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  • Gastro Hep Advances: 2023, vol: , issue:
  • 1)- L Telfer, S Dalessio, A Tinsley, M Coates. Short-Term and Long-Term Opioid Use Is Associated With Poor Outcomes in Outpatients With Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Gastro hep advances. 2023, 2 (8): 1022-1024
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  • 2)- S Mukherjee, C Durkin, A M Pebenito, N D Ferrante, I C Umana, M L Kochman. Assessing ChatGPT's Ability to Reply to Queries Regarding Colon Cancer Screening Based on Multisociety Guidelines. Gastro hep advances. 2023, 2 (8): 1040-1043
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  • 3)- Edward L Barnes, Marcella H Boynton, Darren A DeWalt, Hans H Herfarth, Michael D Kappelman. Patient Reported Outcome Assessments Used in the Evaluation of Patients after Ileal Pouch-Anal Anastomosis: A Systematic Review. Gastro hep advances. 2023, 2 (8): 1044-1049
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  • 4)- H Tavares Dos Santos, K Nam, T Small, F M Maslow, O J Baker. Confirming the Identity of Tuft Cells in Mouse Submandibular Glands. Gastro hep advances. 2023, 2 (8): 1053-1055
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  • 5)- R Aita, L Chen, M P Verzi. Evaluating Performance of IsoformSwitchAnalyzeR and mRNA Isoform Switching in Small Intestine Epithelial Differentiation. Gastro hep advances. 2023, 2 (8): 1077-1081
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  • 6)- Emily W Lopes, Leo Boneschansker, Jacqueline N Chu, Jasmine B Ha, Yousef R Badran, Paige McLean Diaz, Eric M Przybyszewski, Johannes F Scheid, Sathish Subramanian, Christopher Vélez, Robert M Wilechansky, Meera Changela, James M Richter, Amiko M Uchida, Paul Lochhead. Improving the Consent Process With an Informed Consent Video Prior to Outpatient Colonoscopy. Gastro hep advances. 2023, 2 (8): 1082-1087
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  • 7)- Alyssa Mauri Cornista, Maria Virginia Giolito, Kristi Baker, Hajar Hazime, Inès Dufait, Jashodeep Datta, Saratchandra Singh Khumukcham, Mark De Ridder, Jatin Roper, Maria T Abreu, Karine Breckpot, Kevin Van der Jeught. Colorectal Cancer Immunotherapy: State of the Art and Future Directions. Gastro hep advances. 2023, 2 (8): 1103-1119
    Cited : 4
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  • 8)- Derek W Ebner, Kelli N Burger, Brendan Broderick, Douglas W Mahoney, Todd A Kellogg, Andres Acosta, John B Kisiel. Positive Predictive Value for Multitarget Stool DNA After Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery. Gastro hep advances. 2023, 2 (7): 902-910
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  • 9)- Po-Hung Chen, Reeha Patel, Steven D Miller, Ryan Jasper, Geetanjali Chander, Susan Hutfless. Substance Use Among Patients With Incident Crohn's Disease in the United States, 2010 to 2019: A Medicaid Observational Study. Gastro hep advances. 2023, 2 (6): 747-754
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  • 10)- Gregory L Peck, Yen-Hong Kuo, Edward Nonnenmacher, Vicente H Gracias, Shawna V Hudson, Jason A Roy, Brian L Strom. Ten-Year Trends of Persistent Mortality With Gallstone Disease: A Retrospective Cohort Study in New Jersey. Gastro hep advances. 2023, 2 (6): 818-826
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  • 11)- Tatiana A Karakasheva, Yusen Zhou, Hongbo M Xie, Gloria E Soto, Tiana D Johnson, Madison A Stoltz, Daana M Roach, Noor Nema, Chizoba N Umeweni, Kaitlyn Naughton, Lauren Dolinsky, James A Pippin, Andrew D Wells, Struan F A Grant, Louis Ghanem, Natalie Terry, Amanda B Muir, Kathryn E Hamilton. Patient-derived Colonoids From Disease-spared Tissue Retain Inflammatory Bowel Disease-specific Transcriptomic Signatures. Gastro hep advances. 2023, 2 (6): 830-842
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  • 12)- J Bousaba, S Dilmaghani, A Taylor, I Busciglio, S McKinzie, M Camilleri. Comparison of Quality of Life and Psychiatric Symptoms Between Patients With Diarrhea-Predominant Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Those With Constipation-Predominant Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Gastro hep advances. 2023, 2 (5): 623-625
