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  • Nagham Ghaddar, Pierre Luciano, Vincent Géli, Yves Corda. Chromatin assembly factor-1 preserves genome stability in Δ cells by promoting sister chromatid cohesion. Cell stress. 2023, 7 (9): 69-89
    Cited : 2
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  • Joseph R Merrill, Alessandra Inguscio, Taemoon Chung, Breanna Demestichas, Libia A Garcia, Jill Habel, David Y Lewis, Tobias Janowitz, Scott K Lyons. Sensitive, non-immunogenic imaging of cancer metastases and immunotherapy response. Cell stress. 2023, 7 (8): 59-68
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  • Andreas Zimmermann, Sebastian J Hofer, Frank Madeo. Molecular targets of spermidine: implications for cancer suppression. Cell stress. 2023, 7 (7): 50-58
    Cited : 3
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  • Nermina Malanovic, Djenana Vejzovic. Novel insights at the crossroads of antibiotic use and cancer risk. Cell stress. 2023, 7 (6): 46-49
    Cited : 1
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  • Yulong Tang, Simeng Liao, Zhuyuan Nie, Guangwei Kuang, Chunxiao Ji, Dan Wan, Liuqin He, Fengna Li, Xiangfeng Kong, Kai Zhan, Bie Tan, Xin Wu, Yulong Yin. CRISPR-activation screen identified potassium channels for protection against mycotoxins through cell cycle progression and mitochondrial function. Cell stress. 2023, 7 (5): 34-45
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  • Xin Yu, Ai-Ling Tian, Ping Wang, Juanjuan Li, Juan Wu, Bei Li, Zhou Liu, Siqing Liu, Zhijie Gao, Si Sun, Shengrong Sun, Yi Tu, Qi Wu. Macrolide antibiotics activate the integrated stress response and promote tumor proliferation. Cell stress. 2023, 7 (4): 20-33
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  • Safae Terrisse, Laurence Zitvogel, Guido Kroemer. Impact of microbiota on breast cancer hormone therapy. Cell stress. 2023, 7 (3): 12-19
    Cited : 3
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  • Shing Fai Chan, Keyur Vora, Rohan Dharmakumar. Chronic heart failure following hemorrhagic myocardial infarction: mechanism, treatment and outlook. Cell stress. 2023, 7 (2): 7-11
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  • Chiara Annunziata, Francesca Castoldi, Schlegel Jan, Hazel X Ang, Mina Ristovska, Stefania Melini, Robert Welch, Christian G Riedel, Federico Pietrocola. A versatile method for the identification of senolytic compounds. Cell stress. 2023, 7 (12): 105-111
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  • Fabian Richter, Christophe Paget, Lionel Apetoh. STING-driven activation of T cells: relevance for the adoptive cell therapy of cancer. Cell stress. 2023, 7 (11): 95-104
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  • Mohammed K Hankir. Gut microbiota turn up the heat after bariatric surgery. Cell stress. 2023, 7 (10): 90-94
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  • Maria Castedo, Antoine Lafarge, Guido Kroemer. Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 and its ambiguous role in cellular life and death. Cell stress. 2023, 7 (1): 1-6
    Cited : 2
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  • Charlotte R Bell, Santiago Zelenay. COX-2 upregulation by tumour cells post-chemotherapy fuels the immune evasive dark side of cancer inflammation. Cell stress. 2022, 6 (9): 76-78
    Cited : 4
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  • Mahmoud Abdellatif, Tobias Eisenberg, Alexander Martin Heberle, Kathrin Thedieck, Guido Kroemer, Simon Sedej. Cardiac PI3K p110α attenuation delays aging and extends lifespan. Cell stress. 2022, 6 (8): 72-75
    Cited : 3
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  • Mohammed K Hankir. A purinergic call to arms from dying brown adipocytes. Cell stress. 2022, 6 (7): 68-71
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