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BMC Pediatrics

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SUBJECTS : Paediatric

  • Theresa Fulfs, Tanja Poulain, Mandy Vogel, Kolja Nenoff, Wieland Kiess. Associations between sleep problems and emotional/behavioural difficulties in healthy children and adolescents. BMC pediatrics. 2024, 24 (1): 15
    Cited : 2
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  • Belayneh Shetie Workneh, Enyew Getaneh Mekonen, Alebachew Ferede Zegeye. Appropriate feeding practices and associated factors during diarrheal disease among children aged 6 to 23 months in Sub-Saharan Africa: a multilevel analysis of the recent demographic and health survey. BMC pediatrics. 2024, 24 (1): 23
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  • Kasper Bredal, Line Tegtmeier Frandsen, Jacob Holmen Terkelsen, Martin Hollænder Nielsen, Dorte Melgaard, Anne Lund Krarup. There is a long way from current clinical practice in Denmark compared to recent published English guideline on management of children with eosinophilic oesophagitis. BMC pediatrics. 2024, 24 (1): 24
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  • Gülsüm Özen, Bülent Güneş, Suzan Yalçın, Sıddika Songül Yalçın. Mother-child pairs' eating and feeding behaviours in two different nutritional status from two distinct provinces. BMC pediatrics. 2024, 24 (1): 25
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  • Mami Kuwamura, Kentaro Tanaka, Atsuto Onoda, Kentaro Taki, Chihaya Koriyama, Kyoko Kitagawa, Toshihiro Kawamoto, Mayumi Tsuji. Measurement of Bisphenol A Diglycidyl Ether (BADGE), BADGE derivatives, and Bisphenol F Diglycidyl Ether (BFDGE) in Japanese infants with NICU hospitalization history. BMC pediatrics. 2024, 24 (1): 26
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  • Philip Gyaase, Edward Aduse-Poku, Mavis Opoku Lanquaye, Emmanuel Boateng Acheampong, David Ben Sampson. Health seeking behaviour and knowledge on neonatal danger signs among neonatal caregivers in Upper Denkyira East Municipality, Ghana. BMC pediatrics. 2024, 24 (1): 27
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  • Ying Li, Li Cheng, Yun Peng, Lin Wang, Wenzhi Zhang, Yuhong Yin, Jing Zhang, Xiaoyan Wu. The role of genetic factors in pediatric myelodysplastic syndromes with different outcomes. BMC pediatrics. 2024, 24 (1): 28
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  • Yuly Astuti, Seung Chun Paek, Natthani Meemon, Thammarat Marohabutr. Analysis of traditional feeding practices and stunting among children aged 6 to 59 months in Karanganyar District, Central Java Province, Indonesia. BMC pediatrics. 2024, 24 (1): 29
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  • Emebet Gashaw Wassie, Mesfin Wogayehu Tenagashaw, Tenaw Yimer Tiruye. Women empowerment and childhood stunting: evidence from rural northwest Ethiopia. BMC pediatrics. 2024, 24 (1): 30
    Cited : 2
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  • Negar Mirsalehi, Jila Yavarian, Nastaran Ghavami, Maryam Naseri, Farshad Khodakhah, Somayeh Shatizadeh Malekshahi, Sevrin Zadheidar, Talat Mokhtari-Azad, Nazanin-Zahra Shafiei-Jandaghi. Congenital cytomegalovirus infection in newborns suspected of congenital rubella syndrome in Iran: a cross-sectional study. BMC pediatrics. 2024, 24 (1): 31
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  • Haiyan Guo, Jinrong Fu, Yufeng Zhou, Feihong Luo, Ruoqian Cheng. Evaluating the effect of recombinant human growth hormone treatment on sleep-related breathing disorders in toddlers with Prader-Willi syndrome: a one-year retrospective cohort study. BMC pediatrics. 2024, 24 (1): 32
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  • Catherine Chamay Weber, Claudine Gal-Duding, Albane Br Maggio. Family based behavioral treatment in adolescents suffering from obesity: evolution through adulthood. BMC pediatrics. 2024, 24 (1): 33
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  • Chinmayee B Nagaraj, Diana S Brightman, Hannah Rea, Emily Wakefield, Nina V G Harkavy, Lisa Dyer, Wenying Zhang. Detection of a novel gross deletion in the UNC13D gene ends the diagnostic odyssey for a family with familial hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis 3. BMC pediatrics. 2024, 24 (1): 34
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  • Siamak Shiva, Khatereh Rezazadeh, Asmar Amiraslanzadeh, Bahareh Mehramuz, Sadollah Yeganehdoost, Majid Mahallei. Continuous versus intermittent bolus infusion of calcium in preterm infants receiving total parenteral nutrition: a randomized blind clinical trial. BMC pediatrics. 2024, 24 (1): 35
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  • Adelaide Lusambili, Sari Kovats, Britt Nakstad, Veronique Filippi, Peter Khaemba, Nathalie Roos, Cherie Part, Stanley Luchters, Matthew Chersich, Jeremy Hess, Kadidiatou Kadio, Fiona Scorgie. Too hot to thrive: a qualitative inquiry of community perspectives on the effect of high ambient temperature on postpartum women and neonates in Kilifi, Kenya. BMC pediatrics. 2024, 24 (1): 36
    Cited : 0
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