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  • 13)- Maya Balakrishnan. The Psychology of Behavior Change: A Neglected but Necessary Aspect of Obesity Management. Gastro hep advances. 2023, 2 (5): 626-629
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  • 14)- Hans Gregersen, Ravinder K Mittal. Rectal contractility in patients with fecal incontinence and obstructed defecation compared to normal subjects. Gastro hep advances. 2023, 2 (5): 656-659
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  • 15)- Christian Zenner, Lisa Chalklen, Helena Adjei, Matthew J Dalby, Suparna Mitra, Emma Cornwell, Alexander G Shaw, Kathleen Sim, J Simon Kroll, Lindsay J Hall. Noninvasive Fecal Cytokine and Microbiota Profiles Predict Commencement of Necrotizing Enterocolitis in a Proof-of-Concept Study. Gastro hep advances. 2023, 2 (5): 666-675
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  • 16)- N Fujiwara, N Kubota, S Zhu, S Nakagawa, H Baba, Y Hoshida. Disseminative Recurrence Signature for Hepatocellular Carcinoma From Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. Gastro hep advances. 2023, 2 (5): 681-683
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  • 17)- Peter J Kahrilas, Dustin A Carlson, John E Pandolfino. Advances in the Diagnosis and Management of Achalasia and Achalasia-Like Syndromes: Insights From HRM and FLIP. Gastro hep advances. 2023, 2 (5): 701-710
    Cited : 5
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  • 18)- Dilara Hatipoğlu, Connor Mulligan, Jeffrey Wang, Juan Peticco, Reid Grinspoon, Sanjay Gadi, Camilla Mills, Jay Luther, Raymond T Chung. Differential Effects of COVID-19 Hospitalization on the Trajectory of Liver Disease Progression. Gastro hep advances. 2023, 2 (4): 480-486
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  • 19)- Olga M Herren, Arielle S Gillman, Vanessa J Marshall, Rina Das. Understanding the Changing Landscape of Health Disparities in Chronic Liver Diseases and Liver Cancer. Gastro hep advances. 2023, 2 (4): 505-520
    Cited : 4
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  • 20)- S B Greenberg, A A Ocampo, Z Xue, N C Chang, K P Thakkar, S B Reddy, C J Lee, C J Ketchem, W D Redd, S Eluri, C C Reed, E S Dellon. Increasing Rates of Esophageal Stricture and Dilation Over 2 Decades in Eosinophilic Esophagitis. Gastro hep advances. 2023, 2 (4): 521-523
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  • 21)- Jinmai Jiang, Hesamedin Hakimjavadi, Julie K Bray, Corey Perkins, Alyssa Gosling, Lais daSilva, Gamze Bulut, Jamel Ali, V Wendy Setiawan, Martha Campbell-Thompson, Srikar Chamala, Thomas D Schmittgen. Transcriptional Profile of Human Pancreatic Acinar Ductal Metaplasia. Gastro hep advances. 2023, 2 (4): 532-543
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  • 22)- Martin C Sharpe, Kelly D Pyles, Taylor Hallcox, Dakota R Kamm, Michaela Piechowski, Bryan Fisk, Carolyn J Albert, Danielle H Carpenter, Barbara Ulmasov, David A Ford, Brent A Neuschwander-Tetri, Kyle S McCommis. Enhancing Hepatic MBOAT7 Expression in Mice With Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis. Gastro hep advances. 2023, 2 (4): 558-572
    Cited : 9
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  • 23)- Taylor Boyd, Mary Paz, Imama Ahmad, Fatima Rao, Ahmad Samad, Isabelle Garcia-Fischer, Casey Silvernale, Helen Burton Murray, Kyle Staller. Unrecognized Functional Dyspepsia Among Those With Refractory Chronic Constipation: Analysis of a Tertiary Cohort. Gastro hep advances. 2023, 2 (4): 573-579
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  • 24)- Muhammad S Farooqi, Sanjiti Podury, George Crowley, Urooj Javed, Yiwei Li, Mengling Liu, Sophia Kwon, Gabriele Grunig, Abraham R Khan, Fritz Francois, Anna Nolan. Noninvasive, MultiOmic, and Multicompartmental Biomarkers of Reflux Disease: A Systematic Review. Gastro hep advances. 2023, 2 (4): 608-620
