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  • LATEST MANUSCRIPTS IN International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy
  • Jo Verschueren, Maria Constantinou. Do the International Competencies of the Sports Physical Therapist need Updating? International journal of sports physical therapy. 2023, 18 (6): 1257-1260
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  • Nicholas Giampetruzzi, Adam P Weaver, Dylan P Roman, Joshua A Cleland, Brandon M Ness. Which Tests Predict 6-Month Isokinetic Quadriceps Strength After ACL Reconstruction? An Examination of Isometric Quadriceps Strength and Functional Tests at 3 Months. International journal of sports physical therapy. 2023, 18 (6): 1261-1270
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  • Brett S Pexa, Christopher J Johnston, Jeffrey B Taylor, Kevin R Ford. Training Load and Current Soreness Predict Future Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness in Collegiate Female Soccer Athletes. International journal of sports physical therapy. 2023, 18 (6): 1271-1282
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  • Vasileios Mylonas, Christos Chalitsios, Thomas Nikodelis. Validation of a Portable Wireless Force Platform System To Measure Ground Reaction Forces During Various Tasks. International journal of sports physical therapy. 2023, 18 (6): 1283-1289
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  • Carlos Basas, Naoaki Ito, Karin Grävare Silbernagel, Fernando Reyes-Gil, Ángel Basas. The Basas Spanish Squat: Superimposition of Electrical Stimulation to Optimize Patellar Tendon Strain: A Case Series. International journal of sports physical therapy. 2023, 18 (6): 1299-1307
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  • Umar Yousufy, Nicole J Chimera. Is There an Association Between Injury History and Lower Extremity Joint Injury During Canada Games Competition? International journal of sports physical therapy. 2023, 18 (6): 1308-1319
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  • Kate Schwartzkopf-Phifer, Katie Whetstone, Mark Marchino, Kevin Brown, Kyle Matsel. Comparison of Intervention Programs to Improve Trunk Stability for Active Females. International journal of sports physical therapy. 2023, 18 (6): 1319-1330
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  • Ashley E Disantis, RobRoy L Martin, Keelan Enseki, Victoria Spaid, Michael McClincy. Non-Operative Rehabilitation Principles for Use in Individuals with Acetabular Dysplasia: A North American Based Delphi Study. International journal of sports physical therapy. 2023, 18 (6): 1331-1345
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  • RobRoy L Martin, Amir Takla, Ashley Disantis, David Kohlrieser, Keelan Enseki, Liran Lifshitz, Louise Grant, Mario Bizzini, Mike Voight, Mark Ryan, Ryan McGovern, Timothy Tyler, Yael Steinfeld-Mass, Ashley Campbell, Yongni Zhang. Evaluating Functional Performance Tests in those with Non-arthritic Intra-articular Hip Pain: An International Consensus Statement. International journal of sports physical therapy. 2023, 18 (6): 1346-1355
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  • Christi L Williams, Christian R Falyar, Ryan C McConnell, Stacey Lindsley. Safety Considerations When Dry Needling the Multifidi in the Thoracolumbar Region: A Cadaveric Study. International journal of sports physical therapy. 2023, 18 (6): 1356-1363
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  • Kevin E Wilk, Zachary M Thomas, Robert E Mangine, Paul Fuller, George J Davies. Neurocognitive and Reactive Return to Play Testing Protocol in Overhead Athletes Following Upper Extremity Injury. International journal of sports physical therapy. 2023, 18 (6): 1364-1375
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  • Robert C Manske, Mike Voight, Phil Page, Chris Wolfe. Utilizing MSK Ultrasound for Comprehensive Assessment of the Femoral Trochlea: A Game Changer in Sports Medicine. International journal of sports physical therapy. 2023, 18 (6): 1376-1380
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  • . We are Ready for 2024! International journal of sports physical therapy. 2023, 18 (6): 90280
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  • Florian Forelli, Jérôme Riera, Jean Mazeas, Claire Coulondre, Sven Putnis, Thomas Neri, Alexandre Rambaud. Ligament Healing After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Rupture: An Important New Patient Pathway? International journal of sports physical therapy. 2023, 18 (5): 1032-1035
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  • Travis Dias, Benjamin G Lerch, Jonathan S Slowik, Kevin E Wilk, James R Andrews, E Lyle Cain, Glenn S Fleisig. Biomechanical Basis of Interval Throwing Programs for Baseball Pitchers: A Systematic Review. International journal of sports physical therapy. 2023, 18 (5): 1036-1053
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