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  • Roxana Maurizio, Ana Paula Monsalvo, María Sol Catania, Silvana Martinez. Short-term labour transitions and informality during the COVID-19 pandemic in Latin America. Journal for labour market research. 2023, 57 (1): 15
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  • Benjamin Küfner, Joseph W Sakshaug, Stefan Zins. Establishment survey participation during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal for labour market research. 2022, 56 (1): 18
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  • Martin Abraham, Matthias Collischon, Veronika Grimm, Frauke Kreuter, Klaus Moser, Cornelia Niessen, Claus Schnabel, Gesine Stephan, Mark Trappmann, Tobias Wolbring. COVID-19, normative attitudes and pluralistic ignorance in employer-employee relationships. Journal for labour market research. 2022, 56 (1): 19
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