elizabeth H Dolan, James Goulding, Laila J Tata, Alexandra R Lang. Using Shopping Data to Improve the Diagnosis of Ovarian Cancer: Computational Analysis of a Web-Based Survey. JMIR cancer. 2023, 9: e37141
    Cited : 3
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  • Shannon Vaffis, Soluna Whaley, David Rhys Axon, Elizabeth Hall-Lipsy, Ana Hincapie, Marion Slack, Terri Warholak. Features of Cancer mHealth Apps and Evidence for Patient Preferences: Scoping Literature Review. JMIR cancer. 2023, 9: e37330
    Cited : 5
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  • Gunther Meinlschmidt, Astrid Grossert, Cornelia Meffert, Noa Roemmel, Viviane Hess, Christoph Rochlitz, Miklos Pless, Sabina Hunziker, Brigitta Wössmer, Ulfried Geuter, Rainer Schaefert. Smartphone-Based Psychotherapeutic Interventions in Blended Care of Cancer Survivors: Nested Randomized Clinical Trial. JMIR cancer. 2023, 9: e38515
    Cited : 0
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  • Khalil Hodroj, David Pellegrin, Cindy Menard, Thomas Bachelot, Thierry Durand, Philippe Toussaint, Armelle Dufresne, Benoite Mery, Olivier Tredan, Thibaut Goulvent, Pierre Heudel. A Digital Solution for an Advanced Breast Tumor Board: Pilot Application Cocreation and Implementation Study. JMIR cancer. 2023, 9: e39072
    Cited : 1
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  • Si Ying Tan, Matilda Swee Sun Tang, Chin-Ann Johnny Ong, Veronique Kiak Mien Tan, Nicholas Brian Shannon. Impact of COVID-19 on Public Interest in Breast Cancer Screening and Related Symptoms: Google Trends Analysis. JMIR cancer. 2023, 9: e39105
    Cited : 2
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  • Lukas Lange-Drenth, Holger Schulz, Gero Endsin, Christiane Bleich. Association of the Extent of Internet Use by Patients With Cancer With Social Support Among Patients and Change in Patient-Reported Treatment Outcomes During Inpatient Rehabilitation: Cross-sectional and Longitudinal Study. JMIR cancer. 2023, 9: e39246
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  • Rebecca Crawford, Slaven Sikirica, Ross Morrison, Joseph C Cappelleri, Alexander Russell-Smith, Richa Shah, Helen Chadwick, Lynda Doward. The Patient Experience of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia and Its Treatment: Social Media Review. JMIR cancer. 2023, 9: e39852
    Cited : 1
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  • Yvonne W Leung, Steve Ng, Lauren Duan, Claire Lam, Kenith Chan, Mathew Gancarz, Heather Rennie, Lianne Trachtenberg, Kai P Chan, Achini Adikari, Lin Fang, David Gratzer, Graeme Hirst, Jiahui Wong, Mary Jane Esplen. Therapist Feedback and Implications on Adoption of an Artificial Intelligence-Based Co-Facilitator for Online Cancer Support Groups: Mixed Methods Single-Arm Usability Study. JMIR cancer. 2023, 9: e40113
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  • Anna-Mari Laitio, Guido Giunti, Raija Halonen. Perceived Barriers and Facilitators in Using Patient-Reported Outcome Systems for Cancer Care: Systematic Mapping Study. JMIR cancer. 2023, 9: e40875
    Cited : 6
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  • Joachim Weis, Lucy Raphaela Wolf, Melanie Boerries, Daniela Kassahn, Martin Boeker, Carolin Dresch. Identification of the Needs and Preferences of Patients With Cancer for the Development of a Clinic App: Qualitative Study. JMIR cancer. 2023, 9: e40891
    Cited : 2
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  • Soohyun Hwang, Allison J Lazard, Meredith K Reffner Collins, Alison T Brenner, Hillary M Heiling, Allison M Deal, Seth D Crockett, Daniel S Reuland, Jennifer Elston Lafata. Exploring the Acceptability of Text Messages to Inform and Support Shared Decision-making for Colorectal Cancer Screening: Online Panel Survey. JMIR cancer. 2023, 9: e40917
    Cited : 0
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  • Chiara Filipponi, Mariam Chichua, Marianna Masiero, Davide Mazzoni, Gabriella Pravettoni. Cancer Pain Experience Through the Lens of Patients and Caregivers: Mixed Methods Social Media Study. JMIR cancer. 2023, 9: e41594
    Cited : 2
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  • Maclean Thiessen, Shelly Raffin Bouchal, Patricia A Tang, Shane Sinclair. Navigating the Cancer Journey Using Web-Based Information: Grounded Theory Emerging From the Lived Experience of Cancer Patients and Informal Caregivers With Implications for Web-Based Content Design. JMIR cancer. 2023, 9: e41740
    Cited : 4
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  • Sweekrity Kanodia, Jean Christophe Thalabard, Kevin Lhoste. Categorization and Analysis of Primary Care mHealth Apps Related to Breast Health and Breast Cancer: Systematic Search in App Stores and Content Analysis. JMIR cancer. 2023, 9: e42044
    Cited : 1
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  • Angeliki Tsiouris, Anna Mayer, Jörg Wiltink, Christian Ruckes, Manfred E Beutel, Rüdiger Zwerenz. Recruitment of Patients With Cancer for a Clinical Trial Evaluating a Web-Based Psycho-Oncological Intervention: Secondary Analysis of a Diversified Recruitment Strategy in a Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR cancer. 2023, 9: e42123
    Cited : 2
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