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One Health Outlook

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  • LATEST MANUSCRIPTS IN One Health Outlook
  • Sarah Humboldt-Dachroeden. Translating One Health knowledge across different institutional and political contexts in Europe. One health outlook. 2023, 5 (1): 1
    Cited : 4
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  • Yewande Alimi, James Wabacha. Strengthening coordination and collaboration of one health approach for zoonotic diseases in Africa. One health outlook. 2023, 5 (1): 10
    Cited : 5
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  • Paul Gwakisa, Janeth George, Calvin Sindato, Anibariki Ngonyoka, Happiness Nnko, Justine Assenga, Sharadhuli Kimera, Moses Ole Nessele. Pillars for successful operationalization of one health as an ecosystem approach: experience from a human-animal interface in the Maasai steppe in Tanzania. One health outlook. 2023, 5 (1): 11
    Cited : 2
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  • Mengistu Abayneh, Ahmed Zeynudin, Rahel Tamrat, Mulualem Tadesse, Abraham Tamirat. Drug resistance and extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBLs) - producing Enterobacteriaceae, Acinetobacter and Pseudomonas species from the views of one-health approach in Ethiopia: a systematic review and meta-analysis. One health outlook. 2023, 5 (1): 12
    Cited : 2
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  • Belinda Joseph Mligo, Calvin Sindato, Richard B Yapi, Mpoki Mwabukusi, Coletha Mathew, Ernatus M Mkupasi, Esron D Karimuribo, Rudovick R Kazwala. Effect of awareness training to frontline health workers and the use of e-based technology on reporting of brucellosis cases in selected pastoral communities, Tanzania: a quasi-experimental study. One health outlook. 2023, 5 (1): 13
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  • Mónica Salas-Rojas, Edmilson Ferreira de Oliveira-Filho, Cenia Almazán-Marín, Alba Zulema Rodas-Martínez, Álvaro Aguilar-Setién, Jan Felix Drexler. Serological evidence for potential yellow fever virus infection in non-human primates, southeastern Mexico. One health outlook. 2023, 5 (1): 14
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  • Andreas Eleftheriou, Samantha Swisher, Andréia Arruda, Amanda Berrian, Risa Pesapane. Describing the experience of livestock producers from Ohio, USA with ticks and associated diseases. One health outlook. 2023, 5 (1): 15
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  • Freda Loy Aceng, Joshua Kayiwa, Peter Elyanu, Joseph Ojwang, Luke Nyakarahuka, Stephen Balinandi, Jayne Byakika-Tusiime, Alfred Wejuli, Julie Rebecca Harris, John Opolot. Rift valley fever outbreak in Sembabule District, Uganda, December 2020. One health outlook. 2023, 5 (1): 16
    Cited : 2
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  • Judith L Capper. The impact of controlling diseases of significant global importance on greenhouse gas emissions from livestock production. One health outlook. 2023, 5 (1): 17
    Cited : 2
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  • Thomas C Mettenleiter, Wanda Markotter, Dominique F Charron, Wiku B Adisasmito, Salama Almuhairi, Casey Barton Behravesh, Pépé Bilivogui, Salome A Bukachi, Natalia Casas, Natalia Cediel Becerra, Abhishek Chaudhary, Janice R Ciacci Zanella, Andrew A Cunningham, Osman Dar, Nitish Debnath, Baptiste Dungu, Elmoubasher Farag, George F Gao, David T S Hayman, Margaret Khaitsa, Marion P G Koopmans, Catherine Machalaba, John S Mackenzie, Serge Morand, Vyacheslav Smolenskiy, Lei Zhou. The One Health High-Level Expert Panel (OHHLEP). One health outlook. 2023, 5 (1): 18
    Cited : 9
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  • Lena Ch'ng, Dolyce H W Low, Sophie A Borthwick, Rong Zhang, Zoe A Ong, Yvonne C F Su, Alan T Hitch, Gavin J D Smith, Ian H Mendenhall. Evolution and ecology of Jeilongvirus among wild rodents and shrews in Singapore. One health outlook. 2023, 5 (1): 19
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  • Mabel Kamweli Aworh, Jacob K P Kwaga, Rene S Hendriksen, Emmanuel C Okolocha, Erin Harrell, Siddhartha Thakur. Quinolone-resistant Escherichia coli at the interface between humans, poultry and their shared environment- a potential public health risk. One health outlook. 2023, 5 (1): 2
    Cited : 11
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  • Touseef Ahmed, Osama Bin Amjad, Haseeb Ahmed, Shafique Ahmed, Jamil Ahmed Ansari, Robert Ricketson, Muhammad Farooq Tahir. A cross-sectional survey on fruit bat-human interaction in Pakistan; one health perspective. One health outlook. 2023, 5 (1): 3
    Cited : 2
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  • Lauren E Van Patter, Julia Linares-Roake, Andrea V Breen. What does One Health want? Feminist, posthuman, and anti-colonial possibilities. One health outlook. 2023, 5 (1): 4
    Cited : 7
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  • Rino Rappuoli, Paul Young, Eliora Ron, Simone Pecetta, Mariagrazia Pizza. Save the microbes to save the planet. A call to action of the International Union of the Microbiological Societies (IUMS). One health outlook. 2023, 5 (1): 5
    Cited : 11
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