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  • LATEST MANUSCRIPTS IN Personality Neuroscience
  • Philip Corr, Dean Mobbs. Editorial: an emerging field with bright prospects. Personality neuroscience. 2023, 6: e1
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  • William D Hopkins, Michele Mulholland, Robert D Latzman. Characterizing the personality and gray matter volume of chimpanzees that exhibit autism-related socio-communicative phenotypes. Personality neuroscience. 2023, 6: e10
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  • Markus Mück, André Mattes, Elisa Porth, Jutta Stahl. Narcissism and the perception of failure - evidence from the error-related negativity and the error positivity. Personality neuroscience. 2023, 6: e2
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  • Christian Montag, Benjamin Klugah-Brown, Xinqi Zhou, Jennifer Wernicke, Congcong Liu, Juan Kou, Yuanshu Chen, Brian W Haas, Benjamin Becker. Trust toward humans and trust toward artificial intelligence are not associated: Initial insights from self-report and neurostructural brain imaging. Personality neuroscience. 2023, 6: e3
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  • Ashley M Francis, T-Jay Anderson, Lauren Ross, Jenna N Bissonnette, Kaitlyn R Napier, N W Shead, Derek J Fisher. Examining the impact of schizotypal personality traits on event-related potential (ERP) indexes of sensory gating in a healthy population. Personality neuroscience. 2023, 6: e4
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  • Boris Klingenberg, Sinan Guloksuz, Lotta-Katrin Pries, Ozan Cinar, Claudia Menne-Lothmann, Jeroen Decoster, Ruud van Winkel, Dina Collip, Philippe Delespaul, Marc De Hert, Catherine Derom, Evert Thiery, Nele Jacobs, Marieke Wichers, Bochao D Lin, Jurjen Luykx, Jim van Os, Bart P F Rutten. Gene-environment interaction study on the polygenic risk score for neuroticism, childhood adversity, and parental bonding. Personality neuroscience. 2023, 6: e5
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  • David A Blizard, Nelson Adams, Dorret I Boomsma. The genetics of neuroticism: Insights from the Maudsley rat model and human studies. Personality neuroscience. 2023, 6: e6
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  • Vanessa A D Wilson, Michaela Masilkova. Does the primate face cue personality? Personality neuroscience. 2023, 6: e7
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  • Alberto Fernández-Teruel, Toni Cañete, Daniel Sampedro-Viana, Ignasi Oliveras, Rafael Torrubia, Adolf Tobeña. Contribution of the Roman rat lines/strains to personality neuroscience: neurobehavioral modeling of internalizing/externalizing psychopathologies. Personality neuroscience. 2023, 6: e8
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  • Ana Carolina Luchiari, Caio Maximino. Fish personality: meta-theoretical issues, personality dimensions, and applications to neuroscience and psychopathology. Personality neuroscience. 2023, 6: e9
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  • André Mattes, Markus Mück, Jutta Stahl. Perfectionism-related variations in error processing in a task with increased response selection complexity. Personality neuroscience. 2023, 5: e12
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  • Christian Montag, Mark Solms, Christine Stelzel, Kenneth L Davis. The future of the Affective Neuroscience Personality Scales: A reflection on seven pressing matters. Personality neuroscience. 2022, 5: e10
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  • Yury V Lages, Neil McNaughton. Non-human contributions to personality neuroscience - from fish through primates. An introduction to the special issue. Personality neuroscience. 2022, 5: e11
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  • Yen-Wen Chen, Turhan Canli. "Nothing to see here": No structural brain differences as a function of the personality traits from a systematic review and meta-analysis. Personality neuroscience. 2022, 5: e8
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  • Lindsey Marwood, Toby Wise, Jess Kerr-Gaffney, Rebecca Strawbridge, Steve C R Williams, Anthony J Cleare, Adam Perkins. Brain activity during pursuit and goal-conflict threat avoidance in major depressive disorder. Personality neuroscience. 2022, 5: e9
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