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  • LATEST MANUSCRIPTS IN Gastro Hep Advances
  • L Telfer, S Dalessio, A Tinsley, M Coates. Short-Term and Long-Term Opioid Use Is Associated With Poor Outcomes in Outpatients With Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Gastro hep advances. 2023, 2 (8): 1022-1024
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  • S Mukherjee, C Durkin, A M Pebenito, N D Ferrante, I C Umana, M L Kochman. Assessing ChatGPT's Ability to Reply to Queries Regarding Colon Cancer Screening Based on Multisociety Guidelines. Gastro hep advances. 2023, 2 (8): 1040-1043
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  • Edward L Barnes, Marcella H Boynton, Darren A DeWalt, Hans H Herfarth, Michael D Kappelman. Patient Reported Outcome Assessments Used in the Evaluation of Patients after Ileal Pouch-Anal Anastomosis: A Systematic Review. Gastro hep advances. 2023, 2 (8): 1044-1049
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  • H Tavares Dos Santos, K Nam, T Small, F M Maslow, O J Baker. Confirming the Identity of Tuft Cells in Mouse Submandibular Glands. Gastro hep advances. 2023, 2 (8): 1053-1055
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  • R Aita, L Chen, M P Verzi. Evaluating Performance of IsoformSwitchAnalyzeR and mRNA Isoform Switching in Small Intestine Epithelial Differentiation. Gastro hep advances. 2023, 2 (8): 1077-1081
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  • Emily W Lopes, Leo Boneschansker, Jacqueline N Chu, Jasmine B Ha, Yousef R Badran, Paige McLean Diaz, Eric M Przybyszewski, Johannes F Scheid, Sathish Subramanian, Christopher Vélez, Robert M Wilechansky, Meera Changela, James M Richter, Amiko M Uchida, Paul Lochhead. Improving the Consent Process With an Informed Consent Video Prior to Outpatient Colonoscopy. Gastro hep advances. 2023, 2 (8): 1082-1087
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  • Alyssa Mauri Cornista, Maria Virginia Giolito, Kristi Baker, Hajar Hazime, Inès Dufait, Jashodeep Datta, Saratchandra Singh Khumukcham, Mark De Ridder, Jatin Roper, Maria T Abreu, Karine Breckpot, Kevin Van der Jeught. Colorectal Cancer Immunotherapy: State of the Art and Future Directions. Gastro hep advances. 2023, 2 (8): 1103-1119
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  • Derek W Ebner, Kelli N Burger, Brendan Broderick, Douglas W Mahoney, Todd A Kellogg, Andres Acosta, John B Kisiel. Positive Predictive Value for Multitarget Stool DNA After Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery. Gastro hep advances. 2023, 2 (7): 902-910
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  • Po-Hung Chen, Reeha Patel, Steven D Miller, Ryan Jasper, Geetanjali Chander, Susan Hutfless. Substance Use Among Patients With Incident Crohn's Disease in the United States, 2010 to 2019: A Medicaid Observational Study. Gastro hep advances. 2023, 2 (6): 747-754
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  • Gregory L Peck, Yen-Hong Kuo, Edward Nonnenmacher, Vicente H Gracias, Shawna V Hudson, Jason A Roy, Brian L Strom. Ten-Year Trends of Persistent Mortality With Gallstone Disease: A Retrospective Cohort Study in New Jersey. Gastro hep advances. 2023, 2 (6): 818-826
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  • Tatiana A Karakasheva, Yusen Zhou, Hongbo M Xie, Gloria E Soto, Tiana D Johnson, Madison A Stoltz, Daana M Roach, Noor Nema, Chizoba N Umeweni, Kaitlyn Naughton, Lauren Dolinsky, James A Pippin, Andrew D Wells, Struan F A Grant, Louis Ghanem, Natalie Terry, Amanda B Muir, Kathryn E Hamilton. Patient-derived Colonoids From Disease-spared Tissue Retain Inflammatory Bowel Disease-specific Transcriptomic Signatures. Gastro hep advances. 2023, 2 (6): 830-842
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  • J Bousaba, S Dilmaghani, A Taylor, I Busciglio, S McKinzie, M Camilleri. Comparison of Quality of Life and Psychiatric Symptoms Between Patients With Diarrhea-Predominant Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Those With Constipation-Predominant Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Gastro hep advances. 2023, 2 (5): 623-625
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  • Maya Balakrishnan. The Psychology of Behavior Change: A Neglected but Necessary Aspect of Obesity Management. Gastro hep advances. 2023, 2 (5): 626-629
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  • Hans Gregersen, Ravinder K Mittal. Rectal contractility in patients with fecal incontinence and obstructed defecation compared to normal subjects. Gastro hep advances. 2023, 2 (5): 656-659
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  • Christian Zenner, Lisa Chalklen, Helena Adjei, Matthew J Dalby, Suparna Mitra, Emma Cornwell, Alexander G Shaw, Kathleen Sim, J Simon Kroll, Lindsay J Hall. Noninvasive Fecal Cytokine and Microbiota Profiles Predict Commencement of Necrotizing Enterocolitis in a Proof-of-Concept Study. Gastro hep advances. 2023, 2 (5): 666-675
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