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Modern Medicine

Published By Media Med Publicis

  • K F MEYER. The role of animals in diseases of human beings. Modern medicine. 1961, 29: 135-74
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  • W L PALMER, J B KIRSNER. Functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Modern medicine. 1949, 17 (20): 55-9
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  • A OCHSNER. Diagnosis and treatment of surgical esophageal lesions. Modern medicine. 1949, 17 (20): 60-2
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  • G B EUSTERMAN. Medical treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcer. Modern medicine. 1949, 17 (20): 63-8
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  • J M FRITZ, L R DRAGSTEDT. Vagotomy; indications and results. Modern medicine. 1949, 17 (20): 69-71
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  • A F R ANDRESEN. Management of gastric hemorrhage. Modern medicine. 1949, 17 (20): 72-5
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  • M I GROSSMAN. Hormones of the digestive tract. Modern medicine. 1949, 17 (20): 76-9
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  • J B CAREY. Cancer of the stomach. Modern medicine. 1949, 17 (20): 80
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  • D L WILBUR, C D ARMSTRONG. Deficiency diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Modern medicine. 1949, 17 (20): 82-6
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  • J A BARGEN. Colitis and enteritis. Modern medicine. 1949, 17 (20): 87-90
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  • R B CATTELL. Indications for surgery in chronic ulcerative colitis. Modern medicine. 1949, 17 (20): 91
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  • W NELSON, H S MAYERSON. The blood volume in health and disease. Modern medicine. 1948, 16 (3): 35; 97
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  • T C CHISHOLM, N K JENSEN. What's new in cardiovascular surgery. Modern medicine. 1948, 16 (22): 45; passim
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  • E C FAUST. Malaria in the United States today. Modern medicine. 1948, 16 (11): 35-8
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  • H A RUSK. Rehabilitation and early ambulation. Modern medicine. 1948, 16 (1): 35-8; 98
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