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  • 25)- Elizabeth C Wright, Devika Kapuria, Gil Ben-Yakov, Disha Sharma, Dev Basu, Min Ho Cho, Tomilowo Abijo, Kenneth J Wilkins. Time to Publication for Randomized Clinical Trials Presented as Abstracts at Three Gastroenterology and Hepatology Conferences in 2017. Gastro hep advances. 2023, 2 (3): 370-379
    Cited : 2
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  • 26)- Sabine Schneider, Sohaib K Hashmi, A Josephine Thrasher, Deepika R Kothakapa, Christina M Wright, Robert O Heuckeroth. Single Nucleus Sequencing of Human Colon Myenteric Plexus-Associated Visceral Smooth Muscle Cells, Platelet Derived Growth Factor Receptor Alpha Cells, and Interstitial Cells of Cajal. Gastro hep advances. 2023, 2 (3): 380-394
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  • 27)- Eric Kalo, Scott Read, Michael Meller, Golo Ahlenstiel. The Impact of the COVID-19 Epidemic on Hospital Admissions for Alcohol-related Liver Disease and Pancreatitis in Western Sydney. Gastro hep advances. 2023, 2 (3): 424-425
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  • 28)- Hiroki Sato, Madhusudan Grover. Gastroparesis and Functional Dyspepsia: Spectrum of Gastroduodenal Neuromuscular Disorders or Unique Entities? Gastro hep advances. 2023, 2 (3): 438-448
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  • 29)- Huan Tong, Claudio Bernardazzi, Leslie Curiel, Hua Xu, Fayez K Ghishan. The Expression of NHE8 in Liver and Its Role in Carbon Tetrachloride-Induced Liver Injury. Gastro hep advances. 2023, 2 (2): 199-208
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  • 30)- K C Darlington, A F Peery, T O Keku, J T Woosley, R S Sandler. CYP2C19 Genotype Is Not Associated With the Risk of Microscopic Colitis. Gastro hep advances. 2023, 2 (2): 242-243
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  • 31)- Monica Passi, Lauren A Gamble, Sarah G Samaranayake, Samuel A Schueler, Bryan F Curtin, Grace-Ann Fasaye, Cassidy Bowden, Sandeep Gurram, Martha Quezado, Markku Miettinen, Christopher Koh, Theo Heller, Jeremy L Davis. Association of Germline Variants and Colon Polyp Phenotypes in Patients with Hereditary Diffuse Gastric Cancer. Gastro hep advances. 2023, 2 (2): 244-251
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  • 32)- Estelle Spear Bishop, Hong Namkoong, Laure Aurelian, Madison McCarthy, Pratima Nallagatla, Wenyu Zhou, Leila Neshatian, Brooke Gurland, Aida Habtezion, Laren Becker. Age-dependent Microglial Disease Phenotype Results in Functional Decline in Gut Macrophages. Gastro hep advances. 2023, 2 (2): 261-276
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  • 33)- Hannah R Hrncir, Adam D Gracz. Cellular and transcriptional heterogeneity in the intrahepatic biliary epithelium. Gastro hep advances. 2023, 2 (1): 108-120
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  • 34)- Wissam Ghusn, Lizeth Cifuentes, Alejandro Campos, Daniel Sacoto, Alan De La Rosa, Fauzi Feris, Gerardo Calderon, Daniel Gonzalez-Izundegui, Jessica Stutzman, Maria Daniela Hurtado, Michael Camilleri, Andres Acosta. Association Between Food Intake and Gastrointestinal Symptoms in Patients With Obesity. Gastro hep advances. 2023, 2 (1): 121-128
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  • 35)- Brindusa Truta, Ferdouse Begum, Lisa Wu Datta, , Steven R Brant. Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Before and After 1990. Gastro hep advances. 2023, 2 (1): 22-32
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  • 36)- David W Basta, Mandy Vong, Adolat Beshimova, Brooke N Nakamura, Iulia Rusu, Michael G Kattah, Ling Shao. A20 Restricts NOS2 Expression and Intestinal Tumorigenesis in a Mouse Model of Colitis-Associated Cancer. Gastro hep advances. 2023, 2 (1): 96-107
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  • 37)- Robert M Hughes, Sarah Frey, Mayan Teles, Caoilfhionn M Connolly, Dorry L Segev, William A Werbel, Po-Hung Chen. Durability of Antibody Response Six Months After Two-Dose SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccination in Patients with Cirrhosis. Gastro hep advances. 2023, :
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