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Polimery w Medycynie

Published By Wroclaw Medical University Press

SUBJECTS : Polymer

  • LATEST MANUSCRIPTS IN Polimery w Medycynie
  • Tomasz Jeliński, Maciej Przybyłek, Rafał Różalski, Piotr Cysewski. Solubility of dapsone in deep eutectic solvents: Experimental analysis, molecular insights and machine learning predictions. Polimery w medycynie. 2024, :
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  • Judyta Juranek, Adam Osowski, Joanna Wojtkiewicz, Marta Banach. Plasma levels of soluble RAGE, AGEs and AOPPs at the early stage of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: A preliminary study. Polimery w medycynie. 2023, 53 (2): 105-110
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  • Monika Gasztych, Katarzyna Burdzy, Arleta Dołowacka-Jóźwiak, Witold Musiał. The influence of selected polymers on the surface tension of solutions developed for the preparation of eye drops. Polimery w medycynie. 2023, 53 (2): 111-116
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  • Tioluwani Ibukun Adegbolagun, Olubusola Ayoola Odeniyi, Michael Ayodele Odeniyi. Drug delivery applications and future prospects of microbial exopolysaccharides. Polimery w medycynie. 2023, 53 (2): 117-127
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  • Piotr Grzegorz Grelewski, Monika Kwaśnicka, Julia Krystyna Bar. Properties of scaffolds as carriers of mesenchymal stem cells for use in bone engineering. Polimery w medycynie. 2023, 53 (2): 129-139
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  • Dagmara Piesiak-Pańczyszyn, Wojciech Zakrzewski, Aleksandra Piszko, Paweł J Piszko, Maciej Dobrzyński. Review on fluoride varnishes currently recommended in dental prophylaxis. Polimery w medycynie. 2023, 53 (2): 141-151
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  • Lubna Ali Abd Al-Mutalib, Ayaid Khadem Zgair. Effect of subinhibitory doses of rifaximin on in vitro Pseudomonas aeruginosa adherence and biofilm formation to biotic and abiotic surface models. Polimery w medycynie. 2023, 53 (2): 97-103
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  • Clóvis Lamartine De Moraes Melo Neto, Bruno Simão Bernardi, Stefan Fiuza De Carvalho Dekon, Daniela Micheline Dos Santos, Marcelo Coelho Goiato. Influence of thermal cycles and disinfection on the roughness, microhardness and color of PETG/TPU and PMMA. Polimery w medycynie. 2023, 53 (1): 19-24
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  • Andrzej Ślęzak, Sławomir Marek Grzegorczyn, Anna Pilis, Izabella Ślęzak-Prochazka. A method for evaluating the transport and energy conversion properties of polymer biomembranes using the Kedem-Katchalsky-Peusner equations. Polimery w medycynie. 2023, 53 (1): 25-36
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  • Marcelo Coelho Goiato, Agda Marobo Andreotti, Fernanda Pereira De Caxias, Emily Vivianne Freitas Da Silva, Letícia De Oliveira Gonçalves, Sandra Helena Penha De Oliveira, Victor Gustavo Balera Brito, Clóvis Lamartine De Moraes Melo Neto, Daniela Micheline Dos Santos. Cytotoxicity of cleaning agents for ocular prostheses. Polimery w medycynie. 2023, 53 (1): 37-46
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  • Sylwia Stiler-Wyszyńska, Sylwia Golba, Justyna Jurek-Suliga, Sławomir Kuczkowski. Review of the latest solutions in the use of contact lenses as controlled release systems for ophthalmic drugs. Polimery w medycynie. 2023, 53 (1): 47-58
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  • Sajal Jain, Simrandeep Kaur, Ritu Rathi, Upendra Nagaich, Inderbir Singh. Application of co-processed excipients for developing fast disintegrating tablets: A review. Polimery w medycynie. 2023, 53 (1): 59-68
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  • Mohd Imran, Haya Majid, Tasha Riaz, Shayan Maqsood. Identification of botanicals using molecular biotechnology. Polimery w medycynie. 2023, 53 (1): 69-79
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  • Mohd Imran, Sahaya Mercy Jaquline Robert, Manju Sharma, Vidhu Aeri. Evaluation of Sida cordifolia and Sida rhombifolia extracts in a rat model of streptozotocin-induced diabetic nephropathy. Polimery w medycynie. 2023, 53 (1): 7-18
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  • Akram Choudhary, Mohammad Noman, Uzma Bano, Jamal Akhtar, Yahya Shaikh, Mohammad Shahar Yar. Global uses of traditional herbs for hepatic diseases and other pharmacological actions: A comprehensive review. Polimery w medycynie. 2023, 53 (1): 81-89
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